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AgMech Cowboy

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Everything posted by AgMech Cowboy

  1. Nice to see a post leaning toward the lighter side of life. 🤣
  2. The good news is that my transfer arrived this evening, 7 Jan, at 19:01 (aka 7:01 PM). I paid a bunch of bills and now it's almost all gone. 😢
  3. Thanks for the advice. I haven't been in the US since 2018 and I have no plans to go there any time soon...
  4. This is the first time, 3 January, that I have encountered "Plaid". I've been using WISE for almost 3 years now with no problems. On Friday afternoon, after receiving my pension in the US, I proceeded to transfer the funds I needed. Everything was normal until I clicked the continue button. At that point WISE informed me that they were no longer connected to my bank, but that could be rectified with a few quick instructions and agreements. Most of that had to do with agreeing to use "Plaid", which I did. In the end I was told that my transfer could take up to 6 days. The time delay was waiting for WISE to received the payment from my bank (JP Morgan Chase). I have continually checked both WISE, CHASE & Kasikorn (my Thai bank). Chase removed the funds from my account last Friday, which I have to assume was paid to Plaid. It's Tuesday evening now, 7 Jan, at 17:30 and there's still no money. If this is going to be the normal time that it takes to get my transfer through WISE, I'm going to have to find a different way. This isn't going to cut it. Is there any other transfer method that you folks have used that is as easy, quick with good transfer cost and better than market exchange rates. I receive my THB
  5. Well, if you feel that way then you're not going to understand anything. But, try this. www.youtube.com/watch?v=6jIYro6BGDs (You'll need to copy the link and past it into your browser). Work hard, don't spend more money than you make. Decide what you want to do in life and educate yourself to be able to do it. (apprenticeships are education). I didn't know what I wanted to do until I was 21, but my parents had made me go to college. Luckily I had chosen to study for a BS in Technology, which enabled me to get a foot in the door. Then I continued to train, work in 'the field' and take industry courses to reach the work requirements for what I wanted and did.
  6. I remember in the 60's, 70's and 80's hearing those sentiments. Back then it seemed to ring true. I'm not sure that's still the case, but this past week has sure related it.
  7. On the whole, I'd say that air travel is more 'risky' now, but still much better and safer than the roads. I will not be taking any economy flights (the exception being Air Asia) anytime. I'm old enough not to need to fly and if I do it'll be on EVA, Qatar Airways, Emirates, Etihad, Japan Air or Singapore Airlines. (no American airlines will be considered)
  8. For a legit Non-B, Penang or Singapore would be my 1st choices, but Singapore is expensive to stay, so maybe Vietnam... Personally, from my recent experiences... I'd talk to an agent.
  9. I've lived here 20+ years and have never been scan coming into the country. Why would you ask AI? Google should answer that just as well, no?
  10. That was my first thought, too, except your colours will not be our colors and your draughts will not be our drafts.
  11. Common sense cannot be taught or implemented by "reeducation camps". You just have to hope the light will turn on sometime during their life. (We do need better slander and libel laws in the US).
  12. Would have been cheaper in the long run.
  13. Well... if Venezuela can do it, Joe can, too.
  14. IMHO, I think they'll find most of the funding is coming from the UN. Something like the International Organization for Migration (IOM).
  15. Absolute BS! And besides, Trump and the GOP did not buy the US presidency.
  16. She'll never win a Presidential primary, so her only choice is trying for being Governor. "IF", yes a big IF, she can win the gubernatorial primary, she's got a 50% or better chance in it.
  17. I couldn't decide to give a laugh emoji, thumbs up, love it, thanks or I agree. I settled on the agreement. I only know a little about British politics, but no matter who's the more leftist, they always think they can 'fix' things in the ME and back the dictators. (From my observations).
  18. Let's hope not. He is a pathetic leader (Oh, got that wrong. He's no leader. He's a taker and has been taking the Canadians for fools for much too long).
  19. Not innocent for sure of a crime. I do not agree that he killed Floyd. The drugs did that, but Derek Chauvin was guilty of being a prick police officer and showing his 'power' side. He was showing just how 'tough' he could be to the crowd and even his fellow officers. I disagree with the murder charges, but his manslaughter conviction may be valid because Floyd died while under his control. End of the day, drugs killed, Floyd, and, Chauvin, missed the opportunity to save Floyd's life.
  20. Goofy gets a big pay check and a bigger, better crowd than the other ditsy, featherbrained, classless talking heads on the other media outlets.
  21. This is an extremely flawed attempt to rank presidents. Especially Presidents who are dead and gone long before most of us can remember or were even alive. I loved Jimmy Carter, but he really was a poor President. Richard Nixon was actually a very good President, but he relied much too heavily on Henry Kissinger, who was a poor SofS, IMHO, and he should have exposed the five Watergate burglars of Democratic National Committee rather than trying to cover for them. The only 2 Presidents who I would say deserve the ranking they received are Ronald Reagan and Joe Biden.
  22. Best wishes with whatever decision you make regarding any procedures.
  23. Absolutely a shame that these people would attack a person with his disabilities and accuse him the way that they did. They have video proof his car was there, then they have proof he did not take any batteries.
  24. How odd. Yesterday it was reported that the fishing vessels were in Thai waters, but now the Myanmar patrol says they were in Myanmar waters and everybody on here believes the Myanmar statement. Was firing on the Thai vessels and capturing them necessary. I think simply detaining the boats at sea, issuing citations and lodging a complaint with the Thai government would have been much better. (Ok, hold on to 1 or 2 vessels until they pay, but allow the crew to leave in the accompanying vessels. Of course the skipper(s) of those detained boats would need to go to Myanmar, but released on their own recognizance.)
  25. Naw, mate, that's her gut. (maybe)
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