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Everything posted by Dan747

  1. Ah, yes...the "religion of peace". Sharia law familiar tenets. The same sharia law that a vast majority of Muslims in the USA as well as in other western countries want implemented!!! In time as their numbers grow, they will succeed, and the liberals will call it progressive!
  2. Today's Democrat party will use any means possible to stay in power. They brazenly use lawfare, and their open border is killing our woman and children. They have no integrity or love of country. The innocents that are killed or maimed are just collateral damage. National security is of no importance to them. There is nothing good about them. How can a family man consider voting for these radicals, knowing they make the country less safe for their woman and children? It’s the American people she’s avoiding by not meeting with the press, which is far more concerning than not meeting with fawning CNN and MSNBC reporters. She doesn’t want the American people to understand who she is because they would be less likely to vote for her should her true radical positions become known. She’s playing the Joe Biden in the basement game sans COVID.
  3. A Great Video https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=400277095963101
  4. Republican former President Donald Trump currently holds a 268-226 lead over Harris in the latest NPR Electoral Map of the most competitive states (see map above), just short of the 270 needed to win the presidency. Trump leads in the "Blue Wall" states of Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan within the margin of error.
  5. "LOL"-Why not, your paying for it
  6. Harris campaign in a nutshell. It is better to have voters think Harris is unqualified for the office of president than to have Harris open her mouth and remove all doubt. Well, Harris spoke and removed all doubt. Harris is campaigning on using federal power to CONTROL private enterprise. It is scarry because government policies have pushed so many to the wall of having to depend on the government for a place to live, food to eat, healthcare, transportation, loan forgiveness, etc., that these government dependents will vote for more government handouts at the expense of their future welfare. Watch this election and observe how Harris will promise more and more as Harris struggles in the polls. " Price controls really do work!" - Hugo Chavez.
  7. Never thought I'd say this but CNN commentator Scott Jennings is correct. Kamal' will cause food shortages if she does as planned on food price regulations. She doesn't know what she is doing. She'll do even worse based on WHAT SHE herself has stated in the past decade+. Kamal' is a true Socialist & can be called a true communist. It's been tried & has failed countries. Dangerous. She-wants 70-80%-income-tax. Harris joined-AOC-to-bring it to ALL-US-citizens. She said, ’..Make-everyone-'WOKE'. She-wants-to-ban-Private-Healthcare. Wake up-voters. Trump-POLICIES-ARE-GREAT & HE-PROVED-IT! What-has-Harris/Walz-done? Fair-questions. 38% corporate tax (How does that work??) No fracking/drilling Pass GreenNewDeal with $3T more taxpayer money And, more....
  8. Here are my thoughts about what people mean when they say, “We must vote for Kamala Harris to defend this democracy”: (I hope you will add to the list) 1. We have the right to take money from those who have and give it to those we choose 2. We have the right to cheat, lie, and steal to get what we want 3. We have the right to stop people from saying what we do not wish to hear 4. We have a right to choose our own morality and it must be accepted and celebrated 5. We have the right to ignore laws with which we do not agree–do away with the police 6. We have the right to murder babies so that we are not inconvenienced with their care–besides their body parts can be sold for thousands of dollars 7. We have a right to take what others have if we are smart enough 8. We have the right to mutilate the bodies of children if they don’t want to be who they are 9. We have a right to be equal to others in possessions, popularity, and power regardless of our personal work ethic or intelligence 10. We have the right to ignore the U.S. Constitution–it’s an antiquated document not fit for today 11. We must appease foreign governments with our money to avoid war 12. We don’t need God 13.
  9. Clear choice between Kamala's radical far left vision for America that has failed repeatedly in nations around the world for over a century and Trump's vision for a prosperous economy based on free market capitalism, which has produced exponentially greater success historically. Her inane proposal to address high grocery prices as corporate price gouging is not only a horrible policy, it is based on economic lies about the core problem. Biden and her socialist, big government policies caused the problem, she just can't admit to the truth if she wants to get elected. Her whole campaign is one big lie as she tries to make herself appear more moderate by making statements at complete odds with what she has said and done in the past. She lies about Trump's positions such as Project 2025, which he had nothing to do with, in her attempt to deceive the American people into believing the lie that things will be better under her administration than they were under the complete mess she and Biden made of America over the past four years.
  10. Keep it up Yagoda, The others are drinking the "KOOL-AID!!"
  11. That's her problem-As VP she has not done SH__!! A vote for her is a vote for "NOTHING!!"
  12. Again If your Voting Kamala? This is the Marxist you're voting for: Decriminalize illegals (citizenship & voting); Abolish ICE; Defund police; Voting from jail; Free transgender surgery for prisoners; End cash bail; Mandate gun buyback; Palestinian statehood; Universal Basic Income; Reparations; Single Payer Healthcare; Abolish private insurance; 70-80% income tax; Abortion to birth federal law; Opposes voter ID; Elimination of the filibuster; Ban fracking; Endorses Green New Deal; Ban plastic straws; Abolish gas cars by 2035; Outlaw gas appliances. Other than that-Your drinking too much "Kool-Aid!!"
  13. Again If your Voting Kamala? This is the Marxist you're voting for: Decriminalize illegals (citizenship & voting); Abolish ICE; Defund police; Voting from jail; Free transgender surgery for prisoners; End cash bail; Mandate gun buyback; Palestinian statehood; Universal Basic Income; Reparations; Single Payer Healthcare; Abolish private insurance; 70-80% income tax; Abortion to birth federal law; Opposes voter ID; Elimination of the filibuster; Ban fracking; Endorses Green New Deal; Ban plastic straws; Abolish gas cars by 2035; Outlaw gas appliances. Other than that-Your drinking too much "Kool-Aid!!"
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