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Everything posted by Harveyboy

  1. why do the police want to stop this vermin from shooting each other they should do the opposite give them guns loads of em let them wipe each other out job done problem solved kids like are in for the long haul and will continue in their adult lives cant change stupid
  2. i left thailand on 22 june a few days before i collected my re entry visa from immigration the person who gave it to me stated strictly report within 24 hours of return..i asked my wife ti go in a few days later to confirm this because its going to be difficult to get back to where i live and report in that time again they said yes must report
  3. stand by the cops on this one ALL drug dealers should be shot
  4. can you please tell me if you have spoken to them on skype recently i tried but said service now not available i have to call from a normal phone same with my bank at Barclays could Skype before now they are setting up a new platform..can still manage yo get thru but a bit more difficult
  5. yes it is the worst part of the world...
  6. please take a look at my euro exchange before we talk about weak Baht ..
  7. this is what i have in mind..but isn't it illegal to take money from the bank of deceased..or if done asap can it go unnoticed
  8. we all know where the 88.7% will go now don't we .. ministers buying new trousers with bigger pockets
  9. ok lets put this into perspective ..stopping a fee annoying d##k heads on motor bikes makes top billing on this forum... Pattaya..muggings..robberies...murders...and crimes to numerous to mention who's writing this C##p
  10. i think they need to get back to the firing range
  11. im in france now bought a bottle of Bordeaux superior..less than 100 baht.. lovely
  12. Scam !! Theft.!!! wash your mouth out sir this is Tourist friendly Thailand
  13. doesn't sound ok to me i live there permanent..i have insurance .. full cover..hospitals everything why do i need to pay for a months insurance thats no good to me ..
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