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Everything posted by Dave0206

  1. Good that the mother could not be bought off. Not that it should be an option but we all know unfortunately it's the way out for hi so class
  2. I totally agree he is a proper bar steward as for blaming the mother for what? Although as a child I was not neglected we used to go out and roam only coming home when hungry tired or bad weather as did all the kids of my era
  3. Last part only joking as I say carry on I always read your submissions and enjoy
  4. I personally enjoy his posts and given the amount of pages of the responses he gets on many of the topics he starts AN would be a poorer site without his inputs (was this how you asked me to write bob ?)
  5. Yes I kind of knew that funny isn't it with a country so quick on litigation even high up people whom chuvit "libeled " never seemed inclined to sue. Perhaps they were too afraid to rattle him too much after all he knows he is dying what are they going to threaten him with.
  6. Where is chuwit when we need his insight 🤔 he would make an excellent member
  7. "There may be someone in the room smarter than him 🤔" it's more like the Kings new clothes
  8. I don't think "the old guard" suggested ivanka and Jared or did I miss something only you are aware of?
  9. People like pence .haley and now desanctus make me sick when eventually they "see the light" when they were the 3 monkeys before see no evil ect. Only 1 I respect was rex tillerson who said it as it was whilst still in government
  10. It never fails to amaze me how so many voters go against there own interests for example health care . Or is this imaginary new care program so good it's got to be hidden for 8 years 🤔. Tax cuts did you personally benefit so much ? If so rising stock market trump bragged about daily you must be super happy with Biden?. Drug prices that Trump lowered oh sorry that was Biden. All that infrastructure republicans are now crazy about taking the credit for( even though many voted against) Border that's it no1 priority except don't solve it yet? I know it's the crazy left aoc ect when you can point to your best Lauren <deleted> or mar Taylor Green 🤔 Trump didn't start a war ? Last I checked neither did Biden and the world was shut down for part of trumps presidency
  11. He needs lessons from your cult leader?
  12. By his name I assume German swiss lucky he doesn't have Jesus sandals and socks. Veering slightly off topic Whenever you walked past a tailor shop in Thailand the "scout" outside the shop would always speak to you in your language so often how you look and dress is a giveaway. I'm not sure if the union jack tattooed on my face was also a tell 🤔
  13. The woman that was assaulted although unlucky for it to happen at all was lucky it took place in a public area.The guy sounds like he completely lost it and I doubt he would have stopped until too late
  14. More than half the debt is this keeping up with the Jones syndrome. If you go up into the boonies next to basically shacks they have top of the range cars parked ( maybe daughter is selling her assets) Teachers who you would assume should have some intelligence are the worst at living beyond their means.
  15. Short staffed you sure? All these transfers to inactive posts must be well overstaffed a little bit retraining to not be so greedy and to share your ill gotten gains with the less fortunate bib we will soon get back to normal 😉
  16. Thinking about it was maybe a macaroon bar haa has not a Cameroon bar
  17. I think as a kid in Scotland we had chocolate cameroons with roasted coconut on top of chocolate with soft coconut inside 😋 maybe this is the confusion 😕
  18. According to the unfortunate couples occupations it would seem hard working people. If any children left behind this is a massive hole to fill very tragic 😥 for a completely avoidable situation. Also if the taxi driver has a family he is probably the bread winner so one more family <deleted>
  19. I also fly thai but from Zurich flight is OK as is food I'm not too fussy. I have checked in bag but last twice it took approximately 45 minutes to pass immigration so after 10 minutes walk + 45 bag was waiting. In saying that passport control at schipol.zurich or lhr is no better than bkk only locals or fast track make it quicker if you arrive @ a busy time
  20. Unless someone @ dvla was assisting the fake driving licence surely could only be used for basic I'd. If ever you had a police check where they called it in to check if you had outstanding charges game over. So unless I'm missing something expensive piece of plastic. Plus if I paid £1500 I'm not to happy he kept a ledger with my Name and name on new drivers licence
  21. You are right I am merely pointing out back in our own countries perhaps we are the ones with different ethical values If we are honest thailand does not cover themselves with glory selectively choosing which cases to pursue.
  22. At 19 a little bit over the hill for many. I'm not saying its right but many of us belong to countries that @ 16 years old sex with anyone the girl chooses is perfectly legal.
  23. It's bad news when you're bribe has an expiry date of 15 years 😢 and you was not told at the time.
  24. Irrelevant even if sex is normally expected and given. If you drug someone against there will.then rape and beat that person you deserve jail but let's be honest this is not going to happen
  25. Exactly and duels between truck and m/c bike is never going to get 1st prize. As you drive around thailand most of us watch in horror as big trucks tailgate cars bikes with no regard for others safety. I often wonder what highway police are for they should try enforcing undertaking ect I'm sure people would change driving habits if it constantly cost them serious money
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