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Everything posted by PomPolo

  1. 90kg should only take a small plane or helicopter to get him to where he belongs. A lot of beautiful age appropriate ladies in this world w0nkers like this deserve what they get!!!!
  2. Those Thai police really do like their photographs, did it really take 5 cops to arrest a dude for stealing a snickers?!
  3. What did the youtuber bodybuilder golfer do after he won an argument with his girlfriend? He took a mulligan because he knew he’d be in the rough later!
  4. There is an element of irony here - these people either directly or indirectly have been making immigration difficult for the British for years and now want a forever British visa themselves to avoid criminal charges, only in Thailand!!!
  5. Have said this before and will say it again, at all the international airports they should just have a U-turn before passport control to take you back to your country on the same airplane you arrived in and buckets in the departure lounge that say "Please put in this bucket all the money you brought to spend on your holiday" Pompolo for head of TAT!
  6. Never heard anything so daft. Tax cars higher, for roads, water and airports improve your infrastructure and get into the 21st century. I have been to a couple of these resorts recently and they definitely don't appear to be over-touristed, the hotel prices would be increasing and they are not with plenty of availability, a scheme to line the coffers in my opinion or a bureaucrat to justify their position.
  7. You mean this is also illegal? Damn gonna have to find myself a girlfriend now!
  8. People are saying more than likely an 'accident' this island seems to have more than the average fair share of 'accidents' in comparison to other provinces and Islands in this country. Natural causes possibly suicide case closed, next! RIP though fella sad end to a young life
  9. Should have chopped his arm also - would have had problems then smoking then! I am also not the biggest fan of Thai taxi drivers at times but as a smoker can refrain from smoking for an hour or so, I find usually the offer of a small tip the guys will usually pull over for a few mins to get our cravings, half of the time they smoke themselves so are quite happy with the break and gives us a chance to socialise with our Asian brothers!
  10. Problem is if I had to go back to my own country I wouldn't be able to find as many ATMs - I'd have to just start throwing my money in the air (wolf of wall street FBI meeting :))
  11. Yeah a pure case of working under the wrong visa that youtuber deport and blacklist the Kn0b
  12. A muppet trying to create clickbait, you tubers wind me up get a real job, a fairly common thing in any country someone getting commission for customers, he got the original deal that he was told how is anyone scammed? An entitled idiot looking for clicks on his site.
  13. What a knob head - at least he is taking the heat off us brits and making us look good for a change 🙂
  14. Agree with one of the previous posters everyone to their own, he's not harming anyone else, not my cup of tea but hey ho! Feel sorry for the bloke he must have been in a world of pain and tried everything before making that phone call that got him on the headlines of TV/AN!!!! An interesting topic of conversation for him and his buddies the next time they are out for a beer ????
  15. Not that big, she must have needed a backpack rather than a handbag!
  16. Sounds like there is a bit more to this, why was the girlfriend carrying a knife around in a "Busy public place" might sound like a heat of the moment thing if it was in their own house, but this looks more like intent and more sensible legal systems around the world would be treated very severely, possibly attempted murder.
  17. Not a truer word said, we are in power now, I am going to load the government in our favour, hey chaps do you want to be a member of parliament? Its good fun and we'll give you loads of money and expensive watches. It's called the constitution.
  18. Complete rubbish and sounds like a trolling post. By being a guest in this country we are still held accountable to the laws of the country therefore we do have a legal right within the bounds of the laws laid down in the country however crazy they are to discuss these, this is a democracy isn't it that respects all races, cultures and opinions within it's borders equally???? 555
  19. Thailand are professing to be a democracy to the wider world, however it does not appear to be democratic with the 250 installed members of parliament that were never elected just allocated in the constitution so any other party would never get a majority. Freedom of speech is also important in a democracy and the right to protest - that also seems to have been taken away with the repurposing of other laws meant for the monarchy, as soon as the politicians start looking after the government again rather than a clueless military then Thailand can 'move forward' There is a reason military governments never work out, it doesn't matter how you dress it up to the wider world, they will catch on eventually! (DISCLAIMER - All opinions in this post are how I think the average Thai citizen may feel not mine - for legal clarity :))
  20. Look on the bright side everyone - at least we can have another coup next year, I miss those events!
  21. I personally think it will come to a Firi end
  22. Only someone with no common sense or education would make such a generalising and xenophobic statement.
  23. Would have only taken him an hour to open a bank account and got VIP status with that deposit. Nice guy but doesn't seem the sharpest tool in the shed.
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