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Posts posted by skorp13

  1. 70-80% have been asymptomatic. The reason they don't tell you that before is because it doesn;t fit their narrative on a stranglehold for power and control especially when they have been totally ill prepared to handle the virus and the Delta wave, The reason field hospitals have been shown to be full is because there simply was no where near enough beds for the small number of those seriously infected. Of those that unfortunately lost their lives i believe many of those could have been prevented with proper abilities to handle the critically ill in the first place

  2. Complete mishandling of the situation along with massive shut downs lending itself for the moment nothing to come back to will seriously hamper the tourism comeback. Along with the flip flops and what's good this hour is obsolete later has shaken tourist confidence significantly. You may open borders but with quarantine requirements and expenses along with not enough open and the threat of things closing right on peoples noses at anytime has definitely left it's mark. Thailand you're in for a long haul.

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  3. Really? We're back to this nonsense again? So this month while we don't have enough vax or test kits at affordable prices it's safe but next month if we do it won't be unless you conform and fill out a form in an app and show proof every time you want to stop in and get a quick bite? May work for mall restaurants but for local places especially Thai hole in the wall and street side places not a chance. More clueless flip flopping, can't wait for tomorrow's new idea LOL

  4. We've never known the true numbers for many reasons, the best way to tell is going by the number of people in field hospitals and or icu's. These they can get are, if they want, hard numbers. We all know what a control crazy, power hungry regime this is. The fact that they will admit numbers are coming down and we may be on the downslope of the curve is at least something to be optimistic about....maybe ????

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