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Posts posted by Kiwiken

  1. Sadly now even though I oppose TPPTA the American withdrawal will ultimately push Asian and Pacific Nations into free trade Agreements with Russia and China.

    Already the NZ Prime Minister is seeking a better free trade agreement with China. And to kick start the free Trade agreement shelved over the Crimea.

    Isolationism and a closed economy are what imploded the World economy in the 1929 stock market crash.

    As was said before" Those who do not learn from the lessons of the past are doomed to repeat them"

  2. South Island hit again. Was 3 minute roll for us in Central Canterbury but further North more violent. Little damage here but Kaikoura , Cheviot, Hanmer Springs, Waiau pretty badly hit with damge through to and including Wellington. With another Super moon tonight expect more activity.Sadly so far 2 confirmed dead. Some tidal activity and sadly too looting.

    Kaikoura cut off. military Choppers in first light to see what help is needed. We are used to this but still frays the Nerves. Kia Kaha everyone

  3. One thing I have little use for is the burning of National flags. Here in NZ I have seen our own flag and US and some other Countries flags burned in Public displays and Protests. What most are protesting about is Government Policies and not the people. The flag represents the people and therefore should not be burnt. Personally for flag burners I would give them 12 month imprisonment non parole regardless of what nations flag they burned. You have the right to protest against injustice, Government Policy and Military involvement but you should never dish another Nations people. I am not a US citizen and as a kiwi find violent protest repugnant. i am not a Trump supporter but the fact is under the US system the man won the election. If they do not like it all they should be doing is lobbying to change that system not burning cars and looting as in some Cities. Or indeed protesting the result. 

    Democrats you lost. Pick yourselves up , look at your mistakes. And plan for the next election. Citizens if you see flaws in system then use your power to lobby for change. "Peacefully"

  4. The election of Donald trump is not a problem. But a symptom of the problem. The World has been increasingly focussing inwards and blaming the ills of the World on everyone else but the root cause of the problem.

    The World’s wealthy regardless of what system you put in place or what Party or form of Politics you aspire to. Continue to control the direction and the flow of Capital.

    Poland is a good example of new Nationalistic , Racist and Xenophobic thinking re emerging its ugly head.

    Blame other Religions, Blame other beliefs , Other Countries other systems but never look at yourself.

    “It is said in order for Evil to prevail all that is required is for good people to do nothing”

    In the most recent US election over 100 million did not vote.

    In other words 50% either feel disenfranchised or disillusioned or just do not care.

    We are the problem. If 80% plus voted then Democracy would work.

    As long as 50% refuse to participate then you will get extremes. Get of your asses World and participate 1 vote can make the difference

  5. 2 hours ago, landslide said:

    Let's look at the wars the US has been involved in during the last 100 years, and the president in office when they started.  World War I, with Woodrow Wilson, Democrat, as president.  World War II, with Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Democrat, as president.  The Korean War, with Harry S. Truman, Democrat as president.  Vietnam War, with John F. Kennedy, Democrat, as president.  Also, it was Lyndon Baines Johnson, Democrat, who escalated the "police action" in Vietnam.  Iraq (Desert Storm), George H. W. Bush, Republican as President.  Finally, Afghanistan and Iraq, with George W. Bush, Republican as President.  

    Seems like the Democrats have involved us in a few more wars that the Republicans.

    And the US did not get involved in WW1 and two because American territory or people had been killed. I believe the loss of the Lusitania with hundreds of Americans on board heralded the US involvement in the first world war. And the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour necessitated the US entry into WW2. But I also believe the history of the USA since 1776 shows it has only been at peace for some 28 of those years?

  6. USA's National debt is some 19.8 Trillion dollars 47% which is held by foreign Countries. If the USA follows a much more Insular Nationalistic approach how will they pay if this debt is called in and what would it do to the US and World economies = Major recession and World economic collapse which has been planned for 50 years. Who wins the Oligarchs and Puppet masters behind the scenes. Prepare for a roller coaster World this will be one hell of a ride. Yee haaah

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