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Posts posted by skorp13

  1. Covid positive people entered these places. With out being tested and quarantined covid positive positive people will continue to go places, shutting down entertainment venues putting people out of work will not stop the spread, it is simply something to point a finger to in order to make people feel calm that it has been identified and being handled

  2. 11 hours ago, GroveHillWanderer said:

    Well there are 967 cases today so it's looks like he was pretty much spot on.


    Nt a huge rise in the three days it took you to respond and consider almost 200 of these are in prisons. In a country of 70 million  it is not a large number. Diligence required yes, panic...no. Please post the number of serious hospitalizations requiring ventilators or recorded deaths, which hopefully will be none or as close to it as possible

    • Sad 2
  3. First of all the pubs mentioned as to alleged sources for the outbreak were not exactly what you would call decadent. Secondly patrons came to the pub covid positive so it did not start in the pub. Third not testing people because you could have to admit them? You could send them to quarantine if there symptoms are not bad and monitor them, sending them home un monitored is very reckless and perhaps deadly. lots of potential law suits

  4. They have no idea of infection rate or how many cases so how can they possibly give a time line? Sounds like buying time to me. Of the 400+ at least 150 were in a Southern prison so that can't really factor into society and where the new hot spots have been found.


    Looking at the number of variants around the world now it can be reasonable to say the virus is more than likely mutating differently in different parts of the world. Perhaps the U.K variant was not brought in past tight security measures but was here all along and has mutated in similar fashion with the U.K. strain

    • Confused 1
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