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Posts posted by Kiwiken

  1. 7 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


    Can't ignore him. He can veto resolutions that are biased against Israel and he will. No more stabbing them in the back like the recent vote.



    And Israel will continue trying to undermine Democracies which it believes are not blindly biased in favour of Israel. Such as the current UK scandal

  2. 7 hours ago, Banana7 said:

    The Chinese authorities need to understand that they only get to dictate to people in China, not to the free world. They can learn the hard way or the easy way. No way are they going to dictate to USA or the President of the United States of America what he can or cannot do.


    Yes after all it is only the Chinese who Dictate to the "Free World" Is that Mars?

  3. After due process and a trial if someone is found guilty of first degree murder or Child Molestation I believe the Death penalty should be enforced. Where the conviction is made on so called forensic evidence i believe life imprisonment. And as long as the execution is carried out in a quick and humane fashion.

  4. 8 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


    Stalin was only too keen to carve Poland up with Hitler. Many forget that the Russians invaded from the East when the Germans invaded from the West. It was the Russian NKVD that carried out the massacre of 10k + Polish Army officers and leaders and then forged documents to try and blame the Germans. Poland never got back parts the Russians stole and had to endure communist USSR domination for decades after WW11.


    So, who should be worried?

    My understanding of Geography is that Poland currently sits on what was essentially German soil and the eastern Part of Poland is now part of Ukraine

  5. Always amazes me Why so many non Asian people come to SE Asia to commit suicide. Kind of insulting to your hosts.

    As to this Couples apparent rather bizarre suicide. And their blaming it on the British Welfare System and NHS.

    Welfare Systems were set up to help Citizens get back on their feet when through no fault of their own sickness, injury or unemployment temporarily robbed them of their ability to fend for themselves. Unfortunately due to Social meddling and lax attitudes many in Our Societies see it as their right to suck at their Mother lands teet add infinitum.

    These are the fallout of too lax a system. Assistance we should all expect. A way of life you have to earn.

  6. 22 hours ago, Thailand said:

    I gues the PTP have yet to work out that the junta has no intention of relinquishing power or holding genuine elections without some sort of internal upheaval.

    I believe that is what the junta that ran Argentina Prior to the Falklands War. As did the military in Myanmar . The fact is like all Regimes in time they run out. You can rule autocratically by force for a while but sooner or later the people work out that they not the Military are the majority and change occurs. 

  7. Being anti Israel settlements on the West Bank or in Jerusalem does not mean People are anti Israel or anti Jewish. To me the issues are mutually exclusive. One people using their overwhelming Military power to negate the rights of others is wrong no matter what peoples. It is that israel is an educated modern state that purports to be Democratic that leads there to be a greater criticism. The West Bank and Gaza strip are supposed to be a Palestinian Homeland, Jerusalem is supposed to be a demilitarised UN administered zone but israel controls these by Military conquest. The Prowess of the Israeli Military is obvious in the Face of daunting Odds. However it is not winning Battles that secures the future. It is how One negotiates the peace. No matter how difficult the task. Militants on both sides need to cease and desist. And the Doves negotiate a fair and lasting peace. It will not be simple but all things are possible.

  8. 3 hours ago, moose7117 said:

    google "moriori" !


    and then comment on what the Maori's did !


    and have any of you guys ever been to Australia ?


    or seen a full blood Australian aboriginal ?


    i might not be able to use big words like you brainy guys but i know bullcrap when i read it !

    The Moriori were hunted, butchered ,killed and eaten by the Maori. The last of them escaped to the Chatham islands only to be killed in a last great massacre. Those I know who still claim Moriori descent have little time for Maori either. And talk of Maori much the same way you talk about non Maori. I gather from your twisted view you are a north islander. i am a Southener and for your info do not label Me or My Kin a pakeha. I may not be as Brown as you but some of my relatives have possible more moku than you

  9. 1 hour ago, soalbundy said:

    What i meant was that we don't go overboard about the monarchy to the same extent as 'some' countries. Queen Elizabeth may represent her country well but she is hardly important to the world in general. The world doesn't need Lizzie it needs a good shafting.

    The Queen is the Head of the British Commonwealth not a small or insignificant Grouping. And while the Monarchy does not carry the same amount of reverence as in the past. Never the less to many the Queen is extremely important. Get well soon You Majesty

  10. 2 hours ago, riceyummm said:

    Us Baby Boomers created a serious distortion in the population-age graph and are now the cause of the problems with SS, Medicare, and Medicaid. In thirty years we will be all gone but changes to the funding of these programs will stay. The younger generations better keep close watch on these changes or they will be working until they're dead or 75.

    The main problem is the move in the Western World especially to only have 2 children which is neutral growth. We need 3 kids per family to keep it balanced. Cannot pay without a base

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