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Posts posted by earlinclaifornia

  1. 2 hours ago, Jingthing said:

    Sounds like when Bernie loses there are going to be a lot of people feeling burned and reluctant to unite behind Biden to defeat the existential threat to democracy in the white house. That's a real shame but not worth nominating Bernie so that he can be labeled a commie by fox and 45.

    AOC is on record as Bernie's biggest backer that if Biden wins all of his supporters will unite to unseat trump Didn't you see her interview the other day?

  2. 2 hours ago, sucit said:

    Yes, "running your mouth" and stating facts about the countries the US government has labled as "bad" is in fact political suicide in the USA. Which, the retort to that is, how <deleted> idiotic are Americans? It is ok to say good things about Saudi Arabia though, right? A place where people are beheaded in public. But that's ok! Because the US government loves the Saudis and the petro-dollar they helped enable. 


    You are using the wrong verbs. I never said "instructed". Three candidates simultaneously came out in support of a candidate who can't even talk. Their name is the "democratic" party. Wikileaks has proved this stuff happened in 2016. If you do not see that as a DNC coordinated effort to halt the chances of a candidate they do not like, you need some better critical thinking skills. Their job is to let people vote for their favorite candidate, you know this, right? Their job is not to skew the results to the outcome will keep their pockets full and their jobs intact. 


    I will end on agreeing with you in that Sanders could do much better. He certainly should stop calling Joe Biden his friend. Biden is Hillary 2.0 with alzheimers. Or, the most warmongering, establishment upholding would be president I can think of... with alzheimers... ok i took two shots at spelling that and I am done trying. 



    Seriously? point 2.0 So funny that she was attached daily for years and years. Biden is only recently being steadly attacked, BIBLY difference. More like you are praying he ends up with her results me think.

  3. 8 hours ago, xylophone said:

    It's just been proven that some of the so-called Bidens "mistakes" are in fact faked by those folk who would do such a thing and post them on the likes of Twitter and so on.


    I wonder who would do that??


    Luckily enough, videos relating to the stuff ups by the current CIC are plentiful and genuine!

    Did you see where that video was taken down having Biden backing trump? The wet and modified it. Go technology!  LOL ! Many more attempts like that are soon to fill the media I am betting.

  4. 9 hours ago, sucit said:

    It is so easy to see through what is happening in this primary.


    The DNC is so afraid of the change a Sander's presidency would bring toward their pocketbooks and positions, that they are willing to rally behind even a non-viable candidate to defeat him. 


    In other words, positive change would start happening for the people under a Sander's presidency. The DNC does not like that. They like the status quo, which within the DNC means "you scratch my back, I'll scratch your, to hell with helping the people". 


    In what world will you see two or three candidates simultaneously endorse a candidate who quite frankly cannot even speak. Who appears lost during the middle of his teleprompter led speeches. 


    And, you will continue to see move after move by the DNC that protects this place holder candidate. 


    These DNC and other influential leaders obviously do not actually support Biden in his current state, they are simply afraid of the negative impact a Sanders presidency would have on their own lives. 

    More accurately the Democrats needs the WH to enable a VP choice that will move the party left more gradually. 

  5. 10 hours ago, Silurian said:

    I still think that Biden will pick a relatively low key woman for VP. I doubt he will pick a high profile person like Kamala, Amy or Warren.


    You can look at the photo above and see a potential running mate in Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer. It would help give him that much needed mid-west vote.


    Others include female Senators such as Debbie Stabenow (D-MI), Heidi Heitkamp (D-ND), Tammy Baldwin (D-WI), Tammy Duckworth (D-IL) or Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ).


    There are other female Governors and Representatives as well. I think the net will be cast wide for a female that is well liked and from a swing state. 

    Val Demings delivering Florida is my latest idea.

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  6. 25 minutes ago, Kelsall said:

    Bernie is now accepting his lot in life.  Perhaps someone just bought him another house.  Operation Screw Bernie has succeeded and is now complete.


    "Bernie Sanders says he would support Joe Biden’s presidential candidacy if the former vice president goes to the Democratic National Convention with the most delegates but not with a nomination-clinching majority."



    That post share is considerate of you? Bernie shows class. Why share that?

    • Confused 1
  7. 15 hours ago, riclag said:

    "My name is Joe biden .I'm the dem candidate  for US Senate" -1972.


    "My name is Joe biden .I'm the dem candidate  for US Senate"- 2020.


    Joe is surging  in gaffs!


    "We hold these truths to be self-evident. All men and women created by — you know, you know the thing". 





     health care for illegal immigrants,Pro Paris climate change,gun control,no tariffs!

    Who will  financially benefit from his name,not me! 

    The part about YOU not benifiting probably is GREAT for Americans

    • Thanks 1
  8. 17 hours ago, Ventenio said:

    Bloomberg really did GREAT!!!!  


    He could have saved 932749204732943489324324 poor families or got 7 electoral (?) votes....  I'd take that 7 any day!!!!  


    He should go and spend 10 billion on commercials and go watch them at church with friends from the slums of Detroit.  



    Two part plan. Mike to continue as the attack dog and leave Biden to act Presidential.

    • Confused 1
    • Haha 1
  9. 17 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:

    How do you vote for a guy who doesn't know where he is most of the time, makes up 

    weird facts, thinks his wife is his sister, confuses Thursday with Tuesday, sniffs young kids and sees nothing wrong with his son accepting huge sums of money from a financially beholden foreign power?

    OK then enlighten me as to how Americans with the choices of:  Sleepy, senile and decent loses to trump fatigue?

  10. 1 hour ago, zydeco said:

    In his debates, Trump doesn't debate. He mocks. He attacks. He ridicules. He glides from one lie to another. Several in a minute. It will take someone fast on their feet, with a vicious streak, to bring him down. That sound like Joe Biden??? Warren can do it. Maybe Sanders can. But Biden. No chance. And Bloomberg? Deer in the headlights.

    Ever with your points well in hand . Since when has the election most recently had a debate effect?

  11. 2 hours ago, zydeco said:

    Joe Biden will never run as the nominee.  He is nothing more than a wrecking ball against Sanders. I expect that once he has amassed all his delegates that we'll hear of him retiring from the race because of a recent diagnosis of dementia. The party establishment then might then think about putting up one of their insiders, someone we haven't even had in the public spotlight.  Personally, I hope Warren sticks around, because she just might be able to pick up the pieces at the convention after mush brain quits.

    Honestly, if you are really being serious "retiring from the race because of a recent diagnosis of dementia" ? That is the best laugh I have had most recently. I like the VP choices. Warren sticking around to the covention may be her best move yet to earn VP.

    • Haha 1
  12. 4 hours ago, Jingthing said:

    I see you say you aren't American so I will share with you that It's a fact that when incumbents run for reelection it's always mostly about a referendum on the incumbent. Also the incumbent is always automatically favored because of both money and the bully pulpit of the presidency. In 45s case the word bully couldn't be more apt. 


    So I'm not saying anything much different than whatever is already known about all presidential elections with incumbents. 


    Democrats clearly have a consensus now that uniting behind Biden regardless of his obvious flaws is a better bet than Bernie. 


    Some reasons? 


    Other than his obvious problem of self labeling as a socialist consider these facts


    Bernie has low appeal with African Americans 


    Bernie has low appeal with suburban women 


    Bernie has massive appeal with younger voters but guess what they turn out to vote very poorly! 




     I think just as important was the "Down Ballot" fears and that reailty scared Dem's swing supporting  Biden.

    • Like 1
  13. 1 hour ago, lannarebirth said:

    Joe could wrap up the primaries, the convention and the general this week if he named Andrew Yang as his VP choice. It would immediately close the generational divide the Democrats are experiencing and take the wind out of Bernie's sails. He would have to adopt some of Yang's democratic reform proposals and at least pay lipservice to his UBI proposal to the extent he agrees to run some pilot programs. Yang is the future of politics, it would be smart to get him onboard. He will not join a ticket because of personal ambition however. Biden would have to embrace some of his policies. Shouldn't be that hard. Almost every one of them is a gem.

    Interesting Yang won every debate he participated in

    • Like 1
  14. 51 minutes ago, Cryingdick said:

    Bernie either is nominated or will cost the dems the election. Hopefully Bernie will fight the good fight and stay in as an independent if not nominated. I don't think it will matter a good chunk of disenfranchised Bernies won't show up or simply write him in.


    The key metric tonight is if Bloomberg flops as bad as I think he might. Let's see if he can get 15% anywhere other than Oklahoma.

    Where is any detail on why you claim dems lose unless it is Sanders, prey tell?. Cult 45 want Sanders but surely trump is very concerned with the Biden coalescing.  What is FOX saying?

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