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Everything posted by 300sd

  1. I wonder when they'll do the next planned move and remove poor old Joe as current president and insert this Kamala sham before the election! Someone needs to be running the country and of course it's not Joe. (won't be Kamala either) haha
  2. In the video you see the mast go from 90 degrees, straight up to 180 degrees, lying on the water. Sailboats do that in high waves and winds with sails up, but not from a wind with no sails up. That mast was too high (and wide) for a raised keel in that wind. That boat was top heavy. Of course then most likely because of some open hatches and a poor cockpit design it filled with water and lost its buoyancy. With regard to vessel certification: someone made a mistake.
  3. Those Islands will be there long after that Guterres is gone. Wish he'd hurry it up and f...oh I mean go!
  4. Gee she has been vise president for awhile. Guess she's been hiding those skills!
  5. BBC News Arabic may have an opening for you!
  6. That's probably what RFK wants too. Unfortunate that politics gets in the way.
  7. Mast too tall. Possible drop keel was up and the vessel was unstable and obviously top heavy. Other vessels anchored near by had no problem. Blame the crew if they put the keel up!
  8. Yep, time for these ones to check out along with their neocon handlers!
  9. Might want to read the headline again!
  10. Working overtime in the bio labs again?
  11. That last paragraph seems like something out of Nazi Germany. A couple of the replies above remind me of this quote: No man survives when freedom fails, the best men rot in filthy jails, And those who cry ‘appease, appease’ Are hanged by those they tried to please.”
  12. Haha. Might want to fact check that part! Sure he had a choice!
  13. You can dress up a pig anyway you want. It's still a pig.
  14. Nasty wording Trump! Well Kamala did mention something about price controls on food in her so called policy. Perhaps she should ask Hugo Chavez how that worked for Venezuela!
  15. Wild Pacific salmon or farmed salmon? Just taste the difference! I purchased frozen farmed salmon in Thailand to try it. Once was enough. Can buy farmed salmon smoked and it tastes better but it's still a pig.
  16. That is an amazing story. Poor old Joe couldn't hold a candle to it and Kamal, well we know about her. DIE (diversity, inclusion and equity)
  17. Where have you been? I have been reading about Soros for a few years now. Perhaps you should take off your political hat, put the hate aside, and worry more about your country. (with all due respect).
  18. Did you read the article? It's unbelievable what that creature is doing. He's trying to destroy the US. It's working quite well.
  19. When money takes precedence over ethics anything is possible.
  20. His kid is sick with it too!
  21. Ikea! Reminds me of my girl friend's shoes. Very nice but she can't walk in them!
  22. Interesting comment 41. I think you are right although not sure one has to worry so much about Musk going bad on us lowly peons. These troubles going on all over the world, not only in UK but all over the West. All at the same time. Are these big money elites like Gates or Melinda, Soros and his kid etc controlling some things already? Example like Biden forced out and all the news raving about Kamala in the span of 2 weeks! Something seems weird alright.
  23. Hmm. Amazing how "transgender children and adolescents" survived this situation in previous years past, before this garbage was thrown in everyone's face. There must be an ulterior motive.
  24. I agree mostly except for this: "The only way to limit the aggression might be the establishment of a palestinian state ... but that is not wanted by Israel ." The disease, of hate for Israel and their people, needs to be addressed and eradicated. They live for their hate! A palestinian state will only treat the symptom. All things considered, palestinians have been offered that opportunity numerous times and refused. They want all of Israel. They are the puppet fools.
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