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Everything posted by ningnong

  1. Yep, I've all but given up on the news articles at AN. No links to sources and using file photos like this. Big thumbs down!!
  2. Judging by comments on that topic "Thai tourism sector proposes 300-baht tax to counter over-tourism" you aren't alone in incorrectly assuming that the intention is to lower tourist numbers. Just another clever Thaiger headline to generate a lot of comments. Since you asked, here are the key points of that topic: 'major tourist destinations like Phuket, Samui, and Pattaya are on the brink of over-tourism' '..a key strategy could be to divert tourists from these hubs to the country’s secondary cities.' 'The additional revenue could be used to develop infrastructure in second-tier provinces, attract tourists away from overcrowded locations, and enhance attractions that have deteriorated due to over-tourism'
  3. Did you read that post or just the headline? Hint: it is not about limiting the number of tourists visiting Thailand its about redirecting them to other less crowded destinations within the country.
  4. That reads like a serious case of defamation.
  5. "The businesswoman had been alerted to the plot to kidnap her seven year old daughter by a remorseful member of the gang." "Despite her denials, Pol. Maj. Gen. Theeradet expressed scepticism over Diersten’s claims, stating the police had gathered ample evidence against her. The investigation continues." I think a gang implies 3 or more people involved. Not too hard for cops to separate members of the gang and see how their stories match up.
  6. So there must have been some time travel involved?
  7. Be careful what you wish for. Those requirements will one day go away to be replaced by a mandatory tracking app on our smart phones using AI to parse the data and flag anomalies.
  8. He kicked a woman in the back who was simply resting on a step that turns out was on public property and you think a slap on the wrist is enough? Do you also believe that was the first time the coward ever struck a woman? Maybe where you come from men hitting on women is acceptable.
  9. Haha, and making an unnecessary comment to the IO about the money in the bank was using commonsense? Anyway glad its worked out for you in the end.
  10. After a comment like that if I was the IO I would have told you to come back the next day with fresh confirmation the 400K was still in the account just to be sure.
  11. Looks to me he was in desperate need of a smoke. I don't believe he was attacking the driver intending to cause him harm, he was not whacking him on the head, he just wanted out. The driver was clearly not trying to escape as the Thaiger article claimed. Facts from the ThaiRath video: The driver told the Farang no smoking. They drove on for awhile and then the Farang said "please, please" but the driver claimed he didn't know what the please please was for. The Farang attempted to exit the car but found the doors locked at a red light. The driver admits the doors were all locked. The Farang climbed over the seat to exit the driver's door. The driver of the car that was bumped into (the large Thai guy interviewed) said the Farang appeared to be a little drunk.
  12. According to the ThaiRath video the driver had locked all the doors and the Farang claims he was just trying to exit the taxi through the driver's door. I think that looks very plausible looking at the video. It looks like the driver may be actually trying to block his exit. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GOab5OKG-Ks
  13. What works in the West won't work here. You need to be able to place some trust in your workers, that doesn't happen here. A night shift of underpaid workers receiving deliveries and stocking shelves with minimal supervision and security would be a nightmare for the Thai Chinese owners and management.
  14. Beats hell out of those worthless little pink tissue things at the upscale Thai restaurants I dine at.
  15. If your last cars was in the 70s I recommend you read this to understand the modern cooling system. You should never need to take the radiator cap off or add coolant directly to the radiator except when doing a coolant drain and change or if the coolant reservoir goes completely dry. It sounds like your GF needs to be educated about how to check coolant, have the mechanic show her. https://mechanicbase.com/coolant/how-a-radiator-coolant-overflow-tank-works/
  16. If she's been adding water to the radiator since she bought it I assume it was a second hand car and it already had a problem when she bought it. I would do as transam suggested and get it done professionally. The shop should notice if any coolant is leaking externally. After that carefully monitor the level of coolant in the coolant reservoir. If you find that you need to continually add coolant to the reservoir that indicates there is a problem somewhere. Depending on the age and condition of the car and how fast it goes through coolant it may be cheaper to just keep buying and adding coolant mix rather than getting major work done.
  17. They used a taser on him in the end. Pretty good video from ThaiRath news here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IsaQWNGU8qM
  18. Translation from Siam Rath article: "MR.CHRISTIAN VEILLEUX likes to drink alcohol, act violently. He regularly quarrels and hits the woman he lives with. There has been physical harm to each other." 41 year old loser. With a 10 year ban from Thailand there's still time to try and get his act together back home. But I doubt he will.
  19. Clearly you have no real world experience with these machines, well maybe on a golf course fairway. Good luck working on rural land or farm on uneven ground if you think you can avoid rocks. You're like talking to a 13 year old virgin boy who is arguing that jacking off is better than the real deal.
  20. Very interesting. Can you demonstrate how that works with a blade or line spinning 360 degrees at high RPM 1-2 meters from your legs? I think you should do a video where you drop the spinning head down into some dirt and gravel and avoid getting hit with flying gravel. And wear flip flops and shorts since you're so confident.
  21. Cord will not work for cutting the stuff in image D above. And you should use a protector/guard even with cord as the cord will hurl pebbles or chunks of hidden metal at your feet, legs and groin area.
  22. I use blades like the one on the left (rectangular) in image C above bought from Shopee. The blades will dull quickly. You need to flip them over occasionally so both sides wear evenly. I just use a flat file and touch up the edges frequently while taking a break and sipping some Chang on ice. Along with the beer and a file I bring along a rechargeable fan to help cool down some during the breaks. In the heat if I cut for about 15-20 minutes and take a 5-10 minute break I can get a lot more cutting done than trying to cut non stop. The wife will sometimes dig out the root wads with a mahjok. Here's a great on video of a Thai supposedly demonstrating how to remove a blade. Haha, wonder why the he can't get the nut off. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iS3KMWEvn7Q
  23. And you could have had 800,000 baht parked in the same bank account untouched for those 17 years but you will still be required to show proof each year. Not a bad idea but how do they know whether or not you've moved if you don't submit proof of your residence to them on a regular (yearly) basis.
  24. I can't understand why people continually beat up on Thai immigration for requesting a new TM30. How can immigration confirm that the notified period of stay (at that particular dwelling) has not yet ended without requesting a new TM30? I'm certain that the busy offices requiring a new TM30 see people on a daily basis that claim to be living at the same address when in fact they aren't any longer.
  25. The debit card would be handy but if it were me I'd definitely have it sent to your address of record in the US and get it forwarded. You may also need to call a toll free number to activate the card so that's something else to consider. I use the debit card at Bangkok Bank ATMs. The last time was end on January and I was able to withdraw the ATMs max of 25,000 baht at that time. I keep cash parked in the Schwab SWVXX money market fund paying around 5% these days. When I need money in Thailand I move funds from the money market to the checking and do free ACH pushes to my Wise multi currency USD account (also paying around 5% interest) or do an ATM withdrawal with my debit card. I've done some basic comparisons between ATM withdrawals and Wise transfers and they look like they come out pretty close for the amount of Baht received.
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