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Posts posted by earlinclaifornia

  1. 2 hours ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

    The way the American protesters and other not so bright groups crowding around, and

    even denying the virus existing. I believe the USA will be the country with the most

    cases, the most deaths, and taking the longest time to get over the virus. I hope I

    am wrong, but not if the people of America keep acting as they are now. I realize that there are lots of Americans who are being careful, smart, and are trying to stay safe, but the careless

    protesters are not helping the situation, and look and act like fools.



    Rural America is emerging as the USA new Hot spots

  2. 17 minutes ago, Isaan sailor said:

    The WHO is CCP biased.  Tedro is hand picked by the CCP.  American taxpayers do not need to contribute to this any more.

    i’m happy for Bill & Melinda Gates to step up funding.  I like MSFT, and own some stock.  And if you liberals want to help in funding, maybe CCP can help direct your funds.  Or perhaps a WHO/CCP Go Fund Me account for you?


    • Confused 1
  3. 3 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

    Yes. As a democrat, I consider Sanders and Warren to both be to the extreme left in their policies. There is still a center, and I think a moderate has the greatest chance of winning. There is alot of "Trump fatigue" out there, and many conservative voters will support Biden. Many just did not know who Trump was, when they elected him, and now consider him a far lesser man, and a far more divisive and hateful man, than they assumed he was. 


    Biden is very electable now. Especially if he picks the right running mate. Any suggestions? 

    I have read ALL the evaluations and did not find any answer. But then yesterday I read this and I do believe this could be the real deal.



  4. 3 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

    One thing most conservatives are not aware of, is that a large majority of democrats do not support the far left wing of the party. Personally, I think AOC is rather cute, and I love the way she stands up to the old guard. But, her policies, and many of the positions of both Warren, and Sanders are way out there, and far too extreme for most of us Dems. I am centrist. And so is Joe. Let us hope he stays that way, and does not pander to the extremists.


    If he does not waver, he will win in November. The nation needs a positive change. Say no to tweets!

    True. Some of the positions were more a fantasy than anything realistic. Centralism is why Biden will win.

    • Thanks 1
  5. 3 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

    All Biden has to do at this point, is remain alive and coherent and he has this election in the bag. Trump was knocked out by Covid one minute into the first round. Mylie Cyrus could beat Trump, at this point. 


    Get used to saying President Biden! He will make a decent president. Alot more than I can say for the current occupant of the office. The entire planet will rejoice, when Trump is shown the door. 


    America may even be able to regain some of it's lost honor and prestige. Maybe.

    I imagine trump will be glad to go back to his wealth and is tired of the daily attacks. He will never accept defeat. He will say Biden will be a terrible President. He will claim that  Americans made the biggest mistake not reelecting him.

    • Thanks 1
  6. 9 hours ago, mtls2005 said:

    Tough spot for anyone. Clearly Amb. Birx has fully consumed the Kool-Aid. Her answer on Georigia's hair-salons re-opening was embarassing.


    Fauci's hanging on but expect his legacy will eventually be irreparably tarnished.


    Dr. Refield said that he was quoted accurately. It's obvious that what he meant was that the combination of a 'normal' flu season, with an expected second wave of COVID-19, will be worse than the current situation. Worse = more deaths, more hospitalizations. Even trump's 'gut' should be able to "get" that?


    Why all these folks, including the president, need to be spending 2+ hours (includes prep time) daily on this reality show is beyond me. Surely they have 'work' they can be doing?







    Watching Brix was the worst display ever.

  7. 1 hour ago, gargamon said:

    I would have a different opinion on that. The US doesn't have national health service because they can't let the "colored's" have free health care. The same applies to education and inversely to drug laws that focus on giving the "colored's" much longer sentences. The oligarchs that actually run the country see the poor whites the same way they see the "colored's". If you look at the big picture, the US is right up there with the worst racist countries on the planet.

    So true. The trump claimed the President was not born here, hence those raciest Americans were all in. Birther Movement is why trump won. Pure HATE 

    • Like 2
  8. 16 minutes ago, rabas said:

    NOTE: The specific date range Feb 1 to mid March. Why?


    President Trump issued a "Proclamation on Suspension of Entry as Immigrants and Non immigrants or Persons who Pose a Risk of Transmitting 2019 Novel Coronavirus" on January 31, 2020. This prevents most foreign nationals from being able to enter the U.S. if they have travelled to China within the past 14 days.  President Trump issued a travel ban to European countries in March 2020. 



    You are an opportunity for fact checking in all your postings.



    • Like 1
  9. 8 hours ago, JackThompson said:

    If the policies being advocated are that doing anything to stop illegal immigration (like a wall) is immoral - and anyone in the country illegally can stay, get a drivers-license, open a bank-acct, get "free" healthcare citizens don't get, and take a job from a citizen, and get a "pathway to citizenship" without even going back home to apply - what else does one call that, other than "open borders"?


    I guess you were not among the tens of thousands who contacted John McCain, to take him up on his lettuce-picking gig?  I was - had just lost my career to illegal aliens in a skilled-trade.  I never heard back from him - nor did the thousands of others. 


    Having sold everything I owned to pay for trade-school, it was not a happy-time when, early in my first year in the field, I was Replaced by someone offering to work for less than 1/2 of what citizens were being paid. 


    McCain offered $50/hr - but I offered to do it for $17 ($22/hr in today's dollars) - a bit less than the starting-wage of grads for several years prior to the start of illegal-hiring. 


    Sadly, Trump excluded ALL work-visas, so Americans are still (bleeped).  What a lowlife sellout he is.  Wish there was a better alternative.

    Thanks for admitting as so many others have refused. Your opinion is Open Borders.

    • Confused 1
  10. 2 hours ago, JackThompson said:

    No - I asked about your specific objections to what the WH has rolled-out.  I am not sure what in your post I could "answer" - unless I was expected to go all "Trump is the greatest," or something (not going to happen). 

    On testing, this seems to be a political football.  The existing testing-capacity is, purportedly, underutilized at present.  After the Big Lie on ventellators and the projected death-rate, can you blame me if I am skeptical on the 'test crisis' - which seems to only exist when political-opponents talk about it? 

    That said, I 100% support more testing.  Unlike the WH - I want EVERYONE tested, including antibody-tests.  The more we test, the more we find out how much less dangerous - to MOST people - this virus is.  As well, with the antibody test, we can potentially clear many (millions?) from all restricted activity. 


    Testing speeds the path to a more streamlined approach to dealing with this - so I wish the WH would get on-board with testing all Americans ASAP.  Hopefully, widespread-testing isn't perceived to obstruct projected vaccine-profits - a "bi-partisan" concern.

    Good point! Read this as an interesting testing plan.


  11. 4 hours ago, Eric Loh said:

    US economy is already ruin with record federal debt, large budget deficit, high debt to GDP and a fiat currency. Trump has make the economy worse by focusing on Wall Street and neglecting the Main Street. The dollar will crashed followed by hyper inflation and the FED can only watch. 


    • Thanks 2
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