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Posts posted by skorp13

  1. Geez, as of yesterday everything was still on schedule LOL. This only comes as a shock to those in charge. Low vaccines falls directly on the administration and they're worried about vaccinated foreigners spreading the disease but not their own. OMB they really can't stop embarrassing themselves, no wonder there is such a lack of confidence among the citizens

    • Like 2
  2. 17 hours ago, Leaver said:


    Why do you think many bars / gentleman's clubs moved to Soi Boomerang?  


    It wasn't because they were "thriving" at their last location.  They needed cheaper rent to enable them to survive, let alone, thrive.  


    Which ones moved? The ones i know that were doing well are still there, although closed like all others right now. Maybe some opened new but i don't know of any that closed shop to open there.

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  3. These articles stink with lies, offer some comedy relief and a lot of heartache for those already suffering again. But hey be optimistic, only around 4 more months of this...... then you may just see half a ray of sunshine.


    These homemade vaccines, where are they made? In a lao khao lab? Certainly seems so as all the heads in charge have been vaccinated and that's what they are acting like

  4. You have to give them credit, they keep finding ways to make the circus more entertaining every day.


    What gets me is the constant flip flip act and the fact they follow no science and not even an ounce of common sense.


    I arrived back in country 17 days ago. I had my 2nd jab of Moderna on 5-May. They weren't even interested in the fact i had been vaccinated, still 14 days quarantine. Now all of the sudden come August you can't enter the country without a vaccine but if you have it and test negative only three days is required. There is nothing to back up that idea, just a noodle against the wall. Combine this with the fact that unvaccinated locals in far more dangerous areas are free to move around almost anywhere with impunity.


    We had a few balcony to balcony chin wags across the court yard in quarantine and pretty much all were doing this to see their families again. In terms of Pattaya itself i can't see why officials see it as a special place. It's nothing scenic at all especially when compared to Phuket or Koh Samui. With the number of closures in place it leaves a lot to be desired. All they're getting is a few Thais coming down for the weekend to sit on the beach. With no booze allowed and not being allowed to hang out in groups i.e. family they're not even getting much of that.


    Good thing i have popcorn for tonights follow up act LOL

    • Haha 1
  5. Flip Flop, think they have been listening to Dr. Fauci too much. Is this Science or Thai science? Why are they pushing for vaccine rate of 70% for herd immunity when they are essentially saying they don't believe in vaccinations. If you have been vaccinated and tested negative for the virus that's as good as it gets, there is nothing else to wait for.

    They quarantine vaccinated people with negative test results from lower risk countries while in a high risk country like Thailand right now the unvaccinated are free to move about almost anywhere. makes perfect sense ????

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