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Posts posted by lannarebirth

  1. The 2 month timeframe slipped out of Veeras mouth during the negotiations (a better indication of the UDD's true intentions that the official statements). Translated by Bangkok Pundit on Twitter, so I can't link it for you.

    2 months is indeed long enough to prepare a stable transition and a fair election, yet not long enough for the Government to make certain arrangements with the military. Yet as long as the UDD suspect Abhisit is holding out, they'll continue to play hardball and insist on 15 days.

    Btw. the Governor of Bangkok has already announced he'll supply the protesters with water, so I daresay he'll continue to supply power.

    There are tourists and spectators everywhere, and cutting the power is a recipe for chaos.

    Two months is long enough? I hope you are available as an organizer! Candidates have to file and be checked - a few years ago a few were caught using false credentials. More importantly, security has to be in place to ensure the safety of candidates in all areas - don't forget theres a bit of a problem down south as well. Will there be international observers? If so, from where? US, UN, EU? When will they arrive- before the election to check on vote buying? But first and most importantly, will Thaksin approve, because the Reds can't agree to anything without his say so.

    And lets not forget allegedly the pro-Thaksin side also wants "to make certain arrangements with the military", which is precisely why they want this election in such a ridiculously short time frame.

    It's gone 9pm now. The reds won't budge. The BKK residents are fed up.

    I very seldom see things the same way as Thanong, but I think he nails it this time. Abhisit HAS TO get those people out of there, before Thaksin bombs them himself:


  2. Not 6 months, 9 months.

    The UDD has previously stated they are prepared a compromise of 2 months, but as it stands Abhisit is firm on 9.

    Which UDD leader stated that? Because I clearly remember Jatuporn clinging on to the non-negotiable 15 days.

    Enlighten us!

    Veera. He did not offer it. It "slipped out" more than anything, as a "possibility" but they moved on quickly as his 2 co-leaders started rambling.

  3. It's amazing that these red rocket scientists don't appreciate that rallying against an independent journalist organisation is going to do them absolutely no favours what so ever...

    They're not going to win. Thaksin is sticking the proverbial finger up at Bangkokians (again).

    Let's say by some miracle Thaksin found his way back. Does he really think he can govern over these people (non-reds)? That's some delusion of a magnitude I could never imagine.

  4. Weng is also saying to use violence.

    From Tulsahit's tweet:

    Dr Weng: "Don't get angry, do uses violence, Don't talk back"

    All leaders are advocating violence today.

    the propaganda and disinformation of tulsathit twit becomes more and more like a certain radio station in 1976 must have sounded.

    looking at your signature quote "The government definitely has to extend the state of emergency, ... The situation requires us to do so." Thaksin Shinawatra that was said 2005 about the situation in the south.

    in case you don't know, Dr.Weng Tojirakarn, todays leader of the National United Front of Democracy Against Dictatorship, was an outspoken critic of that decree. "The group considers the decree issued last month to deal with violence in the deep South to be unconstitutional, said Federation of Democracy president weng Tojirakarn. The decree should not come into force since it would violate many basic rights of the people, he added."

    dam_n, you really live in the past. Have yet to read much about the current state of affairs from you. In case you don't know this is 2010, not 1976. Times have changed since then. Ramble on dude.

    i don't carry a Thaksin quote in my signature and devote my board activity to focus everything on the Montenegrin and his ex-wife (thai). i am not using his name for the circular logic of nearly all of my arguments.

    anyway, to look back into the history can't be wrong in my opinion, but it should be not a cherry pick of only a few things while totally ignoring other details.

    the curent situation is bigger than only to bring Thaksin back.

    I think we all know it's bigger than just bringing Thaksin back, but he is the battle de jour. If the conflict expands to include all possible areas of discontent, all at once, I think you know it will have a horrific outcome for ALL Thai people and us too. Let's not be so bloodthirsty.

  5. You just couldn't make this stuff up. All of Thailand taking a trip down the Rabbit Hole:

    Jatuporn vows to lead protesters to besiege BMA

    BANGKOK: -- Jatuporn Promphan vowed Saturday morning to lead protesters to besiege the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration's headquarters.

    He said the protesters were dissatisfied that the BMA took sample of protesters' blood for testing without permission and announced that the blood sample's was contaminated with HIV and other dangerous viruses.

    Unbelievable. Once they throw it, it's in the "public domain". I guess they feel "proletariat blood" can not be infected?

    errm, actually a more tricky question because it concerns civil liberties such as the right for medical privacy.

    imagine there is a meeting of a group of whoever and monitored by the authorities, they collect saliva samples form used glasses and samples from everything what people left in the rest room, in a hidden operation without asking for permission. then analyse the samples and published the findings about health condition, infectious diseases, illicit drug use.

    is that okay for you?

    What is the expectation of privacy of individuals who commit illegal acts in public places? Also, I don't think in this "blood soup" that there is anything to distinguish individual persons is there?

  6. You just couldn't make this stuff up. All of Thailand taking a trip down the Rabbit Hole:

    Jatuporn vows to lead protesters to besiege BMA

    BANGKOK: -- Jatuporn Promphan vowed Saturday morning to lead protesters to besiege the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration's headquarters.

    He said the protesters were dissatisfied that the BMA took sample of protesters' blood for testing without permission and announced that the blood sample's was contaminated with HIV and other dangerous viruses.

  7. Gold is a currency. All currencies are manipulated. Do you really think the BOT doesn't jump in to "stabilize" the THB when it starts going a way they don't like?

    Only difference between XAU and fiat currencies is that the manipulation only comes from those people trying to prevent it from strengthening against their own paper. Of course, that might actually be less intrusive than China who actively tries to make the CNY weaker against the USD. At least XAU doesn't go out of its way to make itself worse off.

    If you don't like manipulation, don't trade currencies. They are all manipulated. In the long run, manipulation can't last. But the long run can be decades. Buy gold for the long haul. Be prepared to sit on it for 2 or 3 decades. The major fiat currencies of the West will likely collapse by that point.

    The manipulation today only gives you a chance to acquire more of it at a cheaper price. I would be much more upset if governments and central banks were manipulating gold to make it too expensive. It is hard for me to understand people who complain that someone is working overtime to put an asset on sale.

    Do you complain when the price of that case of Heinekin is "manipulated"? Those evil beer manipulaters at Lotus are trying to get me to buy more. Clearly a criminal offence.

    Buy it you fool! The more they manipulate, the bigger the bargain.

    I agree but I don't have the patience to wait 2 or 3 decades. One thing is that the supply of gold cannot be manipulated though

    What's funny about you sokal, is that you don't even believe your own bullshit. You're of a speculative mindset when actually the Gold constant value argument kind of makes some sense. You had better have bought it right though.

  8. Wewe
    QUOTE (zorro1 @ 2010-02-02 14:05:57) post_snapback.gifp.s. do you think we should send a search party to the Whitsunday Passage to

    look for zorro ! :D I am getting worried.

    Zorro is just fine LOL. Great fishing out there! I see the bears are out in full force and midas still yapping away. Well did what I said I would do and sold most once the dow was out of the trading channell. am bounce trading now .funny bhp still above 40 and rio still over 70 bucks.pennies and mid caps starting to slide obviuously.Yes Im bearish grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr but getting ready for the next run up which may start to happen about now. took some small postions short term today but only toe dipping. And midas i didnt sell at the top but then again didnt buy at the bottom either :D

    Yes things went a bit sour while you were fishing :D

    so if there is a " next run up " it will prove you ARE THE MARKET.....you and a few robots :D



    Well here is where I started my entry about when the second bounce happened of course Midas now thinks Im the market :D

    Sorry Loong but your a loser cause you missed out. Im sure your a nice guy but in stockmarket land you lost down talking both rallies. Sure I closed my postions when dow slipped out of the channel and I stated it, from there it was short term swing trades until correction was over. Have posted many charts since supporting the second rally, why would I do that if I wasnt in :)

    Most people who have spent much time around real traders can spot a fraud a mile away. Just saying...

    well another bear flushed out :D Lanna re birth part of being a succesfull investor is being able to read a chart right? You cant even read the date I took a postion . Im on record gees you making midas look good. HAVE A LOOK at dates of my post re the second rally. Only thing worse than a fraud is a dunce just saying... :D

    I'm not a bear, at least not today. Don't know where you got that idea. Read my posts. Bullish off 34 week ema, resistance at Sept 2008 trapdoor. Approaching Ultra long term trendline which can have 50-150 points leeway. Jot it down. then, at least one of us will have provided the other with something worth knowing.

    Frankly I don't care what day you took a position. That information is of zero value to me. If you thought about it for a minute I'm sure you''d understand why. There is absolutely nothing you've ever posted that could make me money. I understand you want to tell other people you've made money but you know most people who play that game don't tell people things after the fact. Better just to keep your mouth shut or you risk destroying what little credibility one might have accorded you, which in my case woudn't have been much anyway.

  9. Is the pound coming back? or just short term rally? Much better news coming out of UK. I think the economy is on the mend. My guess is it will go to US 1.55 and 50baht.

    Is the pound coming back? - No

    or just short term rally? - Yes

    Much better news coming out of UK. - a good manufacturing PMI report.

    I think the economy is on the mend. - er, no!

    My guess is it will go to US 1.55 and 50baht. - possibly but only briefly, keep your eye on 1.57, if it breaks that level then it may be sustained.

    Currently 1.60ish and falling.


    It is 1.52

    I think we're talking about resistance, but I seldom look at ultra short time frames, so you may be right.

  10. I'm more concerned about the pink shirts' message for "peace". The red shirts are now into their 3rd week of protest without violence, while the pink shirts at Lumphini today attacked and took hostage a red shirt on a motorbike, until police officers saved him.

    Red shirts = 3rd week without violence...

    Pink shirts = not even 1 day...

    Pink is clearly the new yellow this year.

    Now, you're not a stupid man, and I accept your statement of "Red shirts= 3 weeks without violence ..." at face value, BUT you don't think the lobbing of grenades into the 11th Infantry just before the Red shirts appeared MIGHT not have been an incitement to violence? You don't think they weren't trying to get the Army to open fire on them (not the leaders of course)?

    Got another question for you. If a gang shows up at YOUR house, where YOUR family resides and showers it with blood. Should they expect any reaction from you? Just asking..., cuz if the Red shirts haven't been violent as you say, PERHAPS its because no one has risen to their provocations. Just saying...

    Already you're more upset by office workers going to the park than by people who pledged to turn Bangkok into "a sea of fire". Why is that?

    So you've got proof that the grenade attacks are done by the red shirts? Source please?

    I bet these attacks that started with the Reds coming to town were actually done by a yellow shirt pretending to be a pink shirt while wearing a Red Shirt.

    So, who are the "white shirts" ? I still haven't figured that one out yet.

  11. Is the pound coming back? or just short term rally? Much better news coming out of UK. I think the economy is on the mend. My guess is it will go to US 1.55 and 50baht.

    Is the pound coming back? - No

    or just short term rally? - Yes

    Much better news coming out of UK. - a good manufacturing PMI report.

    I think the economy is on the mend. - er, no!

    My guess is it will go to US 1.55 and 50baht. - possibly but only briefly, keep your eye on 1.57, if it breaks that level then it may be sustained.

    Currently 1.60ish and falling.

  12. The other side of the coin is 'de-gearing' - something that has been happening in many countries in recent years. This creates nothing, it simply moves asset classes.

    Actually Chaimai (got it right this time).

    The onus on you is that gearing creates value. Of course de-gearing simply moves wealth from asset classes but essentially it is not about adding value but simply about adding risk.

    It is essentially borrowing tomorrows income for future income. If you wish you to argue that you have simply transferred future wealth to the present, I will accept it.

    Where I am not happy is the concept that borrowing future growth is a reflection of future growth when inherently it should be the other way round.

    And consider this. Increasing gearing must ultimately lead to bankruptcy so whatever value it has must lead to a finite end. (If you increase debt verses income, assuming a positive interest rate, income can cannot cover debt service.)

    Ultimately ever increasing gearing must be destructive.

    :) With the caveat, that "ultimately" can sometimes be a very long time.

  13. Oh ... so it's OK for Jatuporn and co. to be "puppets" of Thaksin, but not for, as you put it, Abhisit to be a "puppet" of Anupong.

    edit: and some things need repeating for them to get through to some people.

    Double standards. It's perfectly acceptable. :)

    Hmmm and it was good of Abhisit to remind us of when the phrase "double standards" first started being used in Thailand --- 2001 asset concealment case :D

    Actually, I think it was me who reminded Abhisit. You haven't noticed the 1-2 day lag in Nation-BP writing and this website?

  14. 129322.jpg

    What is this farang doing protesting for the pink shirts? I thought the government would revoke the visas of all foreign workers who went to protest? Or is that only if they wear a red shirt (so called double standards)?

    Is that a farang? Is he a Thai national? I don't know for sure about either.

    I do know someone in this thread claims to have been a participant in the red rallies, I watched People TV a lot and never saw a white face in their rallies though!

    Go to BP and watch the videos. Yes, my statements are based on videos that you can actually watch. I can't post the links because ThaiVisa doesn't allow you to post BP links, so you'll have to find them yourself. You'll see quite a few women wearing pink dragging their farang husbands behind and encouraging them to shout "Shut up Thaksin" and "Go Abhisit! Go Abhisit" while at the same time their leader talks on stage about how they are neither pro-red or pro-government, but simply pro-peace. Shortly after, they chase down a red shirt guy on the motorbike and hold him hostage until the police steps in.

    Well, you and I both know the police NEVER step in. It is the chief characteristic of the police. Wouldn't you say it is more likely that the other report we read that said he was "held for the police after trying to provoke the crowd"" is more likely?

  15. Google is potentially going to pull out of China. Social media only has bounds with the freedom that a central government allows and with the amount of personal information that one is willing to give up that can be used "against" you in the future.

    I recently opened up a facebook account and the website automatically tried to create friends for me with people with whom I had not been in contact for years and years. The amount of information capture taking place in google and social networking sites is truly mind-boggling if not downright scary.

    And answer me this, how come all those people we went to high school and college with look so much older than we do?

  16. The US National Debt is owed to China, Japan, the UK, etc... If the value of the dollar collapses, the value of that debt also collapses.

    They (the lending countries) just can't afford to let the US dollar deflate or let the US go bankrupt.

    and Russia,,And the Mid East,,

    the OP did a great job of getting an American political Topic injected into a Thai Forum by 'snagging' it to the Thai Bhat,, congrats!

    While this has been allowed, y'all might well know 'my friends' about the Documentary IOUSA.

    http://www.iousathemovie.com/ IOUSA the Movie boldly examines the rapidly growing national debt and its consequences for the United States and its citizens.

    I suppose the American economy is so HUGE and so failed, it iS a world wide issue, including a Thai Issue?

    It's only a slight shame that when the chickens come home to roost that Obama will blamed for causing the mess.

    More accurately, he CAN be blamed for not fixing it. He has just thrown gasoline on the fire.

    Positive change in America, and all its influences around the world, including a possible effect on the THAI BHAT, are impossible, because, Americans think freedom and wildness are synonyms; when they actually antonyms.

    An arsenal in every home is not freedom, it is wildness. Even in the Wild West days, they had 'rules' about not allowing weapons in public places.

    The American 'free' economy is actually 'wild' economy, which countries like Thailand 'emulate'.

    Taking all the traffic lights off roadways would be wildness, not freedom, right? If America is so hung up on 'freedom' why not take down all the Stop signs at intersections. Telling ME I have Stop. tut tut

    We, in most countries, have given up our freedom of protection against usury, loan sharking, by allowing our banks and politicians call this freedom; it is lawlessness. [Muslims have sane rules concerning lending.]

    The mafia should sue the Government for cornering THEIR market!

    To be 'free' from passing on bankruptcy to our great. great grandchildren, the devastating condition of the balance sheets would have to be dealt with. Try to bring this 'freedom' to the world and the maniacs at the pig trough, in the USA will start shouting 'freedom' 'freedom' and the uneducated, illiterate, masses won't even realize they actually mean 'wildness' 'wildness', don't touch my fat wallet!

    [America has been free to become #20 in educational standards for high schoolers, #1 in crime, #11 on the UN Human Development Index. whoo HAH, good on ya!]

    Oh, and Obama followed BinLaden's wishes and increased 'expenses' in Afghanistan, some say to protect the CIA's 'interests' in the cash crops. BinLaden roped the dope. He is probably selling the expensive hammers they are using to 'try' to kill cockroaches.

    well back to CNN Forum The #1 cause of the huge financial mess, which never magically disappeared by Obama's lack of actions, in my humble opinion, boils down one simple fact. Americans don't know that freedom is the ability to choose to not do wrong, wildness is the desire to do whatever y'all bloody well please, dang the consequences of your irresponsible behaviour.

    Expressed more briefly, debt is self imposed slavery if it is your way of life.

  17. All true, but don't let it keep you up at night. Unless you're a young man.

    Young enough to be worried about ever bringing up kids in the UK!

    Just noticed something on the intellipedia wiki article:

    Intellipedia is an online system for collaborative data sharing used by the United States Intelligence Community (IC). It was established as a pilot project in late 2005 and formally announced in April 2006 [1][2] and consists of three wikis running on JWICS, SIPRNet, and Intelink-U. The highest level of classification allowed for information on the three wikis are Top Secret, Secret, and Sensitive But Unclassified/FOUO information, respectively. They are used by individuals with appropriate clearances from the 16 agencies of the IC and other national-security related organizations, including Combatant Commands and other federal departments. The wikis are not open to the public


    Technical support

    Google was contracted by the government to provide computer servers to support Intellipedia. Google also provides the software to search Intellipedia, which ranks results based on user created tags.[12]

    Well, keep you ear thimbles plugged in. Don't worry, its not your sould they want, its your money.


  18. whistle blower? markets manipulated? YAWWNNNNN... manipulation happens in all markets, has happened and will happen all the time. welcome to reality and expensive bakeries :)

    True, and the lesson I learned long ago was, when the market is being manipulated, get on the side of the manipulators.

    Anyone on the side of the manipulators has lost nothing but money over the last ten years.

    People like you do not understand gold and you probably never will. Gold is not consumed, it is hoarded. This leaves the door open to a unique situation because allot of buyers don't bother taking physical delivery. All other commodities are consumed so everyone takes physical delivery all the time.

    So take a guess on which way the price will go when there is 100 claims on every one ounce of gold and there is a run on the gold market.

    Well, I don't trade Gold specifically, so it's not an issue.

    True, I do not understand Gold like you do it seems. This is what I do understand about Gold. It has some value as determined by the market. It is fungible, but it is far less fungible than major currencies. It is concealable and transportable in small quantities. It is a noble metal and does not corrode. It's pretty and women love it. It has high conductivity and only a few cost efficient industrial applications. It's heavy. OK, what else?

  19. Police rescued a red-shirt motorcyclists who was captured and attacked by pink-shirt demonstrators inside the Lumpini Park.

    The pink-shirt people were dispersing at 5:30 pm when the spotted a motorcyclist in red-shirt with the logo of the Democratic Alliance Against Dictatorship riding inside the park.

    They ran to attack the man, prompting police to come to rescue him and free him from the pink-shirt people.

    So much for the "peaceful pinks" and "pinks for peace" :)

    Did you see the pics earlier? They were pouring water over him. Hardly violent.

    What was a red shirt doing at the pink rally? If an anti-red turned up at the red rally and started spouting off, I'm sure they would be in a dangerous position too.

    But all of that aside, there will be violence if the reds and anti-reds get too close together. And since it is everyone's democratic right to protest, they should make sure they keep away from each other. Whoever interferes with the others protests (ala reds going to Chulalongkorn Uni when they announced they were having a rally) are the ones that should be blamed for any violence.

    It looked like one of those Songkran pictures Kan Win posts. A little splashin'. Good fun.

  20. I'm more concerned about the pink shirts' message for "peace". The red shirts are now into their 3rd week of protest without violence, while the pink shirts at Lumphini today attacked and took hostage a red shirt on a motorbike, until police officers saved him.

    Red shirts = 3rd week without violence...

    Pink shirts = not even 1 day...

    Pink is clearly the new yellow this year.

    Now, you're not a stupid man, and I accept your statement of "Red shirts= 3 weeks without violence ..." at face value, BUT you don't think the lobbing of grenades into the 11th Infantry just before the Red shirts appeared MIGHT not have been an incitement to violence? You don't think they weren't trying to get the Army to open fire on them (not the leaders of course)?

    Got another question for you. If a gang shows up at YOUR house, where YOUR family resides and showers it with blood. Should they expect any reaction from you? Just asking..., cuz if the Red shirts haven't been violent as you say, PERHAPS its because no one has risen to their provocations. Just saying...

    Already you're more upset by office workers going to the park than by people who pledged to turn Bangkok into "a sea of fire". Why is that?

  21. Re: CIA startups

    Yes, that's why I refuse to join facebook, twatter or any other social networking site.

    (Even though every ****ing person who joins that has my email address and ticks the 'invite my contact-book' thus adding my details to the matrix!)

    Just imagine the fun Hitler could have had with a Jewish social networking website mid 1930's.

    (An for you non-pc literate folk, one doesn't have to go through by eye, - thats what databases are for...)

    It's a perfect tool for the spooks. Not only are you posting as certain time, they can grab where you posted, what you posted, who read your posts, who your 'friends' are, just a wonderful thing for the power hungry government(s) of the world!

    It doesn't just stop there,

    Google is officially in bed with the NSA, unsuprisingly.

    Microsoft - sure.

    Banks - they are all connected up now, databases offshore in India, Isreal etc...

    Passport systems

    Triangulation on mobile phone signals

    Christ, the loyalty card system even shows what you buy at the supermarket!

    All this data is available to those in the loop, and also to those who care to hack into the loop...

    Which is all fine... If you live a country/world that is run by sane people.

    Its when we get leaders without scruples, then they have everybody by the balls.

    I haven't seen much in the last decade to convince me the world and its leaders (governemental and corporate partnerships) are getting any saner...

    Now if i could just get a look at Intellipedia!

    Any bets how long before that is hacked, and posted online?

    All true, but don't let it keep you up at night. Unless you're a young man.

  22. QUOTE (zorro1 @ 2010-02-02 14:05:57) post_snapback.gifp.s. do you think we should send a search party to the Whitsunday Passage to

    look for zorro ! :D I am getting worried.

    Zorro is just fine LOL. Great fishing out there! I see the bears are out in full force and midas still yapping away. Well did what I said I would do and sold most once the dow was out of the trading channell. am bounce trading now .funny bhp still above 40 and rio still over 70 bucks.pennies and mid caps starting to slide obviuously.Yes Im bearish grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr but getting ready for the next run up which may start to happen about now. took some small postions short term today but only toe dipping. And midas i didnt sell at the top but then again didnt buy at the bottom either :D

    Yes things went a bit sour while you were fishing :D

    so if there is a " next run up " it will prove you ARE THE MARKET.....you and a few robots :D



    Well here is where I started my entry about when the second bounce happened of course Midas now thinks Im the market :D

    Sorry Loong but your a loser cause you missed out. Im sure your a nice guy but in stockmarket land you lost down talking both rallies. Sure I closed my postions when dow slipped out of the channel and I stated it, from there it was short term swing trades until correction was over. Have posted many charts since supporting the second rally, why would I do that if I wasnt in :)

    Most people who have spent much time around real traders can spot a fraud a mile away. Just saying...

  23. Actually, luck has no place in a good trader's toolbox.

    A good trader will work with probabilities. When certain conditions are met then it is more likely that the price will go up or down. The idea is to be right more often than wrong, or to have an average winning position larger than the losers.

    If you think that luck has anything to do with trading, then you might as well make your decisions by flipping a coin.

    those of us who are investors and trade only when they think it pays beg to differ... based on years of experience. :)

    I've been lucky before and unlucky too. Eventually unlucky catches up with you if you don't play it smart.

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