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AgMech Cowboy

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Everything posted by AgMech Cowboy

  1. Good times!! I haven't seen one of these in years. ????
  2. So let's quit calling it a vaccine.
  3. This isn't a completely accurate statement. My wife went through the US Visa process 3 times before she was issued a 10 yr. The first 2 were valid for 6 months as I recall (maybe one year). Her first trip, 2000. The second trip, 2003. The 3rd, 2005, and by then she owned the house near Bangkok. Previous trip trips she owned the house in Buriram and farm land. I do agree that I don't think the MIL will have a problem, but... Ya never know with the US Consular Service. Good Luck and I pray your wife fully recovers.
  4. Dear Prime Minister, I support you and your government's desire to purchase (a) submarine(s) for coastal defense... But from the Chinese... Really??? Talk to France, they're probably looking for a country to replace the Australian deal and they won't come with a remote shut down and spy package.
  5. Joe's already missing it and predicting another. (I have a feeling it will come in March 2024 so the democrats can demand more vote drop boxes).
  6. No, those are the Thai boxing camps that have sprung up it Australia where Auzzies pay to spare with kangaroos.
  7. Wow, lot's of comments. Are you really reading them? Either 25 or 26, usually 25 and a fan. I sleep old style with a cover sheet and light blanket (quilt type, very light). Fan goes off, I wake up... A/C is always on... If I breath through my nose (ie not stuff or partially stuffed up) I have no drying in my mouth. If I can't breath through my nose, then yes, usually my mouth gets dry.
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