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Posts posted by Kiwiken

  1. 7 hours ago, wiko said:

    First people start complaining that there are too many drug dealers and too much corruption, and the government doesn't do anything about.


    In fact the government does, as they put them on trial, which with they laugh because the juridical system in most countries in the world is set up such that a good lawyer get them free in no time. Then they continue at an even faster pace as before.


    The juridical system clearly doesn't work.


    The only way to get rid of them, which is what the world population wants, is to eradicated them. Destroy them.


    Kudoos to Duterte for doing the job.


    Shame on the hypocrites who whine about drug dealers and corrupt officials, then next wine when someone gets rid of them.

    No one minds that Drug Dealers are executed but when innocent Bystanders and children are killed in the process One must as are extra judicial executions really the answer. What if you were falsely accused and your family gunned down. Is it still ok then . Just collateral damage. There is a reason we have due process. To avoid lynch mobs

  2. 5 hours ago, DavisH said:

    I'm in my hotel room on the 17th floor now. The building has 38 floors. The balcony railing is surprisingly low. They should be at least 5 feet high. I'll bet some of them are accidental falls, and not all are suicide or by nefarious means. 


    5 hours ago, DavisH said:

    I'm in my hotel room on the 17th floor now. The building has 38 floors. The balcony railing is surprisingly low. They should be at least 5 feet high. I'll bet some of them are accidental falls, and not all are suicide or by nefarious means. 

    Perhaps Land of Smiles really means lad of Suicides

  3. 8 hours ago, Jingthing said:

    I don't really get where you're coming from. Passing resolutions or not, no matter what the U.N. structure, is not the same thing as passed resolutions being enforced. This resolution will not be enforced and the U.N. does go after Israel with absurdly more enthusiasm (and frequency) than other misbehaving members doing much, much worse. Just look up the numbers about that, they don't lie. 

    99% of resolutions concerning Israel get vetoed by the USA. Resolutions trying to stop bloodshed in Syria, South Sudan, and other Countries tend to be vetoed by Russia or China and sometimes the USA and Britain. Mostly because it jeopardizes  their Arms exports and perceived sphere of influences. The big players are not interested in peace just a piece of the Action

  4. 50 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

    Or another question: how many countries has Russia invaded and taken over during the past 100 years?  The list is rather long.

    And all have left with their tails between their legs. It is not just the Russian Winters or long Supply lines that sap them it is the Russian mentality to Scorch and burn rather than surrender. In WW2 the Russians made every City a Fortress this caused the Germans delays and heavy casualties while giving the Russians . Time to more their war production East of the Urals.

    The German intelligence was based on the Assumptions gained from the Winter war between Russia and Finland. What the Germans did not realise was the Soviet Armies were reorganising and equiping when they attacked. Yes the destroyed the Russian Frontier Armies and Airforce but only the oldest stuff the Russian left facing the west. The T34, KV1, Srturmovik and Yak Fighters plus the Russian PPSh41 and Tokarev rifle came as a shock to the German. Underestimating the Russian Military has cost many Nations over the Centuries. 

  5. 35 minutes ago, Morch said:


    Almost 80% of Palestinian territory was annexed and under Israeli military control between end of 1947 till end of 1948.


    If that was anywhere near a correct statement, it would mean that the West Bank and the Gaza Strip constitute 20% of the intended Palestinian state - seeing as these were not conquered by Israel until 1967. The only way in which this nonsense carries any meaning is if one holds the opinion that all the land in question is Palestinian. That is a hardcore rejectionist position out of tune with the UNSC resolution. The same goes for the "colonial" nonsense, or asserting that there was a Jewish "conquest" prior to around the time when the partition plan was announced.



    The resolution itself calls for an end to Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem. These were Palestinian designated prior to 1967. Nothing in the resolution talks about Israeli land. As a New Zealander I am proud My Country co sponsored this bill. In New Zealand Religious Groups hold little influence in Our Secular Society and Long may it reign. The move is about fairness. Something proponents on both Sides of the Arab/Israeli divide often forget. Both must be prepared to give. This should not mean more Palestinian Land. But on the Palestinian side an end to Terrorism and Rocket attacks. On the Israeli side an end to encroachment of Land and a return to the 1967 Borders. Just as in Northern Ireland there must be the willingness to compromise or else there is no road to peace. And neither can live in safety

  6. 39 minutes ago, hawker9000 said:

    "The world has spoken"   yadda, yadda, yadda


    The world has also spoken on China's annexation of two entire oceans, and "the world" isn't going to do a thing about it.  The "world" also didn't lift a finger when the arabs tried to overrun Israel in 1967.    If China, who's blatantly just stealing resources for its own use, doesn't have to pay any attention, why should Israel have to pay any more attention to a world turned Jew-hating (again) simply because it's been intimidated by terrorism?   Trump will likely reverse all this, and give "the Obama legacy" the cremation it deserves.




    :thumbsup:  :clap2:  :thumbsup:  :clap2:

    Objecting to Israeli occupation, and annexing of Arab Land is not anti Jewish, Objecting to Chinese encroachment on Other Nations Sovereignty in the South China Sea is not Chinese Hating. The World body in regards to Israel has simply reaffirmed its previous stance. It is a Sad thing that We do not have an effective mechanism to stop Nations when they exceed the bounds of Civility. Sadly Countries Like China, Russia the USA and others have little to no regard for International Law and only do what is in their Own self interest regardless of what impoverished people or Small States they trample on. 

  7. 10 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


    It can't and it won't be and soon there will be a new sherrif in town that is a friend of Israel. Obama waited until he had only a few weeks in town before ignoring the will of the American people - shameful.

    With Trump entering the White House we have another 4 years of an American stabilised democratic Middle East. Like they have done so well so far. 

  8. 1 minute ago, Jingthing said:

    As was predictable in any Israel political topic, the HARD CORE Israel demonizing rhetoric comes out of the closet that it's not in. Suggesting an equivalence between modern Israel and Nazi Germany is Jew hating hate speech. Once you go there, you lose all chance of having any reasoned discussion on these matters.. 

    Define a Jew Hater. I suspect you are a hater of Islam. I personally have no issue with any Human being as long as they live by the credos. Of Do unto others as you wish done to you.

    I do not have problems with israelis unless they transgress against my Country which they have. I have met quite a few israelis. My view on the Settlements is not based on race but One side more powerful with a big Thug Supporter that physically bullies out its neighbour. Don't label people you do not know me or others. You assume! An old saying never assume less you make an Ass out of You and Me!

  9. 4 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


    I like them all on that list, but start with this one:


    1. Signing a congressional declaration that the UN Security Council resolution is not United States policy. Congress could quickly pass, and President Trump would sign, a declaration that the previous administration had no mandate to allow the UN Security Council resolution to pass. The declaration could affirm prior U.S. policy that some areas in the West Bank will always be under Israeli control — or it could even leave the status of the West Bank open to potential Israeli annexation.

    Is this so Israel can have lebensraum.  Sounds very much like the actions of a previous Government in Germany. Maybe Israel should just annex the West Bank and the Gaza strip. Good luck assimilating the populations. First you steal the land then you eliminate (cast out , exterminate) the previous inhabitants. A dangerous path and Policy. And will keep the USA tarred as a supporter of Genocide. The West Bank and Gaza strip are Palestinian. East Jerusalem is its Capital. Israel is an occupying and hegemonous  State. There can be no peace on this path. For their Part the Palestinians must rein in their support for Extremism. Both Sides Policies only further the divide and make rapprochement impossible  . The Sponsors of the Bill sought to stop One side while also saying the other must move to curb violence.

  10. 12 minutes ago, LammyTS1 said:

    Oh I see, and how many potential Buddhist or Christian bomb attacks have been prevented over the past week?
    How many Christian & Buddhist terror attacks have prevailed within Germany & Australia recently?
    The press can be so right wing as they never print stories about the Klu Klux Klan and their terrorist bombings in Europe & Australia. Why is that? We never hear about the KKK and their worldwide terrorist network killing hundreds of people on a daily basis?

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

    I believe in the West a non Muslim terrorist is called mentally deranged!

  11. 3 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:


    Actually, there is evidence as in the recent case of Disney, the American employers hire foreign workers under the HB1 program when plenty of American workers are available.  The HB1 visa system is being systematically abused.

    It is my opinion here in New Zealand that Employers prefer and hire Foreign workers over Locals because Foreigners are easier to control and bully and generally do not gripe about their wages. By this method they also keep the Domestic wage lower. I would think US Employers would do the same to keep labour cost down.

  12. 1 minute ago, F4UCorsair said:


    I tried to edit earlier, to add....


    The British colonized/settled both Australia and New Zealand, so what went wrong?  Whatever It Is/was, Australians blame the Brits.


    I'm surprised you haven't made the convict connotation/connection, the same old chestnut......again!!

    I never throw in that Old Chestnut because I have Australian relatives. But i am sure some of the Old that you treat people worse than you yourself were treated my have had some bearing on the treatment of Aboriginals

  13. Just now, giddyup said:

    Do you have any idea how much money has been thrown at the aboriginal problem over the last 50 years? How many white people devote their lives to helping with aboriginal health, education, employment etc? We aren't living in the past and we aren't responsible for the sins of our fathers, and aboriginals are going to have to make some effort to stand on their own feet and not rely on government handouts, or "sit down money" as they like to call it.  Too easy to blame the white man for your own shortcomings, as American blacks like to do.

    I guess since I come from a Multicultural integrated Society yes I can look across the ditch and review your mistakes and Ours. But as a Kiwi I know all too much about racism in Australia . Not 50 years ago not 10 but now!

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