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Everything posted by Dan747

  1. https://scontent.fnak1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/473619622_575751045349188_5502482940274429996_n.jpg?stp=dst-jpg_p526x296_tt6&_nc_cat=105&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=833d8c&_nc_ohc=XnJsC58dvRMQ7kNvgHfGvM7&_nc_oc=AdhS6UrnrTtqFCeSk0SNhxJG8Iwr9rxNJDr_jvN5kNfbWg6WLNrkpLQL6O4mf-D1Wcc&_nc_zt=23&_nc_ht=scontent.fnak1-1.fna&_nc_gid=As7gFZtchdyHp-ZJXK_o5d6&oh=00_AYCWitG69eDJoSk6_pfgWuk6ummsbLWpTtdVJgK0PsQDBA&oe=678F7884
  2. Just what I was looking for-Great site at one2car.com-Thanks
  3. Looking for a Used full sized Passenger Van: https://th.bing.com/th/id/OIP.H2b0vlZpawRn_zezowaxZAHaEK?rs=1&pid=ImgDetMain
  4. I am not sure on buying the subject as whereas I do not see many vans in used cars lots throughout Thailand and like other buyers looking at low mileage. Your thoughts on where to buy and any other constructive comments appreciated-Thank you.
  5. The Tourism Authority of Thailand should go after the Expats that stay here and spend more money in the long term!!
  6. "WOW"-Imagine that, when you open Thailand to all the Russians for several years with open arms-What could really "GO WRONG??" Got to say, Phuket is not on my list anymore to travel too thanks to the Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT).
  7. It's Safe, but it also depends on the airline-Especially out of third world countries!!
  8. “One that protects Democrats and another weaponized against their political opponents!”
  9. This is a pardon for "JOE BIDEN!!"
  10. Some of the Guys in Iraq/Afghanistan wore Bicep Tatts as "Special Ops Want a Be's!!"
  11. Yes, I am a USAF military Pilot (Retired) and Civilian rated in the Boeing 747/727, and others etc. Met my Thai wife in Tokyo 40+ years ago. She has lived in my American world for many years and now it's time to bring her back to her home and live in her world with family. RVing is lots of fun and we mostly stay on parks on military bases where we are with different services as "Comrades." Like I said: "Lucky and Blessed."
  12. Retired in Orlando , Florida where my Thai wife and I travel in a RV throughout the USA for 6 months and then go to our house in Ubon and travel throughout Asia and Europe for 6 months. Life is Great as we are Lucky and Blessed-"Happy Travels!"
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