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Everything posted by Dave0206

  1. Room 427 is not going to be too popular for the Thai population @ that hotel perhaps they will have to be renumbered. Usually they do not even say hotel name
  2. Russian again ivor big or small in you choose
  3. Although not swiss I live there and for a while a whole batch of "swiss " were headline news as the one above indicates other stories like the Thai man killed by swiss husband after entering the couples property undertones being wife liked to gamble and this was her "friend " all headline news then no follow up
  4. Although not swiss I live there and for a while a whole batch of "swiss " were headline news as the one above indicates other stories like the Thai man killed by swiss husband after entering the couples property undertones being wife liked to gamble and this was her "friend " all headline news then no follow up
  5. Well we do it is Bury St edmonds a nice part of England. I understand it is every parents right to do what they think right for there family . My point is the education will suffer but everyone is entitled to there point of view
  6. I have not read all replies so excuse me if I repeat somebody's response. I'm not sure how old the children are but seems a bit selfish to bring kids brought up in the west to the boonies it may well be the parents idea of heaven but I doubt if many on this forum would do it . I should assume many oldies have a 2nd family here now and kids are doing great but they were born here don't know anything different Turning clock back would they bring there first family here 🤔
  7. In the UK England in particular it is very common to buy a property leasehold as opposed to freehold. Lease normally starts at 99 years but obviously as these years dwindle down it affects your selling price hence need to negotiate to extend lease as far as Thailand is concerned I don't intend to live another 30 years let alone 99 years so I don't give a flying duck I was always bad at spelling 😀
  8. As long as the chain of wealth distribution was followed he has nothing to worry about but before it's become so public I think he forgot to not break the chain Looks like he is not quite in the "the watches were lent by a friend " category so I fear he is up s"it creek no paddle ect
  9. If there is a market for illegal passports and visa documents I'm sure the police must have the capability to set up a similar operation 🙄. Anyone requiring such documents are obviously up to no good I'm sure they could get even bigger headlines than 180 day overstay
  10. I assume some were already rented out I think his real crime was taking work from local mafia. Or this 1 million baht we would never have heard about him or this story. Police are not too good at solving crime in that area
  11. I don't understand the word victim in this story I've never met anyone who woke up and thought oh I will buy a new passport online!! Oh and payment by crypto yes yes all sounds above board to me .
  12. Most of us on here can afford a uck up like this NOW but the girl was very unlucky. I'm sure at some time in our lives ( I'm talking for me) if I had been refused my flight after thinking I was free to spend my last baht it would have been a worrying time . So I'm not going to get on her case she was unlucky and feel many of us or our children could end up in same position difference is as we get older we start worrying what if so we plan for worst scenarios
  13. Well the married beauty clinics owner has nothing to worry about her secret is safe.no information given away by this article!!! It's not like the villain and married woman's husband is on same army base
  14. Oh thank goodness for a minute I thought they was going to waste all the new tax they are projecting to collect from us farangs. Good to see its already budgeted for
  15. Well I assumed I was going to read about a thai man extorting a GAY French man .Hands up everyone who jumped to same conclusion. I especially liked the part where he was feeling financial deprivation
  16. Arrested @ home after outstanding detection work to locate and arrest him gives you a proper sense of safety knowing the lengths the police go to track criminals down
  17. 8 location's lose 3billion baht per year that's over a million baht per day .someone is making a fortune in rent because no way salaries come near that
  18. Yes thank gadd (paul ) never see an English man up to this type of *hit
  19. Well the catch and kill that pecker implemented stopped more reputable outlets from getting the story .but let's be honest if trump was caught on camera a percentage of his base would come up with some bizarre excuses no matter what the evidence is. 🙄 if it walks like a duck blah blah
  20. In the UK it is illegal to commit suicide but if you succeed charges are always dropped
  21. Perhaps you know who I am and WHAT I KNOW about many? Ok run along nothing to see here case dismissed
  22. I'm sorry I disagree his "butt" should be on offer to anyone in jail who is feeling horny spitting is an optional extra
  23. It is just over 1000 voters hardly a figure to go and bet on .If they poll a different 1000 and they have Biden surging ahead will trump supporters ramp up the achievements of their party? As seen time and time again they can not govern and I don't know why they oppose any gun bills it would save them pain as they love shooting themselves in the foot
  24. This topic is every couple of months as stated by most I followed the soi post office (pattaya) agent route total cost around 6.000 for me but when bank asked you want Internet banking you want this I'm yes yes and yes so perhaps could have been cheaper. I tried many banks by myself it's not good waiting in line for 20 minutes bank after bank to be told in 10 seconds no can do Mr. So for me it was money well spent
  25. I am nearly 65 still working in Switzerland been there 16 years so not enough for full swiss pension I was able to pay reduced ni contributions to get full British pension ( next year) The increases in the last few years have been enormous. Apart from freezing of pensions it seems to me an unfair 2 tier system with state and new state pension it's about 30% different so obviously even people in uk are being treated very differently depending on what age group you fall into. Of course there are social security top ups available but many older people are unaware or too proud to claim. Without sounding racist it is normally the undeserving that know how to claim for everything I had a polish guy rent a room from me years ago worked 3 months in uk got family allowance for children who had never set foot in the UK and this is all legal
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