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Posts posted by skorp13

  1. No, this tool doesn't want to admit it IS necessary to open! He's not preventing anything because it is all happening anyways, just not in establishments where business owners as well as wholesalers and delivery people and service workers can make a living. Sinking in yet? He has nothing to praise himself for as his administration made an absolute mess of this wave. 

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  2. On 11/2/2021 at 8:12 PM, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


    1. The current Covid vaccines are broadly effective against the various different strains of COVID.  If you are infected and recover from COVID absent a vaccination, the only natural immunity you'll have will be for the one particular strain that was your infection, not the various others.


    2. Natural immunity is NOT far greater than any vax -- a claim you notably provided no source to support.


    Rather, just the opposite, with the vaccines coming out on top:


    CDC finds immunity from vaccines is more consistent than from infection, but both last at least six months

    "It’s a question that scientists have been trying to answer since the start of the pandemic, one that is central to the rancorous political debates over coronavirus vaccine policies: How much immunity does someone have after recovering from a coronavirus infection, and how does it compare with immunity provided by vaccination?


    The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has weighed in for the first time in a detailed science report released with little fanfare Friday evening. Reviewing scores of research studies and its own unpublished data, the agency found that both infection-induced and vaccine-induced immunity are durable for at least six months — but that vaccines are more consistent in their protection and offer a huge boost in antibodies for people previously infected.


    In comparing the two types of immunity, scientists said research shows vaccination provides a “higher, more robust, and more consistent level of immunity to protect people from COVID-19 than infection alone.”






    You still hold the CDC credible LOL

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  3. Two questions:


       1. What if the approval process extends beyond the 72 hour window as they have stated it could take up to 3-5 business days for approval? This would mean almost certainly you would have to apply on Monday and fly on at least Thursday and Friday you're outta luck.


      2. Why does someone previously infected with covid need a vaccine at all when their natural immunity is far greater that any vax? Again not following any science!

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