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Posts posted by NeoDinosaw

  1. On 11/27/2021 at 12:22 PM, EricTh said:


    Europeans can master English easily because they are of the same language family with many cognates, that's why the top 20 are almost all European countries.


    I had a laugh when a farang couldn't remember how to say fish in Thai after the owner of the shop keep on teaching him every time he wants to order the same dish.


    I think Thai would have an easier time learning Lao language than farang.

    People in Issan speak Lao fluently.  No ?

  2. 23 hours ago, Neeranam said:

    More like retired traffic wardens these days.  


    Retirees have had it too easy for too long. As Thailand has been shedding its developing country tag, things were bound to become more like Singapore or Japan; no more easy visas for people on measly UK state pensions, living in a shoebox condo doing their visa run to Cambodia. I hope the illegal visa agents are dealt with sooner than later. 


    I have never been to Japan, but I have been to 'pore several times. I doubt that either of these countries  have rubbish everywhere,  mad drivers ignored by the police, mad dogs encouraged to roam freely  etc etc ........   We all know that Thailand is the most wonderful place on God's Earth - so not need to change anything.  No way will it ever be like Singapore or Japan !

  3. On 11/24/2021 at 7:04 AM, internationalism said:

    I am not mensa, but on return to thailand on thailand pass I got deceived by villa khaosan smart marketing.

    It's difficult to avoid scam associated with anything related to officialdom in thailand - they are there to make money over the dead bodies, including their own citizens coming back to their motherland. If they are foreigners it is even less important, as foreigner has very little legal rights in thailand.

    The same old country ruled by siamosauruses and "influential figures" from mafia. Nothing changes here

    The genus name  Siamosaurus  can be used as both singular or pleural - the context will tell which it is.  You cannot mess around with the Latin name in this way. And, God preserve us,  you cannot even think of calling them Siamosauri    !!! 

  4. 8 hours ago, HAPPYNUFF said:

    Am I mistaken, or is this the same person who, some time ago,  claimed   eventually the whole world  populace would be speaking Thai.   ?           And as an addendum,    I have never heard  his mightiness speak a word of English.. Can he, anybody know???

    Him wife teach Inglish at Chula - no ?

  5. 11 hours ago, bankruatsteve said:

    I think we are the majority of the ones who buy imported goods and bringing billions of baht into an economy that would be suffering much more without us.  

    (1) I don't see how buying  lots of imported goods is helping the Thai economy. 

    (2) Maybe you should emigrate to a country where these goods are cheaper

  6. On 11/14/2021 at 6:42 AM, SidJames said:

    That's exactly what I do as I don't want to spend a few weeks in the hospital cells just because I test positive.

    False positives are not unusual so get a few tests when buying & keep them in the fridge.

    If you test yourself positive then test again.


    Yes, just  keep testing until you are negative !   Don't worry whether it is right or wrong ????

  7. 2 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    I don't get why any actual tourist would be so eager to visit Thailand so soon. Surely the temples are not that enthralling?

    Does not apply to expats returning to family. Obviously wanting to go back asap.


    2 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    I don't get why any actual tourist would be so eager to visit Thailand so soon. Surely the temples are not that enthralling?

    Does not apply to expats returning to family. Obviously wanting to go back asap.

    Thailand has many other attractions other than temples. The wildlife springs to mind ....

    • Haha 2
  8. 1 hour ago, welshguy said:

    That's fantastic.


    "Approving" about 6500 out of about 40,000 applications.


    Yes, soon they will be spending their gazillions of pounds/euros/dollars etc, and spreading their wealth into every pocket and corner of Thailand.


    Or maybe not! I'm an eternal optimist, when I see and hear about Thailand's "plans/ideas/Thailand Pass/C.O.E....when I look at into how many hoops must be jumped through, just to be allowed into a country, with many, many ,millions of its people not fully vaccinated, and many of those vaccinated are with?   shall we say inferior vaccines?


    Then when they do finally manage to arrive into the magical kingdom, what awaits them? Not much in the way of fun and entertainment etc to be honest. Which lets face it, I'm assuming that's what holiday makers are looking for in the first place?


    As Ive mentioned, I'm an eternal optimist, but I despair with each and every passing day, about the future of tourism and more so, for the millions of poor Thais who rely (or should that be relied?) on tourism.  Its (tourism that is) is dying a slow and painful death, not at all helped by the idiotic antics /ideas/plans/requirements blah blah blah. just to even apply to get there. Let alone the travelling etc, then when they get to the airport? They will be met by officials going totally over the top with the haz mat wearing "officials" etc etc.


    At the end of the day? I "assume" the vast majority of tourists entering Thailand are well vaccinated? I " assume" they are coming from countries, with way better vaccination levels than Thaialand?  I "assume" they will have been taking covid tests  before even flying etc etc etc?


    Then they arrive at the airport to be met with all the palaver they have to face?!!!


    Amazing Thailand indeed.


    I appreciate and understand that "face is everything in Thailand.  What I don't understand though, is that if face is that important in Thailand. how come they don't realise that with all the totally over the top antics/hoop jumping etc . they are looking like a laughing stock world wide? 


    Serious question, Is this "face" thing only relevant about what Thais think abut Thais? Doesnt it count if the rest of the world can see what a bunch of rubbish this all is, and they are losing? " face" worldwide?


    I was hoping to be able to get back to Thailand in the new year, probably February time, Im a real "fan" of Thailand...but even as much as I desperately want to go back there? No way will I be going back when all these "requirements" etc, are still needed, and many places aren't open, not able to get a drink blah blah blah


    So the way I look at it? If a  real "fan boy" like me, wont put up with all this nonsense..just to get back there,?  what chance a "normal/first time to Thailand tourist etc." will go there?


    Amazing indeed!


    Sorry...! rant over!

    I'm in exactly the same position and mind-frame as you !!

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