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AgMech Cowboy

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Everything posted by AgMech Cowboy

  1. I have not had a WP since 2012 and have never had a problem transferring money out of Thailand from Kasikornbank using a Swift account. Next time I transfer, if that comes from winning the lottery, I plan to try Dee Money. (I don't think WISE has the ability to do a THB to USD transfer).
  2. Has nothing to do with President Trump or his cabinet Secretaries.
  3. on earth as it is in Heaven. Amen!
  4. Really, not too expensive? An acquaintance in my village told me after his divorce that lawyers are expensive. I'm going to see on next week. I guess I'll soon find out...
  5. Oh, right... You're talking about Joe and Kamala.
  6. Maybe they can implement a prohibition to all government members and employees. 🤣😇
  7. Hum... a little off topic, but I watched the "film" and the fella convinced me to wait until the 21 yr old Balblair is available. 555😂😉 Did you bring it from Scotland or buy it here (and where)? I miss Bowmore 18 & 25. I haven't found them in Thailand for over a year and even then it was more than GBP 81-85. I just could justify the cost. 😢
  8. Wow, so glad that he had an hour to waste like that. Did you get any real information to shut them down?
  9. https://www.koratchef.com/
  10. Hi bum, AI, really?? I'm just not to the point of trusting AI until I know that it won't show me images of America’s founding fathers depicted as black folk or Ancient Greek warriors as Asian women and men. And Wikipedia is open source... people can put anything they want (if you've got their codes). Personally, I've no idea of the exact transliterated spelling from อีสาน is to British, American (that includes Canada) or Australian English, but have always seen it as Isaan, except on aseannow forum, who prefer that you spell it Isan. 😆🤣 (How about we all just settle on the Northeast?)
  11. My wife dislikes anything to do with Islam, especially those of Persian, Semitic or Indian (Pakistan, Bangladesh, Indonesian, etc.) descent. Were they speaking French? I couldn't hear their words clearly enough to say. They may have been born in France, but they are not French (as in the Europeans that helped America in the revolution, fought in the trenches of WW1 or the resistance underground of WW2). Note: personally, I have no basic prejudice to the groups of people I listed above. I've lived in Qatar, Abu Dhabi, Egypt, Tunisia, Pakistan, India & Indonesia. I only dislike one of these countries, but always found something (many things) positive about all of them. None the less, these folks prefer to congregate in their own 'groups'. The police left them alone for a good reason. (These French bring money to spend (have you ever heard that a French man (insert Scotsman in place of French) squeaks when he walks (because he's so tight)? Well, these Frenchmen spend a lot money. And good on them.
  12. He's only using the philosophy used by Rahm Emanuel who said, "You never want a serious crisis to go to waste." (originally used by Winston Churchill) I'll not deny that they were used in a slightly different context, as in; “You never want a serious crisis to go to waste. And what I mean by that is an opportunity to do things that you think you could not do before.” In this case like getting rid of a terrible Governor in California. No doubt, President Trump is a little more crass with his statement, but the Governor and the California policies need to change. Trump is trying to hammer in the nail of real corrective action. Trust me, I am very sad for the people who lost their homes and the devastation that has without doubt impacted the wild life, pets and people in the disastrous fires. I hope they get more than $750 to help them out. Luckily, the Trump signs will have burned away and the insurance adjustors and disaster relief agencies won't be able to discriminate.
  13. I think Canadian trans 'women' have seen the same side effect.
  14. You're poorly informed about sheetrock, which makes me question the rest of your diatribe. Yes, the houses a built with a wood framing. I cannot refute that comment, but I've never been around roof shingles made of wood and most of the really rich homes use a brick exterior or even stucco. From patchmaster.com, "Sheetrock, or drywall, is considered noncombustible and has fire-resistant properties, but it can still burn under extreme conditions. Standard drywall can slow the spread of fire for up to one hour, while fire-rated types like Type X and Type C offer even greater resistance."
  15. What??? You guys like paying exurbanite taxes? The government is absolute the worst place to spend your money.
  16. All the more reason to get him confirmed ASAP. That's less than 2% and they're the ones who are probably making bank from all the lies about the food, additives, medicines and, yes, even vaccinations, especially the mRNA type.
  17. Yep, you are right! It should be the Gulf of Texas!!! 😁
  18. Wow. No way to warn you. I've never experience a "strip paint off (the) walls" pressure.
  19. As an option, yall might consider Holmium Laser Enucleation of the Prostate (HoLEP). I've a friend who had the procedure at Bangkok Hospital (in Bangkok). He seems pretty happy with it. I've no idea the cost.
  20. No Japanese places at Patpong, but there are a bunch of them around the Thaniya Plaza area on Thaniya Rd.
  21. I think he lost a bet and had to fulfill a 'dare'.
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