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Posts posted by lannarebirth

  1. When will the Red shirt followers ever stop taking other lives? Those murders. Criminals. Terrorists.

    Nothing but the lowest life form on earth.

    Red Leaders should all be thrown in jail.

    Once they lock up Abhisit and his cohorts for the KSR massacare. :)

    The imaginary massacre, you mean.

    I just checked. Oddly, telling lies is not against forum rules. Ignore function is the next best thing, but even that doesn't work if other people respond to them.

  2. Okay last one .

    why you should buy PEN

    Capitol raising at 4c last week caused a pullback as they all do

    yesterday they released an announcement FIRST MAIDEN JORC well before expected

    today's broker report recommend upgrade from speculative to a buy and forecast PEN at 9c within 6 months

    HARTLYES upgrade PEN spec to buy 9c (currently 4.6)


    Because of the time difference, trading the US market leaves me absolutely enervated most nights. Consequently, I gave the Australian Futures market a go, even tough its a country with a population somewhere between Florida and Texas. I cut my usual trading size in half and to my great shock and horror I actually MOVED the Index Futures market (it is not "deep"). That's a pretty distressing thing to a trader unless you have the US Treasury backing you up. You'll forgive me I'm sure if I take a pass on a penny stock in that same highly illiquid market. I do wish you the best of luck though.

  3. In the coming battle the winner will be who has the best video.

    Jutuporn says "black clad man in Balaclava" is simply a red guard and did nothing wrong. Weapons he was carrying and seen strapped to his legs and on back (see photo) were simply picked up from soldiers who had dropped them. Oh my oh my, this is interesting.

    So why were they all wearing those touch sensitive gloves?

  4. There is no doubt that the way ahead is difficult. What your ilk has never recognised though is that there is a difference between protests followed by a judicial coup/backstage deals and protests followed by elections violent protests led by a convicted criminal using a small minority on the streets that use the threat of further violence and unrest to force a legitimately formed government to step down, followed by unfair elections in which open and equal campaigning will not be possible and backstage deals that likely include white-washing criminals and returning ill-gotten gains.

    Any worse than having a coup? Both scenarios seem pretty devasting in terms of free and fair democracy.

    With all due respect this post is almost incomprehensible.The trouble is that for the simplistic "Thaksin is the root of all evil school" who ignore or don't understand the subterranean undercurrents, recent developments don't fit their rather naive script.In essence their view was that Thaksin is a corrupt criminal with no real concern for the country, a closet republican who bribed his way to wealth and power and conned the rural people, uneducated and stupid, to follow him.If Thaksin was dealt with all problems will disappear.The slightly more sophisticated grudgingly concede that there are some issues that needed addressing but that Thaksin is the main problem.This view was of course always fatuous and wasn't held even by intelligent people who despised Thaksin.

    I note that even the most enthusiastic holders of this position have more or less piped down, but I suppose for some it's automatic to splutter nonsensically, rather like a decapitated chicken.Eventually I suppose even the most bone headed will see that Thaksin's importance lay primarily in his catalytic effect.The genie is well and truly out of the bottle now in a way that surprises even me.

    I agree Thaksin held a critical role in his catalytic effect in energizing the rural masses. I also agree that there are many other issues that need to be addressed other than Thaksin. Where I cannot agree is that Thaksin no longer is a threat to the Kingdom of Thailand. The other issues that need addressing are m/l out in the light now and his continued presence on the political stage only serves to exacerbate underlying divides rather than serving as a person who could heal these many rifts.

  5. Abisit should come out and explain why he escalated the use of force and censorship against the redshirts peacefull gathering, and why he then chose to send in the armed troops.Specifically Colonel Rambo's squad, who had previous against the reds.

    Then he should prone himself at the feet of the deceased redshirts families and beg forgiveness.

    Then he should be tried.

    IF only the Red Shirt held peaceful gathering there will not be the 'black saturday'. :)

    How low can some go to post such fantasy? :D

    Without the crazy aggressive talk from the red stages urging their sheeple to attack the riot squads,

    the undercover fighters wouldn't have had the opportunity to attack from cover...

    This is all part of some grand maneuvering to change the balance of power in Thailand.

    And no small amount of revenge for Thaksin.

    To say Abhisit over reacted is not true, since he allowed the Reds to run rampant for weeks, expecting them to peter out.

    But few obviously, expected a true street war to break out with targeting of army leaders, and likely random red sacrificial lambs,

    The game has changed, but as the media reports come in, the true nature of what Abhisit and his security forces faced

    is becoming much clearer. And the insidious nature of the force arrayed against them is becoming much clearer too.

    This was NOT some simple crowd clearing exercise gone wrong from over zealous army conscripts,

    as was the red scripts image making plan, but some guerilla warfare aimed at creating a grand image of

    carnage, but still blaming the military. But it seems they might have over reached.

    Perception Management telling the tale even before it happens,

    plus 'boots on the ground' to create images that fit the story they want to tell.

    We are being manipulated and only the fact the press and others were very much out there,

    and not aimed focused, but randomly, has prevented this from being a totally one sided tale for all to believe.

    We now have a distinct image of someone sided with the reds trying to create a catastrophe for the nation.

    Who benefits from this kind of imaging?

    I ronically, the red Shirt leadership must be hoping the PAD Yellow Shirts arrive quickly and create mayhem as well. That would take some of the heat off of them. I hope the Yellows don't rise to the bait.

  6. a wonderful, responsible and courageous force for change some would say - removing an unpopular government with no mandate - as my Thai friend says everytime she sees red flags on tuktuks 'my heros' - not my words but it's how many Thais feel

    Yes, polluters might put red flags on their vehicles. When clean mass transit solutions are being held back by this mob. They don't want the government messing with their ricebowl, Democracy? :)

    I was playing Devil's Advocate slightly... but, seriously, it might be naive but many, many up here do feel that way it is OTT I grant you but the feeling is very strong - I know some on here hate me talking about 'feelings' as if it were a swear word - but it is important - especially within the Thai culture

    I agree feelings are important. That is why propaganda can be such an effective and manipulating tool. Critical thinkers who can take a step back and look at the overview I think are less easy to manipulate, but hey, we've all got feelings too.

  7. ..... Thaksin is advocating a republic. That's what this fight is about, didn't you know?

    Thinking of one possibly, but "advocating" one? Can you give a single instance of anything he has said to support your claim?

    Methinks the man doth prostrate too much.

    Why do you think Kasit made these extremely brave comments today? The "good guys" want to own this issue.


    That's an interesting question Lannarebirth!

    Personally, I think the man needs a shrink since he doesn't (and didn't) behave like a true Diplomat, using language seldom heard on the stages of international politics but what he's up to now.....I don't know.

    I don't know if it's to be called "extremely brave" or extremely stupid.

    I prefer the latter since I don't think he's a true Diplomat nor Gentleman, no matter what he thinks about his opponent(s) in the political Arena.

    Even the Greeks and Romans behaved better than he does.


    I'm gonna go with brave on this one till proven otherwise. He's going to take heat from the monarchists but anyone with a brain I think could see its a plan by HM.

  8. "Everyone is playing naive, closing their eyes and so on..." Kasit said.

    isn't just this one of the finest, most developed traits of the highly esteemed Thai social culture?

    An extremely brave thing to say. Well scripted.

    Agreed. A breath of fresh air. It is time for TALKS and negotiations. But the red shirts don't want to talk. They want it all or more bloodshed. A shameful, irresponsible, force of destruction for Thailand.

    a wonderful, responsible and courageous force for change some would say - removing an unpopular government with no mandate - as my Thai friend says everytime she sees red flags on tuktuks 'my heros' - not my words but it's how many Thais feel

    Yes, polluters might put red flags on their vehicles. When clean mass transit solutions are being held back by this mob. They don't want the government messing with their ricebowl, Democracy? :)

  9. Taskin certainly has blood on his hands

    But Abhisit's hands, are now also covered in blood..he now has to go...

    Simple ....let the thai people vote..thats all they want..it's not rocket science....

    That's nonsense. Rulers of countries have to make decisions all the time that involve risk of death. Some of those are the wrong decision, some you cannot judge their correctness until more time and events have passed. Democratic nations cast their votes on the wisdom and validity of the accumulated decisions of their leaders at regularly scheduled elections.

  10. ..... Thaksin is advocating a republic. That's what this fight is about, didn't you know?

    Thinking of one possibly, but "advocating" one? Can you give a single instance of anything he has said to support your claim?

    Methinks the man doth prostrate too much.

    Why do you think Kasit made these extremely brave comments today? The "good guys" want to own this issue.


  11. http://www.boringdays.net/mystic-ak-47-fired-solder/

    If you scroll down, you will find this post sign by a guy call Thaksin


    13 April 2010 เมื่อ 04:06

    Those pictures were posted in Pantip 5 hours after the crash..

    The owner of those pics said that he took this shot while the red guard was seizing weapons from snipper..But you used these pics to discredit them all, how could you do this to other Thais?

    The famous clip-the one which catched pictures of men in black outfits fired gun shots, if you look very closely without Bias..you will see that they were wearing black gloves not white..Uhm! just changed the gloves before shooting..sounds make sense or not, I believe you can answer it to yourself…

    when you want to make an assumption which can be affected others, please carefully make it..if you are not quite sure then do not..it doesn't make you look better or clever than anyone. Beside if one knows that you make a wrong assumption, you will be look down..

    By the way, I understand you in one point..track back to your previous post. You are not a big fan of red shirts..let's make this more advance..you hate them and attempt to discredit them all. If this is what you have to do in order to protect government which you do support, this is kind of success..but only among your friends or those who hate red …I know many people who do not trust this thing…



    With all due respect, that's some pretty weak "spin".

  12. So you're saying they want to overthrow the existing form of government and instead create a republic. That is what all Thaksins propaganda literature points to as well. I won't insult your intelligence, so I'll give you a minute to think about which institutions in Thailand would need to fall to bring about this end. After that, rethink whether or not an election, especially an expidited one, would achieve those ends.

    don't twist - choose their MPs who choose the PM - it's going to happen - the election - get used to it. I am not, clearly, advocating a republic and don't even think about playing that game which is against the law

    OK, thanks for clarifying the point. As you know the MP's were elected by the people and they then chose the PM Abhisit. Thaksin is advocating a republic. That's what this fight is about, didn't you know?

    Please supply EVIDENCE - I have never, ever seen any speech - or document from the reds or Thaskin - honestly - if you provide one I and everyone would be very interested to read it

    It's not evidence that can be supplied in this forum or even in Thailand, but if you do some Googling you'll come up with it. Start with what Giles Ungphakorn (a red shirt) has to say with the transformataion within the Red movement. Then there's "Voice of Taksin" and similar Thaksin propaganda pubs.

  13. Good for you!!! good for your wife!!! and there are 100,000s more like your family - they try to tarnish all reds as:

    • uneducated
    • stupid
    • paid to protest
    • Thaksin lovers
    • against Thailand

    Its an outrageous slur and simply not true - I know many reds (I'm not one but sympathetic) and they are decent, largely University educated, and not dumb at all - they just want a better Thailand and want to CHOOSE their Prime Minister.

    So you're saying they want to overthrow the existing form of government and instead create a republic. That is what all Thaksins propaganda literature points to as well. I won't insult your intelligence, so I'll give you a minute to think about which institutions in Thailand would need to fall to bring about this end. After that, rethink whether or not an election, especially an expidited one, would achieve those ends.

    don't twist - choose their MPs who choose the PM - it's going to happen - the election - get used to it. I am not, clearly, advocating a republic and don't even think about playing that game which is against the law

    OK, thanks for clarifying the point. As you know the MP's were elected by the people and they then chose the PM Abhisit. Thaksin is advocating a republic. That's what this fight is about, didn't you know?

  14. Good for you!!! good for your wife!!! and there are 100,000s more like your family - they try to tarnish all reds as:

    • uneducated
    • stupid
    • paid to protest
    • Thaksin lovers
    • against Thailand

    Its an outrageous slur and simply not true - I know many reds (I'm not one but sympathetic) and they are decent, largely University educated, and not dumb at all - they just want a better Thailand and want to CHOOSE their Prime Minister.

    So you're saying they want to overthrow the existing form of government and instead create a republic. That is what all Thaksins propaganda literature points to as well. I won't insult your intelligence, so I'll give you a minute to think about which institutions in Thailand would need to fall to bring about this end. After that, rethink whether or not an election, especially an expidited one, would achieve those ends.

  15. Why take aim and wait for the correct moment to pull the trigger if it was not live ammunition.

    Rubber bullet.

    Seems like eveyone on this forum is an ammunition and ballistics expert except me. That said, if someone had an automatic weapon firing live rounds, I would think aiming would be a hel_l of a lot less important in inflicting damage than someone that had to create a desired outcome with a rubber bullet.

  16. I've always believed new elections would be the only way out of this mess. It's just a shame there was such resistance by those clinging to power and that it had to come to boiling point.

    New elections wil not solve anything....if the Reds win, yellow accuse reds of corruption, vote rigging...take to the streets....yellows win, reds accuse yellows of corruption and vote rigging and take to the streets....... and so the cycle continues...are you seeing a pattern ??

    wrong, if the reds win, Thaksin will be back as president for life and Thailand will become a second Burma

    don't be silly - you are assuming the unthinkable - it will never happen

    What do you suppose this is all about then? Democracy? You should take a look at the literature that Thaksin is churning out. He's not exactly secretive about his aims.

  17. But the Thai media would never report that the Royal Thai army shot its own citizens and no investigation would ever come to that conclusion.

    Maybe it's coming late to Thailand, I don't know. People who want to believe something will either find or create the media source that supports their view. It doesn't have to be "Thai media". The foreign press who gets a lot wrong about Thailand is often cited when it suits a given agenda. If no existing media supports your preheld view, then you create it. UDD live streaming "TV" and whatever the PAD station is called, ring a bell?

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