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Everything posted by Dave0206

  1. In Europe chineese tour guides pay the tour company around 3000 euros to win the group . After they expect to sell optional trips and earn commission @ many shops for luxury watches clothing stores ect The groups are basically prisoners on a tour bus being hauled from one overpriced tourist attraction to another. I would assume vacations in Thailand run on similar system except much poorer tourists who many can see these overpriced items as crap
  2. Have a vote in there absence to make it 450 with final decision whether 400 or 450 the following day they may show up?
  3. 26 thai woman and 32 year old farang both quite young to finance a club unless drug money or perhaps " owner" has a good sponsor who is now going to find out his tirak has a young boyfriend 😉 Or it could be as stated and I have an overactive mind?
  4. Is this information from us intelligence don't worry putin says its not true and to quote the Donald I don't see why it would be
  5. He travelled on fake documents if they were of good quality the only way he would have been stopped from entering the USA even under trump would be stop all non whites . Mind you the bill he quashed where an extra 1300 border guards would have been employed. Or during his term in office please check how many extra border guards were added irrelevant of his promises . If you are pro trump no point he keeps telling you how good he is so no point checking facts as Conway said " alternative facts" 😉 will work for you
  6. The fact that he is on the ground reporting from all conflicts in my opinion makes him a little more qualified to relay facts more so than us armchair keyboard warriors
  7. It reads the guy was pro Ukraine 🇺🇦 and perhaps the rhetoric of trump saying he would stop supporting and let Russia finish the war was perhaps his reasoning
  8. I know I know terrible I will get my coat 😩
  9. Maybe an eye phone but his/ her aim not great
  10. A lot of guidance needed before lottery starts is it 4 2 or 3 8 every event is a sign 🤔
  11. I'm not an expert on us politics but I'm pretty sure if Biden had dropped out of the race sooner perhaps kamela Harris might not have been the chosen presidential candidate. As it is because trump can not help being trump many would vote for anyone rather than him and I can't blame them. That being said she is running a very good campaign to suit trump. Republicans are moaning her debate looked like she was primed and ready ( isn't that what you're supposed to do ?) Republican are saying she has no policy 🙄 what is trumps? A concept of an idea 8 years in the making? Asked if project 2025 is for him ? " no I've never read it ( this 100% I believe) I don't agree with it but some parts are good? What is it ? 🤔
  12. I think with your conviction of a trump win you should cash in on those bookmakers giving you better than even money .then come back in November and remind us how much you won. Or in my opinion tell us why you and Donald were cheated. I'm on the edge of my seat to hear about the concept of his plan for healthcare
  13. Initially he found her body and decided to cut her up into pieces!! Perhaps not the best excuse I!!
  14. Very good idea and now China is more and more taking control of its " errant state and citizens " can be implemented more easily
  15. Since europe has in theory open borders to neighbouring euro countries difficult to regulate I have caught many European flights where I never needed to show my passport once . In saying that certain countries Germany Austria Hungary often have big border controls but usually on main highways you don't need to be a genius to use small crossing
  16. You seriously want to mock a singer for her songwriting for being tacky? I somehow get the feeling if she had gone the way of kid rock she would have been great. Lucky for you trump never does anything "tacky " acting like a snake oil salesman with nfts. boots .Bibles very presidential
  17. For once a feel good story that surely the person who gave a confused emoji chose by mistake
  18. Bit harsh not allowed to leave the country what if they were invited to a grand prix? 🤔
  19. Again I will agree @ certain airlines and airports if flying through doha or Abu Dhabi easy for them to hold plane as the 30 passengers are their's but if for example you land terminal 1 Heathrow with non affiliated airline and connection is British Airways @ T5 you think BA will pay fine for missing there take off slot for you?
  20. Yes of course you are right but 1) if 20 minutes delay is enough to miss connecting flight why buy it ( today 28 minutes late) 2) why do airlines sell it especially if possible compensation is a real possibility
  21. I would never buy a ticket where a mere 20 minutes delay could cause me to miss a connecting flight and do not understand why airlines offer them . Before British Airways stopped there flights from London to bkk I was checking prices for flights from Zurich to bkk. British Airways showed zrh to LCY ( City Airport) Then 4 hours later lhr to bkk I know this is virtually impossible self transfer one side of London to the other. Plus if you are not British or European you will need a British visa so at check in you are screwed
  22. As I read it they bought tickets through thai airways to the UK .flight from Thailand late and missed connecting flight . 7.20 in morning perhaps no schengan visa can not depart airport 🤔 Why they didn't fly directly to UK perhaps cheaper? Many airlines do not have there own staff at airports Also unless you really are familiar with airports difficult to navigate from 1terminal to another in short space of time.
  23. I think most of us in Thailand have gotten into lifts where it is so hot you dread the thought of being stuck. Usually in the west is a small hole high up where you fit a key a bit like you use to bleed radiators in your home to release door lock
  24. I read an article from a swiss newspaper quoting he was bored with life in Switzerland ( understandable) @ 35 he left to live in Thailand ( previously he worked in security) wife from issaan blah blah but always loved elephants moved to phuket used all his savings to rent 40.000 acres in 2019 for elephants sanctuary very good timing? Must have done very well to survive covid. Goes on to mention on Dec 25th altercation with ambulance and lots of hints that it is a big fraud pushing for donations for his " sanctuary " I think he needs to cut up his t shirt and put them on cards to sell to his supporters bday Prang will buy
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