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Posts posted by earlinclaifornia

  1. 5 hours ago, 248900_1469958220 said:

    I have had it many times. It is everywhere in my area. At smaller doses...say 1 - 3 leaves its a stimulant, but kind of relaxes you at the same time. At higher doses...say 10 leaves its more like an opiate feeling. It tastes like <deleted>. Many many people in my area eat it. I don't recommend eating too much of it. I will now take it more that it is legal. Its good to take a small dose with coffee.....however, start eating large doses everyday and it could get hard to come off it....

    So how is it consumed? I just had bought it online half a k


  2. 7 hours ago, Presnock said:

    I am no expert when it comes to  currency fluctuations but I also think logically and can look at

    past data based on my many years here in LOS.  I notice that for the most part, at the end of one

    month and the first few days of the following month, the local currency gets strong so foreign

    currencies can't get as good an exchange.  Then as the month moves on, the local currency will

    dive again until near the end of that month.  This has been happening more often than not.  I also

    figure that most ex-pats would be transferring monies upon receipt from funds/organizations at

    the beginning of each month vice changing funds throughout the month.  But, like I said I am no

    expert but it looks to me like someone might be fudging the numbers for local currency strength.


    I read somewhere sometime back that Thailand is considered a monetary manipulator. I have nothing solid to verify. 

    • Thanks 1
  3. 7 minutes ago, Presnock said:

    I registered on 2 August upon seeing the FB ad for the ex-patvac in Chiang Mai.  After successfully registering (I am 74) the email accepting my registration indicated that they would send me an

    email on 10-11 Aug confirming date, place and time for the first Pfizer jab.  That email finally came

    on 19 Aug, appointment at McCormick hospital, 930 on 20 Aug.  I confirmed said date, place and

    time and showed up at 9AM on 20 Aug.  Tons of ex-pats of many nations there and seems both

    the expatvac's and Chiang Mai wall ex-pats that had registered were there.  Talking to several,

    some got SMS's, others email like me.  It was well organized with plenty of McCormick admin

    folks keeping the queues moving.  I was there less than an hour including the 30-min wait after

    the shot.  No problems so far other than a sore shoulder for 2 days.  I go next month on the 10th

    for the second jab.  I am surprised that so few have mentioned that they got their jabs this past

    week.  I thank the US for donating this Pfizer, the Thai govt for arranging the jabs for free, and

    the well-organized carrying out of the activity.  I think some of the delay was due to the numbers

    of people that registered or tried to register.  The ad I read said age between 60 to 74 and/or 7 

    diseases compromising one's immune system but from the numbers reported, two thirds were

    under 60, most were in the Bangkok area (they have been giving free shots there for quite a

    while) so it took Chiang Mai a long time to coordinate between the two registration venues.  This

    is my opinion anyway.  I do hope everyone gets a shot or two so they can control this variant.

    Good luck!


    CM wall has me for Wednesday 9am Same hospital

  4. On 8/22/2021 at 12:04 PM, DiDiChok said:

    The way to remember it is that "Ctrl" Copies, and "Shift" Shifts or moves the item.  Be careful that you did not mean to remove your only copy from your storage.

    I just use the one shift key as it will allow me to both select a group all of the attachments then dragged to the download box.


    • Like 1
  5. 17 hours ago, Mutt Daeng said:

    You can try again with a different email address and omit the last letter of your forename on the application, which could be explained as a typo on your part. I was able to re-register after receiving the rejection email using this method.

    I did the same by using just my initial. But has anyone actually had an appointment confirmed, who like us, tricked the duplication registration?


    I have today an received a confirmed appointment from a different registration Change Mai Wall.

    Mccormick Hospital Wednesday Pfiiser  

    • Like 1
  6. On 8/20/2021 at 7:02 AM, HAPPYNUFF said:

    When I first came to this country, in 1987, on holiday, there were no computers, mobile phones,  extremely limited TV  , and of poor quality anyway, and the main danger was to  watch out for Somchai  galloping past on his buffalo.   Here we are now in 2021, and  you expect  Thais to be able to develop an efficient internet programme to.  .  enable us poor farangs to register for  the vaccine.     I have  , twice, using different e mail addresses, and it is only now  I  see, from a very helpful  commentator, that to upload BOTH your passport and visa extension details, you just have to hold down the control tab, highlight both  pages, and move them to the  email....Too late for me, Im now waiting for two rejections.   And some  wonder why us farangs are driven to strong drink.

    I wanted to chase down the post claiming you hold down the Control key when it is the Shift key.  Verified many times!

    • Confused 1
  7. 9 minutes ago, Presnock said:

    Yesterday received via email appointment for Pfizer jab, 930 at McCormick Hospital, CM.  I followed instructions, confirmed my appointment and arrived at McCormick by 0900 today.  I was surprised to see so many bodies present there, looking like ex-pats of all sorts.  I was pleasantly surprised to see the number of hospital aides present, with stations numbered.  There was a queue, guy behind me had an 830 appointment, but in the queue, there were several aides walking down the line checking that the individual did indeed have an appointment, had a registration number and it matched the passport number.  they checked us through at station 1 and gave us another queue number (4 aides doing this so moving along quickly), to a table to fill out the McCormick questionaire about health in regards to the Pfizer vaccine; on to next station (4 more aides) checked quickly all was okay via computer and sent us into the "shot" room.  Approximately a hundred victims ready for the jab.  This went fairly quickly as they had several aides giving the shots.  Then we were instructed to wait 30 minutes after the jab and during that time several aides again, 2 per line (10 lines of chairs) that were checking how the jabs went, taking blood pressure, temp, heart rate, etc.  Meanwhile another aide was running around giving water to folks who wanted it.  Some asked me where did we have to pay for this shot, and were surprised when I said the shots were donated and the Thai govt was paying for the jabbing.  Surprised that everything was so organized and nothing like the scenes I have watched at other roll outs of the vaccines.  A great job by the staff at McCormick and thanks to the Thai govt that passed this vaccine on to us here in Chiang Mai.

    Did you upload the required docs and how long ago back?

  8. 49 minutes ago, CloseShave said:

    I just received a new email giving me the opportunity to re-upload my passport and retirement visa photos. I just completed the upload which was sent successfully. So now I theoretically should be approved for the vaccination.

    I actually managed to combine both the passport and Visa photos so I uploaded one photo which shows both documents.

    There's a simple and free app in the Google Play Store that combines photos. It's called Image Combiner.


    Did you make the call first?  So far no new email but I can wait if this will arrive anytime soon

    • Like 1
  9. 21 hours ago, john thom said:

    But looking back- I think I also registered on expatvac-  and that's where I got the rejection.  So wait and see if thailandintervac works-

    I have the same rejection as only one document add was possible. No email yet to do the add so far. Do they want the copy of the original expired entry VISA or my extension page? I will next try this other link TY for thailandintervac. ty

     I had also registered

    Chiangmai Covid Vaccine Registration (CMCVR)


    • Like 1
  10. 22 hours ago, CloseShave said:

    I just received the same rejection email with the same reason for the rejection. The problem when I registered was the website would only accept 1 photo so they received my passport photo but not my Visa photo, thus the rejection.

    I tried to re-register using a different email address but that didn't work as the webpage said my details had already been used!

    The site still only accepts 1 photo so when I tried to re-register I downloaded an app to combine the 2 required photos but as I said above, the system wouldn't allow a re-registration.

    Now what do we do?

    Same for me

  11. 22 hours ago, shortstop2 said:

    A friend of mine received something similar and there was no way to remedy the situation.  But then a day later he got an email with a link in which he could upload his visa info into his application.


    If you never get that link you can try a new email addy coupled with leaving one digit off your passport number although I am not recommending this option.

    Please do as I feel like they are about to kill me for the same reason!

  12. 54 minutes ago, nitehawk42 said:

    I have done this with Bangkok Bank. I recommend them. Good exchange rate and only 200 baht fee per transfer. They are familiar on how to set you up. You do get a debit card and ATM works. Bangkok Bank has a corresponding bank in NYC which makes it easy for them. No other Thai bank has this connection. Tou can get app for your phone so when money comes into your account you can transfer it to other bank accounts. Your email will also get a note with full details.

    Go to your nearest branch and get it done. some paper work of course but not complicated You will have to open an account naturally.

    I am quite happy with their service.

    Actually that is not true regarding the fee, here is the correction:

    Transferred Amount

    Fee (USD) for 
    Bangkok Bank’s
    New York Branch in US

    Fee (THB) for 
    Bangkok Bank in Thailand

    Not more than USD50.00


    0.25% of the transfer
    value (minimum 200 baht,
    maximum 500 baht)

    USD50.01 - 100.00


    USD100.1 - 2,000.00


    USD2,000.01 - 50,000.00


    USD50,000.01 or more


  13. 6 hours ago, Isaan sailor said:

    And my wild guess:  someone adores Nancy P, as well as the sitting President.  It takes all kinds…

    You and I have two very different reads on Trump. Actually opposite I pretty much recall. I believe that investing strongly in America s the best medicine, period. To add to that lets me remind you:

    After yesterday’s big jobs number, Biden has now created 4.1 million jobs in the first six months of his presidency.  Trump lost 2.9 million jobs over his four years in office.



    Sorry for the cheap shot, pun intended but you started it with the Nancy Biden BS again

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  14. 7 hours ago, GregBow said:


    How do you access the information on the expatvac site?

    I just keep getting put into the registration part.

    Would like to see these facts everyone refers to.

    I also registered on 1 Aug but have heard nothing

    Lunch with a Canadian friend. I am similar to you. He registered a month back and had his call a week ago was vaccinated shortly after.

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