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Posts posted by earlinclaifornia

  1. 2 hours ago, rabas said:

    Trump: Never wanted to be president, but I'm gonna get those idiot Democrats.


    Trump: I resign.


    Trump: May I introduce the next President of the United States, the first woman, first female minority, first ethnic non-American, first woman of color, and a true Indian, Nikki Haley. 


    Dems: Who to run? Old white man Bernie? Old white man Biden? Second richest old white man Bloomberg?


    After 3 years of total nonsense, Democrats loose their entire voter base.


    trump was a Democrat until 2015!

    • Confused 1
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  2. 4 minutes ago, rabas said:

    Trump: Never wanted to be president, but I'm gonna get those idiot Democrats.


    Trump: I resign.


    Trump: May I introduce the next President of the United States, the first woman, first female minority, first ethnic non-American, first woman of color, and a true Indian, Nikki Haley. 


    After 3 years of total nonsense, Democrats loose their entire voter base.

    Your prediction is as good as mine. Independent registered myself.

    • Haha 1
  3. 7 minutes ago, CGW said:

    Sorry, thought I was on a forum where everybody could voice their personal opinion - guess your a "democrat"?

    "Issues" now calm down fellow ????

    Why's that? give me an insight to my thinking?

    I too am an Independent. So it is easy to critisize another Independent. I however am AMERICAN, well informed in our politics and not a Brit. Yes your opinion is welcome as is mine criticizing

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  4. On 1/10/2020 at 5:06 PM, Sujo said:

    They lap it up. Then the next day when he reverses they lap it up.


    They loved his red line on iran, bomb it. Then he caved in, oh hes great not to get into war.


    Its just trolling. When presented with facts they hide. I have asked many times why they dont want to know the truth. Silence.

    trump always the joke of the whole world:


  5. 7 hours ago, bristolboy said:

    "The 41-seat gain was the Democrats' largest gain of House seats since the post-Watergate 1974 elections, when they picked up 49 seats. The Democrats also won the popular vote by a margin of 8.6%, the largest margin on record for a party that previously held a minority in the House. Turnout was the highest for a midterm election in more than a century, with over half the electorate casting ballots."


    And it's useful to point out that the gain in seats would have been more had the Republicans in various states not engaged in extreme gerrymandering after the 2010 elections.

    Google this to read this idiots reasoning for a huge laugh! GOOD luck LOSER

    Newt Gingrich: House Republicans in 2020 can have a great year

  6. 10 hours ago, englishoak said:

    Uh huh..The opposition party tends to be more energized in a midterm, its perfectly normal and n fact the most common outcome in midterms. Since the U.S. Civil War in the 1860s, the president's party has lost ground in 36 of the 39 midterm elections.


    Not gloating just pointing out areas the Dems are losing out, dont make me wrong. 


    The rest is the usual excuses with no answers and just reinforces the Orange man bad vitriol. Thats not going to cut it imo. Nor is Bloomberg credible but go ahead, copy the billionaire popular celebrity businessman model without Trumps personality vs the original and see how that goes....   :giggle:

    Clinton was an exception!

  7. On 1/13/2020 at 6:43 PM, donnacha said:

    Hillary was probably the worse choice of presidential candidate in over a century. I would agree that it was more a case of Hillary losing 2016 rather than Trump actually winning it.

    Kellyanne Conway was the first female general election campaign manager in US history. She did a good job in difficult and unpredictable circumstances. Amazing how American feminists don't seem to be celebrating her achievement.

    No one "corralled" the electoral college. They merely insisted that the electors honored the intention of the voters, which was to return a Republican president.

    Are you seriously saying that the Democrats would not do the same? Have you forgotten how many arms the Clinton campaign twisted during the primaries to divert support intended for Bernie.

    Russia? Seriously?

    Have you really no awareness that the entire Russia narrative collapsed in on itself and actually helped Trump?

    Regular people aren't dumb. The same as with all the gymnastics around Brexit in the UK, people saw through the machinations and, when it came time to vote, punished all the players who had sought to subvert their democratic will.

    This nonsense might play well on TV panels and in the opinion pieces, but the vast majority of people have no patience for it.


    Just replying to your "Russia? Seriously?"


    • Haha 1
  8. 11 hours ago, donnacha said:

    Pretty much all politicians who achieve high office in any country are. You need the ability to persuade a wide range of people to do your bidding and, then, later, to discard them without a thought.

    Obama's treatment of Oprah is a case in point.

    Read any non-sycophantic biography to find countless other well-documented examples.


    You totally lost me thier. Unfollowed you but I'm sure you care less. Lets us meet up when the election is over please to see which of us really understood correctly.

    • Confused 1
  9. 19 minutes ago, donnacha said:

    If you get the joke, he is deeply and consistently entertaining. This is trolling as a form of high art. Exquisite.

    He has also, uniquely for a politician, over-delivered on expectations. Only the hardcore pro-worker, anti-immigration activists, such as Ann Coulter, are unhappy at this stage because they did not get their wall.

    Trump is a monster, but no more than any other leading American politician, including smooth psychopaths such as Bill Clinton and Obama.

    It is not really about Trump, he just happens to be the guy who noticed the thousand dollar note on the ground that none of the other politicians would pick up. It is really about the people shaking up an establishment that allowed itself to drift way too far away from their interests and their sensibilities.

    People know that they are held in utter contempt by the establishment. They see that Trump is too, but is reliably willing to hit back. They know that he is a self-obsessed fabulist, but they prefer that to the barely disguised contempt of Hillary.


    You need to clarify why your saying Obama is:

    1. a person suffering from chronic mental disorder with abnormal or violent social behavior.
    • Confused 1
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