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Posts posted by Kiwiken

  1. Israel and its People by referring to the West bank and Gaza strip Arabs as Palestinians recognise their status as Palestinians. And the Palestinians by referring to Israel and the Israeli's by default are also recognising the existence of both Israel and the Israelis. Having established this it is time the two got of their asses and began negotiating  a lasting settlement for either two states One Arab , One Jewish majority or on a single Secular State.  

  2. 17 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

    The Palestinians are not a race and I deplore the fact that they started the violent conflict in the first place, refused the UN deal that would have given them their own land for the first time ever, attacked Israel for accepting the same deal and when they lost, turning to Terrorism instead.

    They have hurt themselves at every step, but never seem to learn from it. IMO, the settlements are a response to seventy years of obstinate behavior on their part.

    You are so anti semitic but only against Palestinians. The Palestinian People are a race just as any people's Israeli's were not a Country until 1948. You look only at One side not both. open your eyes

  3. Technically and historically Mexicans are only crossing into land stolen by American aggression. Maybe you should give that back to them and build a wall around your own back yard. Or maybe Trump can annex Mexico and exile the Mexicans telling them to go live with their own people in South America. Mmmmmm kind of sounds like a Little Hegemonic State the USA ardently supports. I will watch events carefully

  4. 21 hours ago, Morch said:


    I can think of more than one reason, non of which are on topic, other than for those seeing any such topic as a bash-fest. As said, Israel is far from a perfect democracy, and is less than stellar on human rights. That doesn't automatically make it the worse country on earth, nor does it imply it is similar to Apartheid era South Africa. The same view is held by non other than the former South African president, de Klerk.




    Well then De Klerk is someone who knows what he is looking at then?

  5. 3 hours ago, sanemax said:


        Are you saying that Israel refuses to allow its Muslims citizens permits to build because they are Muslims and for no other reason ?

    Can you think of any other reason. Now they threated some 2000 Israeli Arab homes. policies one got to know well with the South African Apartheid System. Or are all Arabs liars?

  6. 16 minutes ago, USPatriot said:

    The trade agreement rules were never followed. America always got the short end of the stick only a few countries honored the agreement.

    The trade deficit for 2015 is $513,000,000,000

    The top 5 exporters to the usa are

    1. China

    2. Canada

    3. Mexico

    4. Japan

    5. Germany 

    And the USA also dragged its heels on Trade agreements

  7. 5 hours ago, draks said:

    Trump should look at his own actions, in the UK he wanted to build an exclusive golf club on a wildlife reserve, the was a big public reaction against his proposal but he just sideswiped local objections , somehow got permission to build a golf club that no one wants, he is a bully self centered uncaring bar steward. He wants to isolate USA from the world market? Go ahead, American products are good but too expensive  abroad. They have been producing gas guzzling cars that the rest of the world don't want. More and more Japanese cars have been imported to USA why? Because they a super reliable very economical. So throw out the japs charge 35% to companies that have gone abroad. Many Americans will go bust then do you think? 

    Whach your prices go sky. Unfortunately it's a global market pull out of that and you are in for an extremely hard time.

    Get tough on immigration especially from some countries I totally agree with have to admit. But as a man I really don't like him . But time will tell.

    Sometimes I get the feeling that Some Americans think that the world revolves around the USA and some countries follow like blind puppies, UK being one. Where USA pulls out other countries will step in. I live in the Philippines, and Du30 has told USA he will not be a puppet on USA, there are some similarities between the two presidents, but the great American dream has become a bit of a nightmare really. But let's just see what happens, tough rocky road ahead I feel

    Yes as America focuses on itself China will expand in Asia. Russia will again gain some influence in Europe. When the USA realises you need World Trade to advance they will find as the UK is finding out previous markets have evolved and moved on. You can put up walls and restrict imports but will the people buy stuff at 3 times the price when their wages must be slashed to make employing them viable. If indeed Trump is the Businessman he purports to be and not just another showboat salesman then he will realise America needs to Trade to survive. And negotiating is not bullying. The USA needs the World. The World appreciates the USA input but does not need it as much as Americans believe.

  8. 1 hour ago, Ken Khomdee said:

    Good riddance Obama and your global, New World Order!

    What a concept: to have a US President, who wants to put America first! All those protesters know their "free" government benefits are going to eventually be gone and they might have to work like the rest of us. They wont have time to protest with having to support themselves and their families.

    I only hope he can do even half of what he said during the Inauguration.

    Firstly obviously I am not an American but a citizen of a Small US Ally and trading Partner. Firstly Obama did not invent or really push the New World Order. He simply continued US Policy since Nixon. I do not know about freeloaders in the USA. But I know under US pressure My Country Completely deregulated and dropped Trade Barriers. This allowed US and other Countries to freely sell their goods to Us. And in return your Agricultural Lobby has continued to block our Produce and meat into the US. Is it because we use excessive antibiotics, drugs , Chemicals or even Government Subsidies to make Our Farmers competitive. No it is because Our Farmers are damn good at it. The USA has never allowed free trade so when Trump if he keeps his word shuts the door. Happy trails for you all playing with yourselves. As the Mexicans have said if you shut off trade from them. Then Mexico, Central , South America and Canada will have their own free trade agreements. And kawawa USA all on it lonesome.

  9. 3 hours ago, sanemax said:


       Yes, but that happens everywhere .

    In most Countries you need to obtain  a permit from the Government to build a building .

        If you build a building without a Gov permit, the building will get knocked down, happens in Countries all over the World , 

    I agree with you 100% but what do you do when the Country you live in simply refuses you a permit to build because you are not of the same Religion as them. Is that not apartheid? Or is it only white against black that causes that. In Israel it is Semite against Semite. One Arab One Jewish.

  10. 3 hours ago, Thaidream said:

    US companies have used 'globalization' and automation as reasons why they cannot raise American workers wages. Yet -they move offshore and pay low wages offshore and then bring their product back and still raise prices- the company and the CEO/Executives obtaining huge wages and record profits. Trump is part of the same circle. His companies have used undocumented workers and paid minimum wage to American workers.  While he may cut deals to bring some jobs back- I doubt he will go after the real issues of wealth inequity, The economy will probably improve somewhat as some jobs come back and the infrastructure project gets going. However, this is not a long term solution. It just keeps the masses quiet for awhile  as the real problems continue to fester. There has to be a real change in corporate America and an abandonment of materialistic capitalism  before the 99% get batter.  Greed is not good.

    What you say is true of every Western Nation. However how do you reverse it. As others say Automation has eliminated more jobs than movements overseas. However the Consumer World is at a critical juncture. That point where no matter how cheaply you make it. You cannot sell it when the consumers have no income. This is the Dilemma those who control the Money must resolve. In order for them to remain the top and placate the masses. They have to find a new way to maximise profit and allow the masses to consume otherwise. The end is the inevitable rebellion in the bottom tares

  11. 18 hours ago, sanemax said:


        Israeli Palestinian Arab Muslims /Christians do have the right to build houses on their own land , as citizens of Israel .

        You are getting Israeli Arab citizens  mixed up with non Israeli citizens .

    No not at all I am quoting complaints from Arab Israelis who have lived in what is now called Israel some longer than before 1948 who have their homes bulldozed because the Israelis refuse them permits to build on their own land. That is happening now and in Israel proper

  12. 8 hours ago, sanemax said:


       Everyone in Israel do have equal rights now, whichever Religion they follow .

    Israel is also Jewish and a democracy , it can and is both

    A Democracy does not seize the Land of its Citizens or refuse some the right to build on their own land just because they are not of the same Religion. In this Israel is not a Democracy but a Nation already with divides of apartheid, And you cannot have a Jewish state when the majority are non Jewish.

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