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Posts posted by NeoDinosaw

  1. Thailand’s Department of National Parks, Wildlife and Plant Conservation has announced the discovery of a second near-extinct species of freshwater crab, officially named “Indochinamon Bhumibol” 


    a second near-extinct species of freshwater crab.  it is the same (single) species, but the second specimen.  


    “Indochinamon Bhumibol”  is defintiely not its official name.

  2. 9 hours ago, Sydebolle said:

    If the junta would have done it with less drumming, it might have worked for the crooks.

    The lady will live a saver life but it is yet to be seen, if it will be a happy life. She spoke her mind, a tip to the hat for that; there is future in Burma and it just takes continuous rattling of the cage. Rangoon will be breathing down Bangkok's neck but the heck ....... after all, its on the same democratic level between the two ???? 

    Does your use of colonial names for the country and its former capital indicate that you want to rattle the cage to produce backward time-travel ?


  3. 15 hours ago, Lemsta69 said:

    Bangers to Patts is a two hour trip and that only costs 118 baht. so Swampy to God's waiting room should only be 236 baht. somebody's skimming from the top, this needs to be reported! ????

    there is more to take into consideration than the cost of fuel.    High quality accomodation and good service also count.   I have not used them for several years now , but when I come back to Thailand later this year. this is my preffered mode of transport to Hua Hin

  4. 7 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

    Failure to put the brain in gear.  Ladies needs to be retested.  In the US when you hit a certain age you must do an eye exam as part of the recertification procedure.......here I have never observed an eye test for driving except the first time I obtained my licenses.....

    Thailand is like UK -  there is no test when you get old, but you do have to sign a form saying that you can still see ok !!

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