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Posts posted by Kiwiken

  1. 2 hours ago, F4UCorsair said:


    Well you've fallen for the left wing hype. You're obviously not Australian, or If you are, you lack an understanding of the real situation.


    The aboriginals were fortunate It was the BroItish, mot the Spanish or Dutch who colonized Australia.  If so, there would be none left.


    I think, If you wish to post on this thread, that you should google the deceased's name and get some background Info.


    Unable to edit typos.

    So you deny the genocide on Tasmania? 

  2. 14 hours ago, impulse said:


    It's not a matter of removing them.  Its's a matter of making it too costly for them to keep thumbing their nose at International Law.  


    Like Japan in the '30s.  The parallels are striking. 

    So you are saying then that like in the 1930's the USA has a policy of attempting to Bully China into either backing down or striking first as the Japanese decided to do in 1941. Be careful what you wish for.

  3. 35 minutes ago, F4UCorsair said:

    Another emotive presentation of the facts by the left wing press.



    As one who has had a lot to do with aboriginal communities, admittedly 30 years ago now, my assessment is they are a race with no/little hope.  As a race they are without any drive or ambition.


    If as much money had been invested in the white population, every white would have a PhD from Harvard.



    Europeans came in , In droves and hunted the Aboriginal like you would wild animals. You took their land and desecrated their sacred places. This encroachment continues to this day. Had the Aboriginal had the Europeans engage with them as the Settlers in New Zealand did with the local Maori people the problems would be less. The alcoholism and apathy among Aboriginals in Australia is a direct result of continuing racial oppression, sidelining and marginalisation by Australia's ruling race. Not only do they do it the Aboriginal who are at the bottom. But it is projected to non European immigrants as well now to New Zealanders. Far from being the lucky Country I would consider Australia an arrogant failed state. And One day all the chickens will come home to roost.

  4. 52 minutes ago, tezzainthailand said:

    A rant? If you haven't lived in Australia, particularly in areas where Aboriginal people live you wouldn't have any idea of what's been going in.  It's another world for Aboriginal people.  The recent revelation of the youth in detention, hooded, held in an air conditioned cell without a blanket, sleep deprivation etc., Australia's own Guantanamo Bay in the Northern Territory.  The Aboriginal man transported in extreme heat for hours in a locked police van only to die during his journey, basically cooked to death.  These are all recent incidents and then there is what we haven't been told.  Casual Thai racism, calling us farangs, nothing compared to what Australia's original people are still having to put up with.

    Australian Aboriginals were only considered wards of the state and only reclassified as people in 1974. 

  5. 11 hours ago, lungbing said:

    Would a review have been ordered if Hillary had won?

    I would think that regardless of who won the hacking would be revealed. That any Foreign Country can covertly undermine your electoral Process is forboding. Nations should be allowed to decide their own future direction. Sadly the major player whether through Proxy or direct intervention will not allow smaller players their own destiny. But now it is the big boys poking their fingers in to their adversaries pies.

    What is the saying. "Keep you friends close and your enemies closer"

    Et metis quod non seminasti

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