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Everything posted by ericthai

  1. yup Thailand is doing great! a trustworthy elected government in place, almost no unemployment, tourist's banging on the door to get in, hotels full, the restaurants have waiting lines, everyone is drinking, gogo bars are full along with the soapys... then I woke up!
  2. They have tired but the ones that tried were arrested, deported or disappeared.
  3. meanwhile millions of people came to Thailand every year. You're on this forum, if you and your Friends dont think Thailand is Hip, then why are you here??
  4. That's not how it works. You apply for the 30 day extension for 1900 baht and it is then denied and you are given 7 days to leave. There is no 7 day extension.
  5. Immigration has nothing to do with a work permit. Work permits are issued by the labor department.
  6. Sorry I never asked her. I believe it was spousal SS as I think she was collecting before he died.
  7. If you're planning on her getting your SS when living in Thailand, married or not she will not get it unless she lives 5 years in the USA. (it dont need to be consecutive) Check with SS, my friend's wife went through this a few years ago when he passed away. His wife lost her SS when she moved back to Thailand, as she was only in the USA 3 years. Good luck with things!
  8. You're changing what you said. I quote you "Has anyone ever been stopped by the police at a regular highway check point and asked for their passport ? That answer would be no..." Sure you further stated your experience by saying "every highway check point I’ve come across I simply get waved through (whether alone or with family or friends). " but you still made a blanket statement with the use of "anyone" Like I said it's very unlikely and in all the years I was only asked once, but it can happen.
  9. you cant make a blanket statement like that! I have been asked for my passport at a check point, granted it was only 1 time in 20+ years. Told the cop I didn't have my passport with me, gave my license and away I went. I do agree that chances of being asked are very slim.
  10. you talk like it's legal to get high and drive. In the USA it's still illegal to drive impaired, doesn't matter if it's drugs (legally prescribed) or alcohol you're going to be in trouble.
  11. My wife used to amuse me with the word "upset" - she would always pronounce it upsad... took a year to get that corrected.
  12. I dont think it's required. I tired to teach my wife to drive, but that didn't go too well so she found a school. Actually there were a few schools available. They used an old pickup truck with manual transmission which I thought was good for her.
  13. Not so sure about your comments. My wife and several of her friends have gone to driving school. I dont think driving schools would exist if what you say is true. You do know any Thai that gets a driving license has to take a class and pass a test on the rules of the road. Now what they do after they learn this, well that's another thing!
  14. and there is the rest of the story. The police were looking for someone. I assure you it is not normal for the police in the USA to pull a gun for speeding (I unless you are not complying with their directions) Never had a gun pulled on me by the police in the USA. Cops in Thailand, well we all know what they are like.
  15. When was the last time you drove in Fla? I grew up just a little north of Tampa. Driving around here was great 10-15 years ago. However, all of Florida is growing so fast with last the estimate just under a 1000 people a day moving to Florida, that I think they cant hire enough police to keep up. My wife and I are currently in Florida. We got here right before the whole covid thing and decided to ride things out here. Well, in the past 2 years the traffic is just crazy anymore. My wife just said the other day drivers here are as bad if not worse than Thai drivers. Just in the past month I've seen trucks and cars use a turn lane to pass another car, get in a turn lane but go strait, turn signals I think they are all broke, speed limit is 45mph everyone is doing 60+ and never see a cop pulling anyone over. If the speed limit is 70 you better do 80+ or they are on your bumper. People on their phones driving down the rode doing 25-30 in a 50. As one person said in the article, you have people that dont stop for schools buses, or pull over for an ambulance or running red lights. Motorcycles are doing wheelies and speed all the time as the police have a policy of no high speed pursuits. So they know police wont chase after them. So many motorcycle accidents here. I believe mainly because the elderly population cant see good, slow reactions etc.
  16. seriously?? You spend 50K+ THB for plane ticket hotels etc but worried about 2000 THB test, come on dont be so cheap!
  17. guess you dont understand how reviews works.. People write a review to give other people looking at that hotel their opinions. I always read reviews on a hotel before I book. Most of the time I ignore the top review and the bottom review and check 2-3-4 star ratings. I think this gives a more accurate picture of a place. Some people you will never satisfy and the top I always figure it's staff, owners, owner friends etc. What you're doing is good, but I'm sure any hotel would want your review online. By not posting a review online you're not helping the hotel get more customers, or possible lose customers...
  18. Sorry didnt mean for it to be that way, I still dont understand what a 17 month baby has to do with my comments.
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