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Posts posted by lannarebirth

  1. My wife too. It is very hard to admit they are wrong. They insist that they are right and they never make mistake. Even when she say something and 2 seconds later she know she was wrong. It must be something about losing face which makes it very hard for them to say sorry

    wives are never wrong! you don't believe it? ask my wife! :)

    No one truly knows what is in a woman's heart, or a liver sausage.

  2. Caf, the problem is that the '65 book by Hollinger may have got it wrong.

    In the early 70's I was listening to some Thai culture experts (which I am not claiming to be) critique the book "Mai Bpen Rai".

    Although Mai Pen Rai (MPR) is often translated as "nevermind", "no worries", etc (as posted above) in fact, the meaning can be much deeper and menacing depending on the situation -- thus, there is probably no equivalent in English.

    Think of the context in which Thais are smiling when they are actually quite angry. There are situations in which MPR is said when, in fact, it means the opposite.

    Ex-pat residents of Thailand should learn how to recognize the benign from the malignant MPR -- for the purposes of self-preservation.

    It's all good.

  3. Looking back, if this was a significant low for Gold, it will have been the only one wave correction to date. The most bearish thing I see, and of which you wouldn't be aware, is that my uncle purchased a really significant amount at $1,150. That can't be good.

    :D Dont worry about your uncle... India bought a really significant 200 tons at $1045/oz :D

    perhaps LRB's uncle is Indian? :)

    In a past life perhaps. As for the argument that Gold has to go up because the Indians made a huge investment at $1,050, I find it no more valid than Gold having to go lower because England sold in the $200's/oz. They may both end up looking like financial mis-managers.

  4. It's almost exactly the same as the Australian "no worries mate". They don't imply there's no problem or nothing to worry about, only that THEY don't care about it. That's fair enough I suppose if you're not dependant on them for anything.

  5. whenever i show signs of being tempted my wife hits me with hard objects (varying in shape and size) on the back of my skull till the temptations disappear :)

    Ah, cranial shock aversion therapy can be most effective. Judging from your avatar it looks like she may have landed a few blows near the front of your skull as well. :D

  6. Quote Lana:

    I am not an expert, but you can post your questions if you like. If it's something I know I'll tell you.

    Thanks Lana,

    My question is: Why is it that in (legal) documents a name is written in all capitol and/or addressed as (for example) Mr./Mrs/Ms? (I refer to Ens legis)

    Some of you might be thinking what is Alex smoking to be asking this kind of question but I can assure you that if I am correct in my assumptions

    something interesting could be revealed.


    The answer to your question Alex, is that I do not know. I await your revelations.

    Here's what the "ask a lawyer" website said:


  7. Some people "need kiliin' ". I'd start with the politicians and then move to the bankers, but that's just me.

    Only in the Knesset or everywhere ? :)

    I don't think the Knesset at all. I would start with those legislators in whichever countries that allowed corporate interests to hold the citizens of their nations fiscally responsible for the fallout from their unbridled greed. As I'm an American citizen I guess I'd want to start there.

    But if you want to get rid of some weeds, you have to pull them up by the roots :D


    I'm not interested in a progrom, I'm interested in justice. Everyone seeks to curry influence, some are better at it than others. They would all make little headway if politicians did not sell their influence and kept the interests of their constituents foremost in their actions.

  8. Correction to 1085-1090 zone is my best guess and will be adding around there. Run ain't over yet... :)

    In that zone right now alongside HUGE amounts of bearish gold predictions.

    Well it seems you called that turn quite well. As it is back up over 1100 now after visiting that range you mentioned.

    Silver did very well during that correction

    which was only partly a correction but caused mainly by USD strength. without any doubt Khunjake's prediction was "right on the money" but besides looking at charts one mustn't forget the bigger picture and a number of other important factors. a good example was my re-entry into USD beginning of december (details discussed with Flying) which was not based on any charts or technical analysis.

    Looking back, if this was a significant low for Gold, it will have been the only one wave correction to date. The most bearish thing I see, and of which you wouldn't be aware, is that my uncle purchased a really significant amount at $1,150. That can't be good.

  9. Some people "need kiliin' ". I'd start with the politicians and then move to the bankers, but that's just me.

    Only in the Knesset or everywhere ? :)

    I don't think the Knesset at all. I would start with those legislators in whichever countries that allowed corporate interests to hold the citizens of their nations fiscally responsible for the fallout from their unbridled greed. As I'm an American citizen I guess I'd want to start there.

  10. Some people "need kiliin' ". I'd start with the politicians and then move to the bankers, but that's just me.

    we could act in parallel ways and simultaneously. have you ever read Clausewitz? even now after more than a century a literature must for officers in dozens of armies. adding General Guderian's credo "klotzen, nicht kleckern!" would add to the odds of success.

    No I have not read his books on war making, but I gather he feels that wars are a natural extension of political policy. That very idea is repugnant to me, but I haven't seem anything in my 52 years that says it's a false notion.

    Well, I had to translate the good Generals remarks. Something like "slog away, do not make a mess", from the free translator. Something like "make it big" from another site. If he's for making iot big and not leaving amess, than I can endorse those remarks.

  11. If billionaires don't feel guilty about walking away from their debts, should homeowners?

    if Nazis killed millions of Jews without feeling guilty, should you and me be allowed to kill each a single one? :D

    If it was bankster and 12 D let me use his AK47- for me absolutely :)

    Some people "need kiliin' ". I'd start with the politicians and then move to the bankers, but that's just me.

  12. So you agree that when a bank sold the loan to a third party (Without mentioning the assignees) the mortgage taker can just walk away, no matter in which country the contract has been made?

    Just asking.


    Walking away is a separate issue Alex. The ability to do that is conditional on the language of the note. There are loans that are no recourse whereby the securitized collateral is the only damages a lienholder may seek. Recourse loans can allow lienholders to attach other assets or income of the debtor. Inevitably it will end up in court.

    The thing is when going to court, one needs "standing". If the new lienholder is not the lienholder of record they have no standing (from my understanding) and I am not aware how they may bring an action. I'm sure there are court cases being prepared now to address this very issue. It will be interesting to see how they turn out.

    Lana, examples here: http://www.endlessfrauddetection.com/modul...index.php?id=19

    As you say you have spend a lot of time in this legalese stuff would you mind trying to answer a few questions I have?

    They are related to finance and contracts but not necessarily with the "crisis" (but maybe they are).


    I am not a lawyer Alex and I work in small niche market whereby I provide individuals funding if they provide sufficient security in the form of real property. I am somewhat familiar with mortgages, Deeds Of Trust, Real Estate Contracts, reconveyance documents, etc. I am not an expert, but you can post your questions if you like. If it's something I know I'll tell you.

    edit: That link you posted highlights my earlier comments about "standing". What a mess.

  13. Let's also compare Thai and UK banks on this little point.

    If you lose your credit/bank cards - what is the procedure for reporting the loss, and for gaining protection against fraudulent use? At what moment do you the card carrier become indemnified by the bank and what is your maximum liability?

    I don't carry credit cards. I have no use for them except for one which remains for emergency purposes only. To be honest, I do not understand why they have been taken on to such an extent. Why allow the dam_n banks/credit card issuers to cream in 3% or so on every transaction and then charge interest on the outstanding balance at a ridiculous rate? People should return to cash, businesses prefer it, it costs less, prices might drop, and the financially challenged will not run into problems.

    Credit cards are an evil, giving massive profits to the banks and putting more and more people into never ending debt.

    You've got my vote, but "the economy" is largely a case of a bloodsucker attacking its host. One would think that can't go on indefinitely but now that the government is sucking the blood of its host to bail out the bloodsuckers maybe we can do it all again.

  14. The Thai government ask people not to give because the Thai mafia is usually involved , it was not so long ago that people deliberately disfigured there children to make shore they could have a life of begging,There are many Thai TV adverts to stop beggars.Some even stoop so low as to rent out there baby's to make the begging look authentic.

    I remember once, I was hitchhiking across Alberta. Unbeknownst to me a convict had broken out of prison and the Canadian govt. had warned everyone not to pick up any hitchhikers. It really isn't nice to be considered as no better than a convict if you're not one. Judgement, that's the key I think.

  15. Still mortified. Will I ever live this one down?

    I'm not sure it's Festivus related, but I'm having a drink tonight which I seldom ever ever do. As we're in the middle of the home remodeling project which I didn't want and warned about the problems associated with (which all came true by the way), there will be the decennial airing of greivances this day. Hopefully there will be no need for the Feats of Strength.

  16. I ran it by my legal team and he made the following correction and sent apologies (coupled with a hold hamless agreement) that he could not find a smaller font.

    I passed your greeting through the legal department and they have returned it with the following changes

    From us ("the wishor") to you ("hereinafter called the

    wishee") Please accept without obligation, implied or

    implicit, our best wishes for an environmentally conscious,

    socially responsible, politically correct, low stress, non-

    addictive, gender neutral, celebration of the winter

    solstice holiday, practiced within the most enjoyable

    traditions of the religious persuasion of your choice, or

    secular practices of your choice, with respect for the

    religious/secular persuasions and/or traditions of others,

    or their choice not to practice religious or secular

    traditions at all... and a financially successful,

    personally fulfilling and medically uncomplicated

    recognition of the onset of the generally accepted calendar

    year 2001, but with due respect for the calendars of choice

    of other cultures or sects, and having regard to the race,

    creed, colour, age, physical ability, religious faith,

    choice of computer platform or dietary preference of the


    By accepting this greeting you are bound by these terms that-

    * This greeting is subject to further clarification or


    * This greeting is freely transferable provided that no

    alteration shall be made to the original greeting and that

    the proprietary rights of the wishor are acknowledged.

    * This greeting implies no promise by the wishor to actually

    implement any of the wishes.

    * This greeting may not be enforceable in certain

    jurisdictions and/or the restrictions herein may not be

    binding upon certain wishees in certain jurisdictions and is

    revocable at the sole discretion of the wishor.

    * This greeting is warranted to perform as reasonably may be

    expected within the usual application of good tidings, for a

    period of one year or until the issuance of a subsequent

    holiday greeting, whichever comes first.

    * The wishor warrants this greeting only for the limited

    replacement of this wish or issuance of a new wish at the

    sole discretion of the wishor

    * Any references in this greeting to "the Lord", "Father

    Christmas", "Our Saviour", or any other festive figures,

    whether actual or fictitious, dead or alive, shall not imply

    any endorsement by or from them in respect of this greeting,

    and all proprietary rights in any referenced third party

    names and images are hereby acknowledged.

  17. and a Merry Christmas right back at you.

    Remember, the reason is to honor the birth of the great Messiah.

    A Merry Christmas to all.

    ^ I'd make book that's a future Jingthing avatar you got there.

    Anyhow, Merry Christmas everybody.

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