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Everything posted by DUS

  1. Question: I recently got a new passport and did my first 90 days report with it at CW. Next one is due in April. When I logged into https://tm47.immigration.go.th only the reports on my old passport number were shown. Looking up for any entry on the new passport did bring up nothing. So what is the correct way forward? As I could not find the option to update my passport number on that website, do I have to create a new account with a new email address and start using that new account from April onwards? After having all the stamps etc successfully transferred from the old to the new passport I had hoped the 90 days report system would link those 2 numbers as well but that does not seem to be the case. Or do I just log in with my existing account details and then type in all the details (new passport number, nationality, address etc etc) when submitting the new application in April and that´s it? I´d appreciate if someone enlightened me about the "correct" way forward. Thank you!
  2. Given you posted that question here quite a while ago, have you found out the answer to the question? I am about to pick up my new passport and your question is also something I was wondering about. Anyone who can answer the question? Thank you!
  3. Hi, Probably a typical dummie question but here we go: I´ve got 2 Dell monitors U2717D and U2722DE and a M2Pro Mac mini. I understand that I can connect each monitor individually with the Mac. As a matter of fact, this is how I do it at the moment (1x USB-C to USB-C and 1x USB-C to DP). Now, my question is: is it possible to connect the 2717 to the 2722 and by doing so freeing up a Thunderbolt port on the Mac mini? If possible are there any advantages/disadvantages of this setup compared to having both monitors directly connected to the Mac? What cable would I need to connect the 2722 as my main monitor with the older 2717? I am not very good with this so I hope it is not too stupid a question to ask. DUS
  4. I only added the Platinum package (cable TV) to my account last week. So I would have thought it was still available. Mind you, I assume True are actively trying to push everyone to their streaming service TrueID/TrueNow. If you have cable TV at your (new) home and you want to get Gold/Plat or whatever package, I would get in touch with them again. I used their True iService App to contact their support team and they added the package on the spot. Only issue is, it sometimes takes ages to get hold of one of their few English speaking reps. 🙂
  5. The "Gold", Platinum and other packages are still available for those who can watch through True´s cable service. They also have that "Inno Hybrid+" box which is a 2in1 in that it combines a cable receiver and the TrueID box. Still a pi$$ poor box performance wise. 🙂
  6. Pretty sure it is a change of cable TV to TrueID/TrueNow that you/the technician did when swapping to the new box. But nothing that can be fixed manually if you still subscribe to their cable TV service
  7. If you've got the Hybrid+ box or what it is called and you still have it connected to coax cable then you need to change the "input source" on the box.
  8. Those radio channels, afaik, are only available if you watch through Truevisions´ cable tv service and not via their TrueID/TrueNow service. At least this is how it is at my end.
  9. So what did they say? What is that "new box"?
  10. Hi, I (55 years now) have been with CIGNA Global for the last few years and, unfortunately, I‘ve got used to see the annual premium to increase by give or take 10% every year. However, I now received my renewal offer and it shows an increase of 23%!!! Is this the „new normal“? For me, it is now quickly becoming unaffordable. 23% on what is already a significantly elevated premium after just 4 years or so? 🤮 As I know there are quite a few CIGNA customers on here as well, have you seen your premiums go up by more than 20% recently? What pi$$es me off even more is that CIGNA regularly refuses to initially pay for annual health checkups covered by their International Health & Wellbeing add-on and only pay out acknowledging their „error“ after months of going through their complaints process. DUS
  11. H, A couple of hours ago I received a PromptPay payment of about 700 Baht with the description "TR to MSISDN". No idea who made the transfer. A couple of minutes after the transfer happened, my phone started getting bombarded with calls from various, different numbers. While it could of course be an erroneous payment made by some "genuine person", these days I always fear for a potential scam. The fact that some party is calling me almost nonstop using many different numbers makes me even less inclined to assume an "honest error" made by someone. Has anyone received such a payment with the "TR to MSISDN" description? If so, what happened afterwards? When I googled this TR description on google there were some references in Thai also in relation to unknown money transfers but I didn't understand the details of those discussions. I certainly don´t want to accept any of those calls from unknown numbers, nor do I want to transfer the money back myself. I might go to my local branch and see if they can handle the process of transferring the money back to whoever sent it. Annoying as f. DUS
  12. https://www.truevisions.co.th/EURO2024
  13. Re LotusS: Looking at their registration page, they are asking for "Thai alphabet" and Thai ID only? Edit: Ah, seems just for that "membership program" which isn´t required to order from them. Just placed a trial order with them. Let´s see how it works.
  14. I am still struggling with them. The website is ridiculously slow to load pages, my favorites list has been decimated and ever since the relaunch the express delivery is not available to me (even though I pay for their "Prime" service). Will have a look at Lotus as suggested above.
  15. I am so fed up with them (not only based not this f-up) that I have now asked them to delete my account. Probably the reply will be: "Computer says No!"
  16. About 1 hour ago, they told me everything should be working fine by now. Well, it doesn't for me. I am still unable to get Express Delivery as an option (yes, also a Prime Member). What a f´up. Whoever approved that <deleted> from being Beta to go live should be fired. Shame that this won´t happen.
  17. I agree. The only issue I (seem to) have with it now is that they discontinued the M2 Air 15" and I would want to buy it in a configuration that I (at least so far) haven't seen anywhere being offered as "in stock" at other retailers. If I cannot use my 2012 I might consider the M3 Pro 14". But anyway, I'll see what will happen in the days/weeks ahead. Thanks @ozimoron
  18. Thank you @sometimewoodworker I was/am hoping to get my hands on one before I go on a trip on 28 March but if need be (i.e. the M3 Air isn´t avail by then), I guess I will have check if I can use my mid-2012 one more time before retiring it for good. 🙂
  19. Hi, Does someone know from past experience how long before we can order new Apple products on Apple.com/th after they have been announced by Apple? I want to order the new M3 MacBook Air and whilst it is shown on the shop´s Thai website, it cannot be pre-ordered as of the time of writing this post. It can be pre-ordered on the US and a few European sites already. Should I expect a delay of more than 1 week before I can order it here in TH? Thank you! DUS
  20. It is. You can chose between Thai and English commentary when using the True Premiere Football subscription which shows every single PL match.
  21. PS: With this new system not working for me, resulting in doing any future reports in person at CW, what documents will they want to see at the immigration office? And: reading regularly on here that people are often forced to file a TM30 and pay a fine when they are at CW to either renew their extension of stay or just file their 90 Days report, I am pretty sure most won't have any extra documents (like tenancy agreement, tabian Baan of the landlord/landlady if they are just tenants etc etc. So, does CW then just not ask for any supporting documents and just take the 1,900 Baht penalty fee or how does this work? I am so disheartend by this thing and my experience with the new site. I am tempted to just delete the account (if that is even technically possible) and pay the fine next time I have something to do at CW.
  22. Hopefully some nice person will be so kind to publish a "How to for Dummies" videos on how to file a new TM30 using this new system. I saw there are some for the old system but afaik not for the new one. I am just too stupid for the clever Thai IT. During the second half of Sep I SOMEHOW managed to register the address I am staying at as the "possessor" and added a TM30 on that day (took a screenshot once my details showed up on the screen). Came back from a trip including a visit to Malaysia, today, and wanted to do a new TM30 report but after 2 hours of trying and failing I have given up for the moment. Yes, I have added these gender fields where requested and yes, I have a green confirmed button next to the address but whatever I try to do and click I never get to the page where I can just enter my details for the "new stay" now that I returned from the trip. The screens are all very similar to what user Digitalbanana posted above. I am so annoyed and angry wasting all this time and still not getting anywhere. F...................
  23. As the OP of this thread, I would like to provide my personal experience after having done the same-day return trip „Narathiwat - Su-Ngai Kolok - Malaysia - Su-Ngai Kolok - Narathiwat, today. Maybe some TV-members will come across this thread at some point in the future and might find the update useful. Even with things constantly changing as always. 🙂 I left Narathiwat by van at 11:00. The van dropped me off in front of the border crossing at 12:05. Exit stamp in the passport and on my way over the bridge at 12:09. Only thing worth mentioning: The officer checking my documents had to check with her superior when I answered one of her questions that I plan to come back into Thailand in a couple of hours. After some checking and deliberations the boss was ok with it. Entered Malaysia at 12:18 and went for a quick walk around on the other side and had some lunch before making my way back to the border at around 14:30 Exited Malaysia at 14:32 Entry stamp for Thailand in the passport by 15:00. Your are asking why it took so long on the Thai side? Well, first of all the Officer recognised the batch/crest on the polo shirt I was wearing as that of Port Futsal and he loves both the Port Futsal and Football teams. He even made me join him singing a short part of a Port chant before he took my passport. Well, it was certainly helpful to have something in common with an Immigration officer for once. LOL. The other thing was that when he saw my TE visa, he called me into the back office and he showed it to every colleague there because he said that at this crossing they never see this visa. Some of the officers even took their phones out to take a picture of it. Lots of happy smiling all around , it took them a few more minutes to get the computer system to confirm that I was eligible for a 1 year extension. And after one more Port chant together I was on my way out of the office. Sometimes life is stranger than fiction. :)) Now sitting at the bus station waiting for the van back to Narathiwat. So, today, it worked perfectly fine for me. The questioning and double-checking of me wanting to return the same day (by the Thai officer when leaving the country), however, is an indication that same day returns might be problematic depending on the officers on duty. At least for visa exempt re-entries. Well, that’s just a guess of course. I also didn’t bother trying an instant return as the Thai immigration officer stressed that I should stay in Malaysia for a few hours before heading back. Not sure if returning immediately within a few minutes would have caused any issues but I surely wasn’t in the mood to find out and get stuck in the end. So, all‘s well that ends well ….
  24. You can sign up with True for their streaming service TrueID and stream every single PL game for something like 4k this season.
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