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Everything posted by PremiumLane

  1. Well two wrongs don't make a right, and of course the Thai rice producers will not want these knock-offs on the market.
  2. Did ya mum not warm your milk up this morning?
  3. Evidence of these large numbers? Larger than normal?
  4. Are Russian's "flooding in"? Why use provocative language like that?
  5. If you think any of that post was "common sense" then good luck to you.
  6. Have the AseanNow crack detectives solved the case yet?
  7. Uproar? More like laughing at the boomers in here again
  8. Could say the same for people who profit from housing, but hey, just an opinion ????
  9. So if they pick their nose or scratch their butts but are wearing rubber gloves it will be OK? As someone else said, training and monitoring are what is needed. And I would stay away from commenting on statistics after that 85% remark ????
  10. But still better if they subsidize for those machines
  11. They need to help farmers get the machinery needed for harvesting, or help them with wages for more labour. Just fining them isn't going to do anything, they burn it cos it is cheaper to do that, or they can't afford other methods.
  12. A man was assaulted in a tourist area in Bangkok Asean Now Forum Boomers: I DOn'T kNoW WhERe KHAo sAN RoAD Is. iN mY DAy wE dIDn't KnOW whERe iT wAS eITHeR... Kids TODaY!!!!
  13. Haven't heard of Utilitarianism then?
  14. You are not an "expat" you are an immigrant
  15. There really are some miserable people on this forum
  16. Look it up, while you are at it, look up the meaning of a joke too ????
  17. Christ, read the timeline, this isn't rocket science
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