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Posts posted by lannarebirth

  1. Clearly negotiations going on right now judging by the complete lack of news.

    http://tweetphoto.com/17900856 - soldiers captured by the red shirts.

    Is that photo for real have they got soldiers as hostages?

    Looks like the photo is for real

    Emergency Operation Command's spokesman Sansern Kaewkamnerd said red shirts protesters have held hostage two groups of soldiers.

    The army is negotiating with the protesters to secure release of the soldiers.

    He declined to give further details, saying the first group comprised eight soldiers while the second group comprised 20 soldiers.

    It is interesting, is it not, that "peaceful, unarmed demonstrators" could have taken soldiers hostage, whom they claim were firing live rounds at them.

  2. You'd think these people would embarass of using these "double standards" arguments. Not a one of then hasn't exercised that privelege of the wealthy and connected. If justice were their aim they'd know it was the double standard of Thaksin's assets concealment aqcuital that got all this started. That emboldened the megalomaniac to do everything that followed, no question. The "elite" dug their own grave there for sure.

  3. This all ain't worth it, people dying for what?? Not for what they want but for what there " leaders " have in mind, especially T.

    Accept earlier ( 9 months ) elections and go home. Win some, lose some on both sides, but at least everybody stays alive.

    Sad, very very sad.

    May the heroes rest in peace. I am thankful for their sacrifice.

    Just when it looked like things couldn't get any lower than the red leaders and their followers in this forum gleefully parading the dead around, both literally and figuratively, in a sickening propaganda stunt, we now have posters thanking the dead for having died. What a disgusting post.

    Again, I'd like to remind posters of the ignore function. No longer will you be reading his bloodthirsty, inflammatory smug remarks. The key however is that the ignore function doesn't seen to work when others respond. TV needs to work on that.

  4. One wonder if the Red leadership is out collecting dead bodies of its followers so no proper forensic investigation can be carried out. Greater than even odds IMO they have done it to themselves as outlined in Thanong's scenario of a few days ago.

    "Weng suggesting the red shirts are prepared to risk laying waste to the country."

  5. The "Reds" are parading bodies live on stage right now, pnustedt. Don't you think that's slightly indicative of their intentions?

    Are you suggesting that the "Reds" were looking for their comrades to be killed? If so your logic is most bizaare.

    That's what I'm saying. I think it was a specific goal of the Red Shirt leadership to have some of its supporters get killed. I think they would have been happier if it was woman or a child, but I'm sure they're well pleased with the results so far.

  6. The military/judiciary appointed government decided to end the peaceful demonstration - and make it into a violent one. The result is not unexpected. The consequences will give the Abhisit government a similar credibility to the Chinese after Tianamen.

    Peaceful? Did all the molotov cocktails, weapons and bombs just spontaneously appear?

  7. Assuming the Red shirts are successful and these actions lead to new elections. How are these actions fundamentally different than a coup which leads to new elections?

    "Weng suggesting the red shirts are prepared to risk laying waste to the country." So it is a coup they're after.

  8. So Thaksin and his minions have got their war. Hope they are happy. Sad sad day (night) for Thailand.

    Smart Red shirters will know there will likely be some retribution for these acts over the course of the next few days. That ought to put many of them on a bus for home. That will leave some hardcore elements and maybe, if not easier to deal with, there will be less concern about there being innocents about.

    What bothers me would be the red leader's remarks about "guerilla" forces --- AND the lack of Sae Daeng being visible.

    I see hundreds of red bandana layabouts here in Chiang mai affecting gangster poses. It's disconcerting and I'm sure more than a few of them would step up to those roles if they get a few drinks under their belts.

  9. The title of this thread should be changed. Thai gov't is NOT hanging by a thread.

    Authorities will have resolve tomorrow. Expect some concerted cleaning up. I assume by now, the security bosses know that it's not enough to push the miscreants out of intersections and bridges, but it's just as important to put competent gov't forces in those places to maintain possession.

    The Reds are showing their true colors, and now that scores of security forces are injured, the cops and army will stiffen their resolve and do their jobs. I predict the main demonstration will be over by Sunday evening, and the residual roving bands of hoodlums will be mopped up by Monday.

    Did you just here the motors starting of the troop convoys that will be driving into Bangkok overnight?

  10. So Thaksin and his minions have got their war. Hope they are happy. Sad sad day (night) for Thailand.

    Smart Red shirters will know there will likely be some retribution for these acts over the course of the next few days. That ought to put many of them on a bus for home. That will leave some hardcore elements and maybe, if not easier to deal with, there will be less concern about there being innocents about.

  11. Threathening and doing it for real are VERY VERY different things .

    Never happen to you to threaten someone when you are angry ?

    If Red shirts are shot at of course they defend themselves , its sad

    but unavoidable . What do you expect ? .

    Its the police hiding behind women . You are confused

    This is the most despicable post I have seen from you thus far. If you are suggesting that it's acceptable for a 'pro-democracy' movement's leader to make threats of public violence in an effort to gain his objectives, regardless of whether he can then control the aftermath if his mob actually follow through with his threats, then I think you need to stop and think hard.

    I'm also disgusted by your 'hiding behind women' comment. Do you think female police are different from male ones? Welcome to the 21st century, try to develop a more humanistic approach.

    Dear Slip,

    My TV viewing experience beame nuch better when I put the poster you are responding to on "Ignore". He doesn't really know anything and his chief goal here seems to inflame people. Unfortunately there is a flaw in the TV software that still allows those posts to be seen if someone else responds to him. Consider not doing so. Thanking you in advance.

  12. Can anyone tell me if this refers to the Chiang Mai City Hall or The Chiang Mai Provincial Headquarters, which is often mistakenly called "city hall"? edit: nevermind I see it says "province city hall" below.

    Red-shirt Supporters in Chiang Mai Seize City Hall

    Around 1,000 red-shirt protesters in Chiang Mai have managed to pass through the gate of the province city hall and seize the area in retaliation to the government's efforts to disperse the protesters in Bangkok.

    -- Tan Network 2010-04-10

  13. Simply sweeping protesters off the streets won't help solve anything. They will simply regroup and come back. Abhisit needs to fix the toilet that's leaking water, not just clean up the water. It will leak again.

    Can't fix a leaky toilet with out draining the tank first.

    Shut off the water source sand give it a flush...

    Then you can address the leak.

    This is for want of a more tasteful metaphor what we are seeing today.

    Ahaa..now I understand this whole situation much better. This is about plumbing and there I was thinking it was politics....and everybody ranting and raving around

    in circles like a dog chasing it's own tail. Farang's don't understand Thai plumbing at all... :) Is that what all that water was squirting all over the redshirts a while ago??


    I think the only plumbing leak this is about is the leaking of Thaksin's forfeited assets into government accounts this week and next. Great diversion if he's planning on someone "pushing the wrong button".

  14. Today I just witnessed the worse national disgrace and misuse of the military since I watched the East Germans Army trampled their neighbors with similar shields as we just watched on TV.

    Soldiers are supposed to exist to protect the Country and its citizens. Today we watched as politicians used these soldiers to trample their friends and families and children and monks and all to try to hold the poor and dis-enfranchized Thais hostage to their quest for continued power over them.

    I won't bother to respond to anyone who would attempt to defend this disgrace.

    The whole government is responsible for this disaster now. There can be no excuse for this disgrace brought on the country and these soldiers. If they had any integrity they would submit the resignations NOW.

    I agree with you to this extent. Domestic law and order issues should be the domain of the police force, not the military. Let's hope this can start a dialog about what must be done to create a police force that can protect and serve the interests of all Thais.

  15. THe yellow facists and their paid lapdogs are lashing again at the courageous reds who wanted only to discuss with the military .

    The reds did not initiate any attacks .

    If they wanted violence why did they surrender the M16's to the army ?.

    Enough with the anti-red bullshitt !!!!!!


    I have a lot of tolerance for people whose opinions I'm opposed to. I have much less tolerance for people who just get off on the noise and mayhem. Ignored, finally.

    Special thanks to mod sbk for introducing this TV feature to me.

  16. The authorities are showing unbelievable restraint. As for the Red's leaders, whenever they lose an attack (most recently, the First Army Regiment HQ), Jatuporn says those were fake Reds. What a load of Weng.

    They learned this from Thaksin who now denies that the red attacks on the Bangkok neighbourhood locals last Songkran was carried out by 'real' reds.


    If the group succeeds, they are real Reds. If they fail, then the violence being committed is by fake Reds. This way the Reds can say their demonstrations were completely peaceful. As you say, an old Thaksin trick.

    The only one's buying this BS are many wearing Red Shirts who cannot see what is going on elsewhere and some here on TV who never will get it.

    So they maintain those attacks were carried out by "fake reds", but also maintain the Army gunned down some of their "real reds" in the same locations? How addled does ones brain have to be or how self serving ones interest have to be not to dismiss evrything these idiots have to say?

  17. They should try and get Carabao to come...

    They should and why haven't they. He and others in his group have strong com/socialist sympathies. His "life music" is about this very demographic for the most part. He's not shy about appearing at lots of other causes, some of which are controversial. So, why not on the Red stage? Probably because he hates Thaksin and has written a few songs mocking him.

    I am playing comedy myself and have met many artists int he past 6 years that I am doing this.

    It is kinda accepted amongst comedians/singers/bands that it would be commercial suicide to publicly take sides with the red shirts. Even when a number of them support the red shirts, they wouldn't go there to perform. My boss gets calls almost every single day and gets offered 3-4 times the normal going rates to perform there. But he simply refuses. I think you will find that most groups/singers/bands will refuse any offer to perform there. Off course there will be exceptions and some will fall for the money, but those are usually not the top tier ones with a countrywide following. But more the groups/singers/bands whom are only popular in certain areas.

    Hang on - first you say it's commercial suicide to play at a red gig, then you say some acts 'fall for the money' and play them for a short term financial gain. Sounds to me like it is the ones who are scared of 'commercial suicide' who are 'falling for the money'. Anyway, I'm not suggesting that artists should become polarized over this, but if they have outspoken social views when there's peace in the land I don't see why they should keep quiet at the very moment their voices need to be heard the most, regardless of which side they are on.

    That's if they're sincere, of course.

    Artists have no obligation whatsoever to speak out. Their art does their speaking for them. In the case of Carabao, who was mentioned earlier, they have a strong sensibility toward the rural poor in their music. Many songs are pro democratic and they have appeared at pro democracy ralllies. They've written several songs mocking Thaksin however as he really doesn't have anything to do with the aforementioned ideals.

  18. Many RED wants Thaksin to go to hel_l.

    Thaksin should stay offline, and let the RED people fight for democracy on their own.

    You know that's not true for the vast makority of protesters, or for the PTP opposition. When Thasin picks up the phone they do his bidding. PTP blocking constitutional reform on Thaksins say so, just one obvious example. NOBODY believes this isn't about Thaksin right now. If the movement could dissassociate itself from him, which I don't believe it can, it would garner great sympathy and new partners.

  19. They should try and get Carabao to come...

    They should and why haven't they. He and others in his group have strong com/socialist sympathies. His "life music" is about this very demographic for the most part. He's not shy about appearing at lots of other causes, some of which are controversial. So, why not on the Red stage? Probably because he hates Thaksin and has written a few songs mocking him.

  20. Correct me if I'm wrong please, but it was reported here that the tear gas came on the heels of molotov coctails being thrown from the crowd of protesters? Was that information incorrect?

    pictures anybody,or video clip??

    I thought Palestine is in the Middle East!

    Molotov coctails?

    I dont think the reds know how to make and use the real thing,good so.

    When is the press etc,starting to call the protesters"terrorists" ???

    Please uplod a clip of any fire or Molotov coctails. I have only seen smoke, no fire at all.

    If you want to see a clip of Army shooting red, go to CNN site now. (or follow the link in my previous post).

    I'm not able to view clips, but it woud appear that information came from this and other news agencies:


    The protesters, who appeared to total between 3,000 and 5,000, first set a deadline for officials to come talk to them about restoring the signal of the People Channel. They then pulled aside barbed wire and climbed over a fence to advance on about 500 soldiers inside the compound, between them and the main building, and began throwing rocks and a few firebombs.

    From atop trucks, the soldiers fired water cannons and tossed canisters of mild tear gas, some of which blew back toward them — and for which they wore no masks.

  21. The rural poor HAVE a voice, a vote like everyone in Bangkok... so what do they do? They sell it off to the highest bidder.

    Isn't that the core of US style democracy, one dollar one vote? Look most people vote for the party that is going to give them the most. Poor people will take a few hundred baat in the pocket and wealthy people will take much, much more, but cleverly hidden in the form of tax breaks and other rather nefarious incentives. And then the few of us who would like to see policies that benefit the larger society are branded as "socialists" as if that was a bad thing.

    Look no surprise that the very conservative WSJ would be pro-Thaksin, he is their kind of man, totally corrupt yet wealthy enough to garner Wall Street's respect as Wall Street cares not how that wealth is earned, a very Thai sentiment indeed. The Red Shirt's vote is there for the asking. But the Yellow shirts have decided they don't want to bother to throw a few bones to the rural poor, if only because the Yellow Shirts are overwhelmingly Sino-Thai and their more newly assimilated Bangkok brethren who see the more ethnic Isaan and Khon Muang folks as lesser human beings not deserving of the spoils of State. Such lesser human beings are never invited to the table to kin muang.

    I respect your opinion Jopha so I'd like to ask. Why do you think Abhisit's welfare state, expanded tax base for social and agrarian and educational programs, more student loans, more old age stipends, etc. programs, can't get any traction with these people. Is it too little too late? Is the message being blocked? Does it take to long to see results they can appreciate? Any idea?

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