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Everything posted by Dave0206

  1. In a country where votes are bought and LM laws are so tough most of the population keep their true thoughts to themselves and who can blame them 🤔. Everyone knows money and status buys you " justice "
  2. You're right but he is also known as swiss dave for some reason according to earlier reports
  3. Any one that dare disagree with your superior knowledge are of limited intelligence? Pray tell us of inferior intelligence to yourself my Lord where you accrued such vast wisdom you quote a 98% conviction rate? I still say if someone shouts "uck "off uck off thud a reasonable person would assume that angry person was not in the process of asking politely if the 2 ladies would move off a position they were legally entitled to be Even if the steps were legal which they were not swiss dave has a superiority complex you and him are well suited
  4. With the intention of feeding children unscrupulous fraudsters jump on the gravy train to prove yet again no good deed goes unpunished. If only he had bought overpriced lecterns from a friend this would have been acceptable why did he think feeding hungry children was ok
  5. Few years ago I was in another bar on soi 80 after "closing time " then quickly 4 of us had to quickly go into the toilet police were doing a bar to bar check for compliance meaning no one was stealing customers from the favoured bars
  6. I've always said let him face the same justice any other person would and his father said he would not get in the way of justice I have not heard any mention of "witch hunt " I think that's a Republican mantra . So now he is convicted perhaps he can share a cell with the orange one or his family? Certainly won't be paul manafort or other similar patriots
  7. What exactly does it prove? That the Thai justice system is a lottery? In Scotland this would have been a " not proven " verdict not a not guilty verdict. Swiss Dave has made a name for himself in other incidents now he is in the spotlight he will need to curb his bullying habits
  8. Sounds like ahmet is a slow learner I'm surprised a good samaritan did not promise to get his money back for a upfront fee of 100.000
  9. I've stayed a few times airbnb @ view talay 3 quiet right opposite heritage hotel lovely sea view
  10. If all his faults were not bad enough his father is suing people for 50 million for even suggesting he may have facilitated his sons escape from justice apple don't fall far from the tree
  11. Wow little pedantic today? Ok I will clarify what I meant run of the mill pajero Toyota anything top spec apart from 1 model .the point was import tax means you get half the value 🙄
  12. Any hi so knows an imported car is worth it for ones image .Even a mini as a starter car is same price as a top of the range suv
  13. I'm not sure if it's " tax changes upcoming " or the fact I'm now really looking for a condo but the 2nd hand market sure has a lot of " Thai company name " units for sale often @ firesale prices not I will be buying under company name the risk scares me
  14. If a pharma company can afford to sell any drug to another country for less than its home country have an open vote in the house and senate to nullify its patent anyone who votes against should be made to explain the reasons ( especially when you're government finances much of the research)
  15. You are quite right trump during his 4 years of chaos was pushing pharma for lower drug prices for all or have I got it wrong was it that commie bernie saunders finally broke that socialist dems never mind its not like it benefits any maga supporters if he wins he can reverse any price cuts
  16. That was phrased in an advert style as opposed to a news article. Nevertheless with the money the Saudi regime have if they want they can become as big as Emirates last year I saw flight Zurich to bkk return less than 400 chf I didn't buy but they can afford to subsidise any venture to a level no one else could. Look @ the sports side
  17. Ok thanks for that
  18. 10 to 20% at least I'm not being told I'm completely in wrong ball park
  19. How long ago is this?
  20. It was mentioned earlier that in Thailand there are no serious investigation style journalists ( bad for health) being a nosey person I would like to hear from the wife of the deceased .has she been well compensated has she been told to keep quiet? Apart from the general public how has she been treated in the 12 years since she lost her husband
  21. No I don't know if I'm correct but buying in a company name scares me especially the way tax laws are changing either way its a no. Perhaps that was humour sorry I'm a bit slow just woke up
  22. Hi all I'm thinking of buying a condo as the heading says completely empty. It is approximately 90m2 I'm not a builder nor will I be doing anything myself I only wish to make bathroom and 1 bedroom on 1 side with open plan kitchen and living area on other .I'm budgeting approximately 1.5 m for ceilings .partition wall .doors .2x ac units 2x ceiling fans.tiling decent bathroom and kitchen including sofa tvs and fridge freezer is my budget do able for a decent standard?
  23. Maybe another rental shop is going to get bad news ? Even with you holding on to his passport as security he ain't going to pay for the damaged bike. May not be the case here but many people rent bikes and scooters which they have never used in there lives before and thai roads great place to learn
  24. So appeal to them not me im unable to vote and if I could wouldn't be way you wanted
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