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Posts posted by dcnx

  1. Looks like a boy dressed as a girl to me very masculine face. If he is male even if he says he is more female than male he should not be in a female team in my point of view anyway

    That's one of the reasons they eat hormones (he doesn't), is to soften their features and grow little breast. The downside is, it can make them tired all the time and gain too much weight if not careful. It's a balancing act.

    His face and body is a dead give away that he's 100% a male not on any hormones whatsoever.

    I briefly dated a trans years back when I was young and curious. It was eye opening. Yea, some actually believe they are woman, but many don't. They are just confused and are flamboyant gay men seeking attention. Seeing them in their private life would tell you everything you need to know about them. Men are men and long hair and a dress won't hide that, no matter how feminine you try to make your voice. But those who really believe they are woman, that shows too, in every aspect. Some that I have met are trans because their family would dress them like a girl when they were a child so they figured that's what they are supposed to do. Very confused people, some of them.

    Ice moved to Alaska from Thailand just a couple of years ago. Living in the real world, I'd love to see him 5 years from now and see if he's living as a male or a female. My hunch, based on him currently doing nothing to hormonally change his appearance, is that he'll be a man. Especially after being out of crazy Thailand for a while where his friends probably encouraged his behavior. But who knows, maybe Ice is legit and will have a sexual reassignment surgery in the future and cut off her Willie. THAT is how you truly know they think they are a woman. Unless that commitment is made, I'm sceptical of all of them.

    It is interesting you mention that some male to female trans people became that way because they were dressed up as girls when they were young.

    There is an autobiography written by Walt Heyer, an ex post op male to female transgender (man who became a woman , had genital surgery, and then changed back to being a man) who lived for years as a woman before studying psychology and being able to self analyze. He says that his grandmother dressing him as a girl caused him to develop a disorder and become transgender, in much the same way as you said. Apparently, he would see his grandmother once a week and she would dress him up in girls clothes, heap praise on him and make him feel special.

    Not surprised at all. A have met many who claim this is the reason they are what they are.

    In regards to Thais, it is even more common. They even encourage them, put makeup on them and treat them as little girks when they are too young to know better. I'm sure this does great damage to a child mentally on a subconscious level.

    All of that leads me back to my original comment about SOME of them are just confused people and it has nothing to do with being born a woman trapped in a male body. It's sad really.

  2. A transgender person by DEFINITION identifies with the sex other than their birth sex.

    So you say you dated "trans" women that did not.

    They were not transgender women.

    Don't conflate GENDER identification with sexual ORIENTATION.

    They are separate things.

    As far as sexual orientation, a transgender person may be attracted to males, females, both, or neither, just as any human.

    As far as Miss Ice, yeah she doesn't appear to be on hormones but that's really her personal concern, and has anyone actually provided a link saying either way?

    Also keep in mind, it's not a public matter whether a transgender person has undergone surgery. It's only something of concern to their doctors or people intimate with them.

    Of course, Miss Ice would normally be too young for any kind of radical surgery, but not too young for hormone therapy.

    The one I dated believed 100% that she was a woman. She looked like one, acted like one, smelled like one, and lived every aspect of her life as one. There was nothing manly about her. Had the SRS (chopped), and besides the fact that she was born a he, she is a woman.

    Some of her friends.... dudes, without question. Painfully obvious.

    I feel for them, the legit ones. In addition to everything else that comes with gender confusion, the hormones really can play with her heads even more. Imagine a woman in her crazy stage when she is about to start her period, it's hormones that does that. So THAT, all the time. Flip a coin, you never know what mood about to get from one minute to the next.

    All of that said, they do not need to be competing against women in sports. Period. Create a new category or let them complete based on what their government issued IDs say, male or female.

  3. Looks like a boy dressed as a girl to me very masculine face. If he is male even if he says he is more female than male he should not be in a female team in my point of view anyway

    That's one of the reasons they eat hormones (he doesn't), is to soften their features and grow little breast. The downside is, it can make them tired all the time and gain too much weight if not careful. It's a balancing act.

    His face and body is a dead give away that he's 100% a male not on any hormones whatsoever.

    I briefly dated a trans years back when I was young and curious. It was eye opening. Yea, some actually believe they are woman, but many don't. They are just confused and are flamboyant gay men seeking attention. Seeing them in their private life would tell you everything you need to know about them. Men are men and long hair and a dress won't hide that, no matter how feminine you try to make your voice. But those who really believe they are woman, that shows too, in every aspect. Some that I have met are trans because their family would dress them like a girl when they were a child so they figured that's what they are supposed to do. Very confused people, some of them.

    Ice moved to Alaska from Thailand just a couple of years ago. Living in the real world, I'd love to see him 5 years from now and see if he's living as a male or a female. My hunch, based on him currently doing nothing to hormonally change his appearance, is that he'll be a man. Especially after being out of crazy Thailand for a while where his friends probably encouraged his behavior. But who knows, maybe Ice is legit and will have a sexual reassignment surgery in the future and cut off her Willie. THAT is how you truly know they think they are a woman. Unless that commitment is made, I'm sceptical of all of them.

  4. Those cops won't get a pat on the back from me this time nor will they get praised for a 'job well done'..........

    As I read the article:

    The two boys, one aged 12 and another 15, they came from Mae Chan district to look for two men known only as Boy and Art at a bus terminal in Sansai district, from where they said they were paid 150,000 baht to deliver the two baggage to another person at Morchit bus terminal in Bangkok.

    Why, oh why, didn't they accompany the boys to the bus station (maybe put GPS tracking in the bags and on the boys) and when these boys met 'Boy and Art' then nab a couple more who just may have some idea who the Bigger Bosses are. Probably Bangkok Police or Army, is my guess..............

    You nailed it. Because they can't track it too deep or badges and brass will be caught in the mix. Instead, react on a tip, bust them in motion, you're a hero, look at how good we're doing, rinse and repeat.

    It would be so easy to follow the trail, but it never, ever happens, and for good reason.

    Know any Tai Yai people? Most of them know where yaabaa factories are in the mountains. If they know, the police know, yet, as usual, the factories operate year after year with only a few mules being thrown under the bus when needed.

  5. ...12 and 15 years old....

    ...and why are they giving drugs nicknames now...to make them sound cute ...???

    ...this must be happening way more times than we can imagine....

    ...where do all those drugs go....and the money.....

    ...this is like Colombia here....

    In Colombia, back before they cleaned a lot of this up, they would kidnap a family member or your child and force you to carry the drugs, or they kill the person.

    Not sure if they are still there, but there used to be signs all over every airport alerting the drug mules of their crime and that they can turn themselves in and ask for help if they need it. A last chance for the (mostly female) mules before it was too late.

    They also had them swallow the drugs. This is still done in Mexico.

    Thailand is behind the times with drug mules (surprise). China and some African nations are building suitcases and make-up containers out of drugs, or lining the insides with them. Even items that are built the drug that they can repurose. It's impressive.

    Makes you think twice about putting your bags under a Thai bus. With the bus boys in on it, they could place the drugs in foreigner's bags (or anyone's) as they pass a police check point, then remove them upon arrival. The stranger takes the fall and had no idea how it happened. I'm sure this already happens, we just haven't heard about it yet.

  6. I'm about as liberal minded as it gets, and I very much support the rights of transgenders, BUT ....

    A "woman" who is genetically a male with the genes and body of a man has an unfair physical advantage over a woman. And even though he/she did not win the final competition, he/she displaced some women in previous competitions, which allowed her to reach the finals, and them to not.

    Ok then lets use your "logic"

    She beat others earlier in precious lead up comps. Then she failed to win the final.

    Then as you say because she beat others in the lead up comps, she displaced women. These same women who lost to her. What, they are going to take a miracle drug and then win the final comp?

    May the best person win!

    I think you missed the main point of his post - " A "woman" who is genetically a male with the genes and body of a man has an unfair physical advantage over a woman."

    I've nothing against transgenders, but male transgenders should not be allowed to compete as a female.

    Complete BS! If your statement was true why didn't she win?

    Let me help you, because your opinion is a complete false statement.

    Thais hardly ever beat westerners in sport.

    Not Thai bashing, it's just a fact.

    But the real reason, as it has already been said, he simply ran slower than the competition.

  7. I've seen farang and in Thais tuning retail business all over the place lately from big c to platinum fashion to mbk just curious if rules are changing. One farang in big c was calling to Thais as they walked by...

    There is a <deleted> farang working at store here selling skin cream. He insisted to give my (now ex) girlfriend a demonstration and she put in some cream to test it out.

    She didn't like it and said no thanks, then he actually asked her if she wanted it and was I just to cheap to buy it for her. He spoke fluent Thai to her assuming I didn't understand. I told him to **** off and we left. I wanted to hit him in the throat but it wasn't worth it, he's a douchebag.

    Her skin then broke out in a rash a while later.

    That was over a year ago. He's still here but working at another store at a different mall.

  8. Sorry we conda can't all be Space Shuttle mission Commanders and 747 Captains blink.png .

    You know, the 737 I fly is certificated for 15 knot tailwind takeoff/landing as long as certain conditions are complied with. Then we routinely climb up to altitude and sometimes enjoy tailwinds of 80, 100, 200+ knots, you name it

    So why do we not "flip over", experience "instability", or stall?

    Yes, a tailwind increases takeoff or landing distance required (ceteris paribus) but "Air flowing accross the wings" has nothing to with groundspeed and tailwind operations are not germane to a discussion of aerodynamic stability or stalling at all.

    I understand why people might think such things, but they never read it in any flight manual or heard it from somebody who knows what they are talking about so it is baffling to me why people continue to post such rubbish, even on an internet forum. Then again so-called professional journalists publish sensational inane things all the time whenever there is a major accident/incident. Based solely on speculation and with poor understanding of basic aeronautic principles and flight operations standards and procedures.

    CNN "B777 will struggle hold altitude with empty fuel tanks!"

    attachicon.gifImageUploadedByThaivisa Connect1464764133.001215.jpg

    I agree with most of what you said however I do think you ma need to think about the sentance about takeoff distance.

    A plane takes off at the airspeed calculated to enable it to climb. (simpification agreed)....If this speed is 145 knots this speed will be reached at a groundspeed of 0 knots if the headwind is 145 knots. If there is a tailwind of 145 knots it would need to be doing a groundspeed of 290 knots. It takes distance to get the airpeed from negative 145 knots to 0 knots and then the aircraft has to add another 145 knots airspeed to lift off.

    This lift is produced by the air flowing across the wings....and thus has a lot to do with groundspeed and tailwind ops......not however with aerodynamic stability.

    Of course speed/direction of wind, is a factor in takeoff and landing performance calculations, as I wrote in my post.

    In your extreme example of the plane taking off in 145 know headwind it is not becoming airborne because of groundspeed reached but lift developed (simplification agreed). We have all see Helicopters and aerobatic aircraft perform flawlessly with zero groundspeed. A wing or other airfoil does not give a monkey's about the direction or strength of the prevailing wind. Clearly you know what you are talking about but there is lot of confusion here. Explained quite clearly in Langewiesche's book.

    Parked planes in trouble..

    Being a space shuttle commander has a certain allure to it.....but really a 747 'captain' and I use that term loosely (captains command ships) is not much more than a bus driver.....even less so with the more modern aircraft that a kid with some video game skills could operate.I asked a work colleague what her husband did for work - apparently he is a 'coach captain'.


    Thanks for the afternoon chuckle.

  9. They have more right to be there than any one on Thai visa,after all they don't have to report to immigration every 90 days.

    Maybe they take the same stance against the invasion of western ex pats like yourself.

    Perhaps it is you who should be removed from their country.

    It's all about perspective.

  10. Yet King Power has been the monopoly for the past decades, not to mention the owner is one of the richest in Thailand....good that Lotte Duty Free from Korea will be opening end of the year, giving King Power a run for its money...but I believe Lotte does not have a stand at the airport yet.

    Was just at Lotte in Seoul a few days ago with my gf. The duty free skin care floor was so crowded with Chinese, I've never seen anything like it. It looked as if they announced they were giving out free gold. 1000s of them packed into the area, yelling and clawing their way to a counter. Total chaos.

  11. Sorry, but if you are in an all boys school and you choose to wear make up and act like a girl, you asked for it.

    You go to school to learn, NOT parade your sexuality. Put on your girlie clothes and make up when you get home.

    And one of the things you should learn in school is to accept people for who they are and not what you think they should be.
    I do accept them, but sexuality and gender confusion do not belong in school. Neither does religion and racism.

    Sure, cover it in class so everyone knows what it is. Talk about it from a scientific point of view and move on. But boys dressing like girls at school is not appropriate, ever. Neither is it appropriate in the workplace. However, what you do in your private life is up to you.

    Nope. Acceptance of those who are different from you/the norm is an essential part of any decent education system.

    And that has nothing to do with little boys dressing like little girls at school.

    I wouldn't be permitted to go to school dreassed in an ape costume every day, even if I believed I was an ape. It would be disruptive to those around me. But, I'm an ape trapped in a boy's body! Doesn't matter, when you are in school everyone should be equal, thus school uniforms.

    Some things are just common sense.

  12. Depending on where you are, some cities have healthy meal delivery services that put together prepped meals, all healthy and cheap, around 70b per meal or so. It makes eating so much easier for guys like us who don't like to spend too much time in the kitchen.

  13. Sorry, but if you are in an all boys school and you choose to wear make up and act like a girl, you asked for it.

    You go to school to learn, NOT parade your sexuality. Put on your girlie clothes and make up when you get home.

    And one of the things you should learn in school is to accept people for who they are and not what you think they should be.
    I do accept them, but sexuality and gender confusion do not belong in school. Neither does religion and racism.

    Sure, cover it in class so everyone knows what it is. Talk about it from a scientific point of view and move on. But boys dressing like girls at school is not appropriate, ever. Neither is it appropriate in the workplace. However, what you do in your private life is up to you.

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