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Everything posted by Dave0206

  1. You sound like you have a lot of real estate you sexy man you
  2. Usually when there is an overwhelming amount of bars in relation to customers every 2nd bar has a for sale sign
  3. Yes it was his lucky day for most people going swimming or any other exercise we usually overestimate our capabilities in my mind I can still run and catch a bus I don’t know the circumstances surrounding the swimmers difficulties but it would not surprise me to learn his fitness level not as he remembered
  4. Fantastic idea I have always loved these important influencer crowd I think should send them all to kao tao. Put a positive spin on the island of death. Perhaps they can sell it as suicide island
  5. You could be 100% correct but you can not deny the island is very unlucky place for farangs with very little real scrutiny of " unfortunate circumstances surrounding many deaths" so just to satisfy the many disbelievers and to prove you right every death on that island can have autopsy if family so wish that would sound reasonable to me
  6. Oh you need first class sleeper to chang mai? You need to go upstairs to my brothers shop r2d2 can only get bookings through them
  7. True but not for them there story of new bike reg is sponsored by Honda. The less people have the more they proportionally gamble.dreaming .I just hope the casinos are never legalised or it will be carnage for many
  8. You say how could cashier tell? I remember when many Indian tailors would watch you approach them and choose correct language to harass you to buy some suits or shirts. Not sure if it was the sandals with socks that gave the Germans away or my string vest and hankie on my head said I was British or Russian with weight lifter belts and wide eye stare
  9. You are quite right it will be one massive loop with stops @ treetown. Then subway. Buakhow market .with massive parking I looked @ wires at jomtien Park very well kept( not) except beach and 2nd road work at night no disturbance you sure ????
  10. Few weeks ago pattaya came to a complete stop but traffic problems are nua.bukhaow.sth pattaya ect how will this help if only @ beach road
  11. I really do not understand why people complain about amount of money spent do you not realise this money is going to be spent on road safety. I believe government has already ordered 15 ornamental lamp posts for nana with tourists in mind also so no more complaints that you didn't know she was a he
  12. If it had been a BLM 100% they would not have been treated with kid gloves every possible section of military would have been called immediately. A peaceful protest was pushed back to allow rump a photographic opportunity with a Bible so blm would not have been treated same
  13. No finger pointing not very professional are they ?
  14. Omg you are really suffering from the delusional Trump syndrome. Do you not realise he has served his purpose for the federalist society ???? No one except the deniers want to see him saved Unlike when he was president Biden is not screaming and shouting what the justice department should do for Him if hunter has done something illegal let him be prosecuted for it. If he benifited foreign companies and its a crime fair enough he did a poor job considering how good the trump children were at it put all on trial for fairness?
  15. This is not unusual often medical seats use 3 rows at rear of aircraft I got on to an oman Airways flight ( I used to choose last row of 3 mostly got whole 3 seats to myself) with allocated seat that no longer was available but still on my boarding card
  16. Not sure but the fact 2 plane loads on 1 flight probably the problem first cancelled flight I'm in 23a second flight I've shown my original ticket get on flight even if another passenger has 23a we find a seat obviously flight still not full or not enough seats ground crew mistake but costly.lucky for them in Thailand not Europe where compulsory compensation is owed plus accommodation and food. Here's hoping no one was using this flight as a means to catch onward flight home with other airline very costly
  17. She is a true tory never let an opportunity making a buck off the state and she is in the house of Lords where the common voter has no say on these parasites unelected to a position for life
  18. Neither party can be proud of selling off the family silver if you want to play the history game. Ted heath and Margaret thatcher selling our North Sea oil rights .in fact she sold British gas and anything else that was not nailed down public housing stock ect easy to be in black until all assets are sold. Poll tax for Scotland only ( illegal under charter) when it came near the end of her time on earth big discussion if she gets state funeral in Scotland discussion was do we need to wait till she dies ???? Ps I'm wearing my helmet to avoid injury from my English friends
  19. Without sounding too much of a conspiracy I feel Donald has outstayed his welcome within the Republican party so Supreme Court .fox( can't bring myself to say news ) plus many others allowing him to get his just rewards. Easiest way for Republican party to not alienate the MAGA crowd ????. For dems best thing for them is to have Trump and Marg tg on the ticket on 24
  20. Remember this is a bit tongue in cheek I can't help but think this is a bit tied to another headline story " chinaman charged with doing job reserved for thais
  21. Please share this film so we can all be enlightened. Is it a dem of note ? Or is it a news max special ???? if you show me a member of the senate telling these immigrants to go cause trouble I will make an apology to you on here otherwise at moment easy to say any s*it. I assume you would not be willing to have mtg or Lauren boebert as spoke person for Republican party?
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