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Posts posted by AlexRich

  1. 6 hours ago, Kalasin Jo said:

    The lead article here today is that a mass exodus is already underway. No doubt fuelled by this kind of speculation. Living in Isaan suddenly got a whole lot riskier. Our local village markets have all stopped though, presumably by Provincial Governor's order since I'm not aware of a nationwide order closing all markets.


    But how on earth will these vendors survive?

    Possibly by robbing “rich” farangs ... id keep a low profile if I were you.

  2. Wait and see, you might find that Thailand has opened up by May. As for a test certificate, I believe that private clinics will be offering that ... I read one in Harley St is doing so already. There will no doubt be one where you live soon. But make sure you get the test close to the flight, as they may impose a time on it.

  3. Sleep longer, it’s good for your immune system. Watch TV or Netflix, and make use of the internet. Reading can pass a few hours quite easily.


    i don’t think it is healthy to lock yourself away. So go out for a walk or a cycle. But when out avoid crowds, shops, cafe ... just keep away from other people.

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  4. If she is young then it makes sense to self isolate. She doesn’t need to be tested, it won’t change her situation. Countries are not testing because they don’t have enough kits or staff to undertake testing. So the published numbers in every country are inaccurate. You don’t need to do anything. If her breathing changes to the point where she needs a ventilator, they will test her. If she is young that is highly unlikely to happen. 

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  5. 14 hours ago, david555 said:

    Better start looking for prices air or sea freight just incase ,or  sharing a container for some expats with plenty to valuable to leave behind ?

    As nothing predictable anymore as border runners already in problems because closed borders rapports already .


    You might be able to get a cheap world cruise? The problem with ship should is they are Petri dishes for the virus. 

  6. 54 minutes ago, Logosone said:


    Definitely, Easy Jet is a screaming buy, also Heathrow Airport holdings, Fraport, Carluccio's restaurant and Cineworld are also screaming buys.


    Would definitely buy those companies with a glittering future ahead....



    I wouldn’t touch airlines yet, but if my hand was forced I’d say that Ryan Air, with 4 billion in cash, will be the last man standing. They can tough it out better than most. I’m not convinced about IAG or EasyJet ... great buys if this passes quickly though.

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