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Everything posted by Dave0206

  1. To be honest there are maga and anti trumpers who would vote for a piece of wood rather than Donald everyone knows it's the middle and newly able to vote that will decide like the swifties many policies roe v wade for example affect woman of Taylor swifts fan base Good news for you maga base you can now get better than even money from the bookmakers pile on in there so I can get a better price on harris
  2. Yes republicans fight price control ask the drug manufacturer
  3. Reading many stories of " off duty police " committing murder or other serious offences there must be enough inmates to merit a very large prison for themselves perhaps ferrari Joe could act as the "daddy"
  4. I understand all I am trying to say is as we all know the bar is not set equally where ludicrous excuses are given and accepted ( watches from friend) example so whatever the decision of the court on the swiss man non of us should be surprised harsh or lenient there is 2 weeks left before publicly decision is given
  5. I've read a few posts you made can not disagree with any of them . My own comment was regarding the fact as stated by many the Dr was not for paying off and I say good for her. As highlighted swiss david has made a name for himself as a bully kicking a woman. Blocking an ambulance ect ect are only the ones we hear about I very much doubt his behaviour other times was exemplary so I say uck him. Other members moan about the fact thai's are worse we all know thai judiciary is not the best but farangs are guests in this country so kicking them out is an option not open to locals. Either way his day in court is coming up and I for one would not be surprised @ any verdict after all a low level government official can get 200 years for corruption whilst others well list is too long if he is kicked out I say auf wiedersehen
  6. Oh oh kicked wrong person looking like swiss david may have to find new country to live.im sure owner of luxury villa must be p"ssed off too that the steps were shown to be illegal must make access to beach harder
  7. " climbing the military ranks" with 1 hand missing he is not going to climb much of anything
  8. Police recognised the thieves obviously career criminals. Now with tracking devices so cheap I don't know why people don't attach to anything of intrest to thieves
  9. I'm not referring to the border I'm referring to project 2025
  10. Give him credit for crude falling to minus -$40 pee barrel also? From the time he entered office till he left gas prices was rising every year when he left no one was moving so fuel not needed but if you want to claim low gas prices because of world shutdown claim the whole covid scenario. Your candidate is so shallow every move in Dow Jones upwards it was me me me. Stock market not done so bad under Democrats sound of silence? When Biden gave stimulus checks his first priority was not to try and put his name on checks no side is perfect but the hypocrisy of Donald is overpowering. He only wants debate now because he is desperate and behind. His excuse for not going to the Republican debate I'm so far ahead I don't need to. He could have used it as a showcase to tell the whole of USA what he would do for the working men and women. How his economic plan of how the tax cuts to the 1% would pay for itself ( maybe he will miss that part) How he would stop nepotism from anyone in government enriching themselves both parties ( Jared ivanka you listening) So much he could have said because I need a good laugh Perhaps he can even read a few chapters of his favourite book the bible
  11. I am not complaining yet 4 years ago when I knew thailand would be my retirement home gbp was @ 41 it had been lower.chf was 34 now 40.5 .the dollar was hovering around 31 so fluctuations is nothing new we all dream of the return of the 72 per pound but I can live with 45gbp and 40 for chf
  12. 1 person who has tirelessly campaigned for cheaper prescription drugs is bernie sanders .no matter which party you support why not have a look at your senator or representatives see how they vote for common sense bills that benefit the majority instead of the corporate interests and even better there rationale for voting against your wishes
  13. Obviously they know which companies were guilty of bribing officials to receive illegal vat refunds .So surely its win win make them companies repay 2or 3x the refunds plus you have the bribe monies happy days for the taxation department
  14. Yes thai police did a good job twice how come after he was caught selling a rented bike he was free to roam and carry out his crime spree which you can be sure ruined quite a few holidays
  15. Omg 😲 I think you're maga hat is about 3 sizes too big for you. You are completely blind to anything that doesn't suit Donald .with your logic the Republicans that were over the moon with the border bill are what Democrats in disguise? The Republican party is only for opposition even when eventually a plan is unveiled Donald and others run away from even knowing anything about it.
  16. It is tragic when anyone is hooked on drugs and kudos to hunter for kicking the habit. Rather than sympathy many republicans want to hang him fair enough your choice but let's be fair and name and shame other users like perhaps Don jnr and his girlfriend trout lip gargoyle no word of dissent instead let's find jobs for them at rnc and other posts for the family no nepotism in sight ?
  17. It's just so heart warming all this merit making seems to be doing his health the world of good. After being unable to serve a normal jail sentence. I wonder if ferrari Joe is doing a lot of merit making
  18. I read somewhere some finance company related to Mike's shopping mall could help up to 50% but rates and extras are very high.
  19. Absolute disgusting holding blacks on minor crimes lucky for the central park 5 who were eventually cleared she was not around when someone I forget who was taking out adverts to hang them still not said he was wrong
  20. I think the major bank was dausch bank (German) so they made less profit in theory Donald should have more profit I'm sure no reason to doubt his "honesty and integrity 😉 "
  21. He is quite right no one lost money ( not always the case with Donald's history) nevertheless I'm sure if successful first thing will be to track down the donors in Donald's never ending go fund me go fund me go fund me
  22. Fairly indifferent to life especially when it comes to taking someone else's life
  23. Rather than getting himself a good attorney I would suggest he buy himself a piece of rope. Many families lives ruined through his selfish act of no money for insurance but enough for beer
  24. You know its serious if Ryanair did not try to benefit from this problem they are never shy to charge customers extra for any excuse
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