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Posts posted by earlinclaifornia

  1. 45 minutes ago, Nyezhov said:

    guess folks in the US dont necessarily agree with you. 



    That was before his huge Town Hall on Fox yesterday. 

    I am not one to discount Americans likeliness to gather around a President, as history repeats itself. BUT his being directly directing Americans to return to NORMAL is probably the hugest risk to any re-election.

    • Confused 2
  2. On 3/20/2020 at 7:46 PM, Cryingdick said:

    Companies that don't need help should be allowed to do what they want. If your company needs the government tit to stay afloat maybe buybacks shouldn't be allowed. That's fair enough. However if you don't allow buybacks or dividends you aren't going to find many investors interested in it's stock in the future. 


    Why would I buy something like American Airlines knowing the stock is going to stagnate forever when you can buy a company like Apple that has something like $100 billion to keep it's stock high?

    How about buying now, say Amazon or waiting?

  3. 5 minutes ago, Cryingdick said:

    Companies that don't need help should be allowed to do what they want. If your company needs the government tit to stay afloat maybe buybacks shouldn't be allowed. That's fair enough. However if you don't allow buybacks or dividends you aren't going to find many investors interested in it's stock in the future. 


    Why would I buy something like American Airlines knowing the stock is going to stagnate forever when you can buy a company like Apple that has something like $100 billion to keep it's stock high?

    Not one cent! Loans are for bailing out during bad times

  4. On 3/16/2020 at 7:01 PM, Crazy Alex said:

    I believe the next problem Democrats face with Biden is enthusiasm. Joe has never been able to draw the crowds, especially as compared to Bernie. I think if there's one thing we as a country (at least should have) learned from Trump's shocking victory (yes, I was shocked as well) is that enthusiasm is still a wild card when calculating support and projecting who is going to win. Of course, hatred of Trump will help Biden draw crowds, as did hatred of Hillary for Trump. But does Biden have enough people who actually like him to close the sale?

    Yes ,the one that draws the crowds will probably win you think? Me think it is the electorate that show up to the booth.  Me think any crazy person thinks its the crowds.

    • Like 1
  5. On 3/16/2020 at 4:46 PM, sirineou said:

    I have to admit Biden looked a lot better than I thought he would do at yesterday's debate. Though Sanders was impressive IMO, I don't think he landed the knockout punch necessary to change the trajectory of the nomination.  

    If he gets the nomination, and it looks like he will, given his advanced age, the VP selection will be very important.

    Given the way both Buttiegieg and Klobuchar droped out right before Super Tuesday I am sure  the Biden camp had a conversation with them concerning their future in a Biden administration, and since Buttiegieg is not a woman, that leaves Klobuchar.

    In addition, klobuchar brings in the midwest, is like Biden a centrist, and has the experience to become president if because of his age he cannot complete his term or does not wish to run for reelection after four years. 

    I have yet to see a downside to Amy. I recall she had  let it slip out he selected her. So I speculate that Warren knows it and she gets to even up that dig where Bernie  told her a woman could not win the Presidency.

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