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Everything posted by earlinclaifornia

  1. Honestly, who has ever heard of the VP choice as having impact on results. We have to agree maybe this time might be different but historically no effect ever.
  2. Registered Voters: 2,083,979 ‍ Democratic Party: 631,689 (30.31%) Republican Party: 718,901 (34.50%) Third Party/Other: 18,289 (0.90%) Unaffiliated: 715,100 (34.31%) https://independentvoterproject.org/voter-stats/ia
  3. Only 1.6% of Iowa voters voted in the caucus. How can anyone call that either historic or a landslide?
  4. I don't think this will matter at all come November but you can hope your not imagining the up-tic your feeling is real. Little seems crazy and more likely this is an expected outcome.
  5. You know the hot mic caught him saying Haley will get smoked. Why take a side when you're sure the endorsing is a waste. Haley will get 'smoked' in 2024 race, Christie says in hot mic moment (msn.com)
  6. My daily is Apple Music and Accuradio, both excellent.
  7. South Carolina 2024: Trump Leads Haley in South Carolina by 29-points - Emerson Polling (emersoncollegepolling.com)
  8. It is very true that it is narrow minded, we agree on that. You're not wanting Trump as your able to accept beating Biden is more important.
  9. If she does beat Trump in NH I don't think the Republican party would ever nominate a female. Also, now Trump has branded her for good. Trump Campaign Brands Nikki Haley 'RINO' And Unleashes New Tax-Related Nickname, As She Gains Ground In Republican Presidential Nomination Polls For 2024 Election - Benzinga
  10. I was just thinking the same thing. I so would care to hear the responses by the MAGA posters, as far as positioning. Believing that RINO's have a different slant.
  11. https://news.yahoo.com/chris-christie-caught-hot-mic-012242241.html?fr=sycsrp_catchall
  12. Even better than defending him is calling out the "wokes". Keep it flowing until November the 5th! I love conspirators as they are creative as all hell.
  13. I think the world of your posts so keep the honest points continue please.
  14. I can't stomach his NZ hatred for America and will ignore him forever.
  15. So somehow you are offended by Biden telling the truth? But two days ago from a MAGA rally speech: Trump Resurrects Notorious ‘Fight Like Hell’ Jan. 6 Message at Campaign Rally (msn.com)
  16. My reading is just the opposite. He is changing the narrative back to Bidenomics as the people, by November will see the positions in their personal life have indeed changed.
  17. I am seeing the same effect when she was well ahead in all the polls and suddenly the news that Donald has a path. But it is Biden the one behind now.
  18. Maybe so but don't bet ya farm on it. LOL
  19. The adviser to the VP on Trump pressuring him has a clear take on the ultimate ruling.
  20. Just started from Netflix Society of the snow https://www.imdb.com/title/tt16277242/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_0_tt_4_nm_4_q_society%20of%20the%20snow
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