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Everything posted by PomPolo

  1. Not just a Thai thing so not sure we can relate it to Thai culture. I am sure there are many western men that have been taken for a lot more than 5mill by a scheming foreign x-wife, I know I fall into that category ???? Feel sorry for the guy maybe just a little bit too trusting and naive over his relationship status with his girlfriend. Sounds legally like he hasn't got much of a case, just made a large gift to his GF.
  2. Such a stupid post. SCENARIO: China align with Russia and take the actions as their chance to annex Taiwan, the world becomes more involved. China decide to continue their invasions of South East Asian countries, firstly Philippines and eventually Thailand. QUESTION: Which way will Thailand vote in the UN resolution in this scenario?
  3. Very true, If I was a teacher or principle making 10-15k a month and the signer of an account with over 1 million in it, it would tempt me! Happened before and will happen again, don't mean to be the bringer of doom and gloom in a sad story, but lets wait for the follow up stories in a few months/years. i) Did she make it to university and what course is she studying? ii) How has the money been distributed between life living and university fees etc iii) Have the 'trustees' provided transparency on the money that has left the 'donation' bank account iv) Are the school/trustees taking fees for being a trustee and if so how much % v) I know they said no ATM card provided to alleviate everyone's fears - but that means nothing, how many required signatures and who does it take to make a transaction, this fund is already at 1mil and could go upwards of 2mil if people keep on donating, that would be a good reason for me not to go to university!! Happened so many times before, I am being cynical and if it does turn into a success story I will donate generously to outweigh my current cynicism in this university funding campaign, as an aside there are many more worthy causes to spend a lot of money donating to.
  4. Hope is a wonderful thing, but the word 'trustees' and 'I have never seen this much money in my life' do ring alarm bells, I hope she still has the drive to go to university with a million in the bank, and the 'trustees' are trustworthy enough to ensure that it all goes to the intended use. I am not belittling the young girls situation, but am aware also of how things work, and we may well be donating to a member of the government or police force in the longer term even though the intentions are good.
  5. I know I will get some serious cr4p for this one but I have donated millions to underprivileged people in Thailand, in the end they stole my business, house, motorbikes and threatened to kill me. Call me cynical if you like! I really do hope the little girl does well in the future, and Thailand can prove wrong all the corruptness that existed and still exists when this money comes to be used longer term as it is intended for the young girls future. My next thought is how many more articles are we going to start seeing like this, it could be a whole new go fund me business in the making. I will hold off on my donation until I see some follow ups to this story, I would definitely donate the little girl has had a sh111t life so far and only seems to want to better herself.
  6. Not unusual this in Asia, a similar price to get an Emigration Clearance Certificate in the Philippines if you have stayed in the country more than 6 months, actually sensible in a way to ensure you haven't been a naughty boy whilst in country. Complicates the leaving process a little but price and time isn't really a major headache if you are organised and have the financial means to travel the different countries. Also many countries have visa entry fees, surprised Thailand haven't done it sooner.
  7. Reckon the point of the article was aimed more at the duality of Thailand when saying it is OK in one social circle but not in another. Don't think it is fair to start discussing how beautiful she is or isn't, the point is she should be allowed to compete in a beauty pageant like most other fist world countries would allow occupations from any walk of life. For a country to reverse all it's principles on drugs (legalising marijuana) and also reverse all it's principles on gambling opening 6 casinos to recover some money after covid shows more about duality of man than anything else. Why is a school teacher taking part in a beauty pageant even a problem?
  8. This is true being a 'digital nomad' myself, it is a very grey area in Thailand, it seems to be accepted and when I am in Thailand I am not scared about telling people that I work remotely nobody seems to care. However if there was some sort of official legislation put into place, I would not mind paying some sort of tax in Thailand if that contributed to an extended visa that meant I didn't have to leave the country every 2 months, that's the bit they need to fix rather than harping on about their media ratings. Philippines is much better, you still renew your visa every two months but don't have to leave the country for 3 years.
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