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Posts posted by lannarebirth

  1. frightened the markets for sure. futures -50 but sell off today was around -5. so what do you think gold will do amongst this sudden burst in U.S dollar activity? Gold dropped a bit friday but i sold mine the week before and missed some big gains last week

    Well Zorro, it is no more than a little blip. But at this time of year punters are looking forward and usually buying stocks for next year (often the dogs of this year). So I think they are being put off a bit by the concept that it might be the dollar that rises into the New Year rather than stocks. I dont think you need to be a dollar bull to expect a bounce at some point.

    So obviously gold has sold off a bit. The US stockmarkets could do pretty well relatively and start outperforming others.

    I was working a blowoff scenario here into next week and double topping near yearend, and doing a retestish of lows, but it doesn't look like it's got the juice to do it. Ultimately, not blowing off here is more bullish and at some point that Bond money is going to find its way back in. That's a lot of bread.

  2. 2. non-payment a criminal offence.......? it's not if your name is Sheikh Mohammed. I want to make a bet with everybody that he's not going to jail for not paying his (companies') debts.....in time. :)

    Please note....

    Under applicable Dubai law, no debt or obligation owing from the Ruler or the Government of Dubai

    may be recovered by laying hold, attachment, sale in auction, or taking possession in any other legal

    action of the Ruler's or the Government's properties and assets whether or not a final judgment is

    issued in respect of such debt or obligation.

    Nakheel's bond prospectus....2006....

    "It's good to be the king"

    Mel Brooks.......1981

  3. It's a beautiful poem villagefarang, thank you.

    Like most people, our family members did not want to put her in care, thinking it was wrong, but after taking turns to look after her we realised that we just were not capable of the care she needed. My grandmother was not docile, she was still physically strong, and with the illness she often became aggressive and abusive. I actually became frightened not just about what harm she could do to herself, but possible harm she could do to me. It was soul destroying actually. She wouldnt know what time of day it was and I would wake up to her screaming trying to get out the locked front door because in her mind she was trapped. Sometimes she would be so abusive, that with my lack of sleep and being worn out, the tears would just flow down my face. The next moment she would look at me and cup my face in her hand and ask who made me cry, thinking i was some girl she had just found. She would tell me gently not to worry and that i could come stay with her. Occasionally she would become lucid, remember. Although i wished for that, it was also hard, because she would be frightened, asking me whats going on. Id rush out a lot of words, only to lose her again half way through.

    There were some wonderful moments though. Times she regressed, thinking she was a young girl again. She spoke to one of my family members as though speaking to her dad. She had a small voice and was swinging her skirt and acting coy. I never would have believed i could get to see my grandmother as she was when small. Moments like that will stay with me forever.

    Thanks for that eek, I could have written it myself word for word. For the past 5 years my MIL, who stays with us, has been sliding deeper and deeper into the abyss that is Alzheimers. We can't find what we feel is appropriate care for her here, so we do it ourselves.

    These past 2 months we have been remodeling our home to provide a safer environment and grandma has had to be admitted to a local care facility. The facility is adequate, and the people are compassionate but the protocol seems to be to overdrug the patients to keep them docile. That in addition to her very strong anti psychotic, anti impulse drugs she normally takes. It is heartwrenching and between our house being torn apart and the daily time at hospital my wife is as physically and emotionally strecthed as she has ever been.

  4. If it's a matter of Western corporate greed invading a cultural location, then I have to agree with the bad flavor that it would leave in the mouth. However, someone would have to prove to me that Micky D's belongs in the same boat as Halliburton, the oil companies, pharmaceutical companies, weapons manufacturers and insurance companies (all western companies, not just American). You just can't say that just because Micky D's raises cattle that they are bad. Many companies and individuals raise cattle.

    it's not that they just 'raise cattle'. it's that the swamp and destroy smaller producers and manufacturers and thereby reduce consumer choice. how can that be a positive thing?

    Really? Where are you getting your data? Many of the large chains buy their beef from large producers. Micky D's Thailand buys Australian beef.

    Maybe that's why I ate there once several years ago and never been back. I've eaten beef in just about every third world shithole you can think of, but never eaten any beef as awful as that from Australia. Why people seek it out here I just can't imagine.

  5. He is advertising "New York Style Pizza". If it is true, he may well be swamped with customers. If it is not true, someone will certainly point it out.

    It's true. I stopped by today. Great sauce, great dough. Just the way I like it, thin towards the center, thicker near the edge. I think it will be a new weekly stop for me and family. A weeee bit on the expensive side for Thailand (cheaper than states still), but since I can't get it anywhere else, I don't care.

    Oh, and the owner is a real nice guy from New York.

  6. The $USD can't move up throught its 50 sma because it' has got too much downslope on it. Starting today and for the next few days hereafter the severest drop in the $USD from 45-50 days ago will come off the ma and it will begin to flatten. That is a precondition of it moving up. Needless to say the buck has to generally stay in this area while this takes place. All FWIW and OCICBW blah blah.

    The $USD Index closed above its 50day ma yesterday for the first time since April. The ma has been desloping which is normally a precondition to an advance. If the buck doesn't fall precipitously in the next 8 trading days the 50ma will have gone flat and no longer be resistance. Just an observation and not a prediction of anything. Nothing overtly bullish here save for some positive divergances.


  7. ZING !!!!!!....

    .............. for those of you who are familiar with the life and works of Greenspan. His wife does better! Oh yes, that's Barbara "Waawaa" of considerable American fame (for the masses!). Someone will correct my spelling of her name!

    Andrea Mitchell

  8. Just popped in for a look. Hope everyone bought as I suggested in my last post(anyone following from day one would have made a killing), excluding the chicken little brigade who I see are are either out of their depth or their minds :) How do you people get it so wrong? will pop in next week, to busy deciding what to sell at the moment. What a glorious year. simply glorious but nobody made money without kahoonas of steel. Just warm little cococunts around here. :D

    Bought, sold, bought, sold, bought.

    Anyhow, big move alert. COMP says down, NYSE says up. I'm leaning toward the latter. If so I give it 10 days to rollover into the foreseeable future.

    Thinking like a criminal, there are a lot of tax ramifications coming on the horizon. Those that need to lock '09, those that wish to roll into '10 and the end of the Bush tax cuts. We'll see.


  9. l am not looking just at UK Abrak.

    Well when my Grandpappy was alive, Britain could be truely proud of its ability to get people excited about a fiscal crisis and rising National public sector debt.

    Them were the days, not just saving but rationing too.


    Yeah, we have a site like that too:


  10. as an investment analyst for many years, I can tell you the money is all in the headline.

    In other words, Sell on the rumor, Sell again on the news ... and never be concerned about quoting out of context when there is a point to be made... What a great stomping this TV must be for an investment analyst... sometimes I've seen even 3 readers at the same time. Kinda like the old saw about the contest with "First Prize: A week in Philadelphia; Second Prize: Two Weeks in Philadelphia".

    And here I thought the money is all in giving the trading desk a headsup through the "Chinese Wall".

  11. Nothing wrong with being bearish near the top of a bear market rally :)

    I'm not bullish or bearish ever in that way. Though I make my crust from the market I work from the POV that it can move in any direction but I do look for clues which is next. I'm more bearish generally and not about the Dubai thing, that would appear to be pretty small and self contained.

    I just hate debt and i see too much of it about. Ironically I am in the debt business and it is picking up. Very different kinds of borrowers these days. Everyone still thinks someone will come along and bail them out on something they overpaid for. Just musing, as apparently my charts were getting too hard to read.

  12. While its true the world is awash in cash seeking a home, it is also true that the world is awash in debt. Not a bad thing in and of itself if prudent returns and LTV are required.

    That portion of global assets, both public and private, that is debt, appears to be climbing. Governments and Central Banks like to make out that it is only a liquidity matter and that if proper (im) moves are made to re-establish lending all will be well again. They may be right but its a huge gamble. Debt keeps getting printed and growth projections needed to service the debt keep getting raised. Soon you move from a liquidity to a solvency issue. That's a whole lot uglier.

    I am portrayed as bearish here, which I am not. You would have to be stupid though to see that risk premiums for certain classes of investment are getting thrown out the window. Sure, it could all move higher, but the time that debt needs servicing is growing nigh.

  13. What value have you provided? so far nothing but vague directionless posts being totally non committal . For gods sakes man have some balls and tell us what you are? bull/bear long/short and perhaps and indication where you have parked your cash last 9 months? maybe where you might park it now?

    I don't care what your position is and i can't think of why you would care what mine is = sorry but Im clueless and not any value to this forum :)


    Wooooops!!! always wondered about your nic lanna rebirth Your a girl! nothing wrong with that but I take back the bit about growing balls ROFL. Everything else stands though

    My posts may seem vague and directionless to someone who doesn't know anything, that I admit. If one has the least bit of intelligence (or asks) they might understand that an annotated chart IS a message in and of itself.

    Like when you post a linear scale Dow chart, that screams "ignoramus,idiot, beware", at least to me.

    When I post a COMP chart (an index of 5,000+ stocks) and it's in a bearish expanding triangle pattern, with 2 gaps in the recent chart and it has negative divergances, do I really need to FURTHER tell you what's going on? Who wipes your ass?

    When I post the market leading Russell 2000 chart, one sees that it's in the same place it was 4 MONTHS AGO, has negative divergances, and is consolidating UNDER its 50 day ma do I really have to tell you that's bearish? Does someone cut your food for you too?

    When I post the Gold chart with the symmetrical triangle breakout and measured move expectations do you really need a translator, it's a picture for crissakes, surely you can decode a picture?

    Now, I'm not one to get into a virtual game of grabass with people I don't know and don't care about. You won't hear me calling you a "little boy" or a "poor boy" and i'm not going to talk about money because I was raised to believe it was somewhat vulgar to do so. I will say this however, if you have made as much since the March lows as I have in the last 2 futures market trading days than you've had a good year indeed. It's all about ABSOLUTE gains.

    FYI, Lanna is a region in the north of Thailand. I noted a thread you started wondering where Pecthabun was, so it does not surprise me that you might not know Thailand has a northern region. It does not surprise me that you can't read the charts I post either as apparently even a map baffles you.

  14. I may be bullish but Im not insane :D

    Down to 3 stock only Now . 75% profits fully banked, not risking anything untill Dubai sorted out. If dow closes above last nights futures i will buy back. If its a nightmare then Im a bear lol, how easy was that? Twin suits gents now thats talent. Sitting on your hands a monkey can do :D have a good weekend all

    I didnt ask you to comment on your gambling habits zorro and anyway it is quite possible

    the PPT will not give you the opportunity to go short even if you wanted.

    I am asking you to expand on your assurance to everyone that " we bottomed a very long time ago " ? :D

    It's probably valid to make fun of someone that posts trades after the fact, but I don't think there's any question that the market bottomed quite a while ago. Doesn't mean it won't make another significant bottom sometime in the future but for this 80 week cycle at least, bottom it has.

    Not sure what you mean about after the fact? The dubai thing only happened AFTER my last post and unless you were on mars or a Yank gobbling turkey you couldnt have missed it.I always sate my position, which Im very proud of. Also locked in profits on open because I had them and stated it Before the facts for 5 months now. This is why I detest bears , they sneaky and distort the facts. Forgive me if i misread your post. Also 1 big red night doesn't signal the end of 8 months of glory. Nobody has to follow my lead I could double my holdings Monday or I could go short.

    But gee you guys missed out big time so let me know who is going short as of today? Bet you not one has the guts to say :)

    p.s not you midas ,you remind me of the the big turkey at bullies pub thanks giving last night :D

    I don't care what your position is and i can't think of why you would care what mine is, was or will be. What I appreciate is market insight. I don't see much of that in this thread but I try to post some if I think it may be of of value to someone.

  15. I may be bullish but Im not insane :D

    Down to 3 stock only Now . 75% profits fully banked, not risking anything untill Dubai sorted out. If dow closes above last nights futures i will buy back. If its a nightmare then Im a bear lol, how easy was that? Twin suits gents now thats talent. Sitting on your hands a monkey can do :) have a good weekend all

    I didnt ask you to comment on your gambling habits zorro and anyway it is quite possible

    the PPT will not give you the opportunity to go short even if you wanted.

    I am asking you to expand on your assurance to everyone that " we bottomed a very long time ago " ? :D

    It's probably valid to make fun of someone that posts trades after the fact, but I don't think there's any question that the market bottomed quite a while ago. Doesn't mean it won't make another significant bottom sometime in the future but for this 80 week cycle at least, bottom it has.

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