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Posts posted by lannarebirth

  1. I look at policy and actions as separate matters than what charts say. It is not difficult for me to separate the two in my mind.

    That is interesting...But does one affect the other? Seeing a policy change coming you dont preconceive what the effect may be? You wait for the chart?

    Of course one affects the other but seldom in the manner and schedule of our choosing. My greatest difficulty as a trader is that I can see way too far into the future, but I have to shut that side off as it's detrimental to my success.

    I don't know of a single soul in my circle that didn't see this recent financial crisis coming. What's important is that it doesn't break you and that you don't break yourself guessing exactly when it will commence.

  2. If it does well the next two years that will be an indication it is in a bubble. What it needs to do is tag its LT uptrend line (green). It can do that by making a sharp correction or trading in a range for the next couple of years. It did not test its last breakout or indeed the one at $450, but all things in due time.

    What does the charts of the USD Index tell you?

    It tells me that it has traded through 3 out of 4 levels of ST resistance. It has stronger resistance at the 78ish level.


    I'm not a movie guy but for some reason when you said...

    It did not test its last breakout or indeed the one at $450, but all things in due time.

    Scrooge popped in my head with his question to the ghost of Christmas future :D

    something to the effect of......

    Are these things that will be or can they be changed if things change...or in the case of gold...if things dont change :)

    I will say if gold went back to that range I would be inclined to go all in save 1 years expenses

    I am always interested in charts cycles etc. But never bought or sold based on them

    I see their usefulness & possibilities in many ways but when it comes to gold or soy beans for that matter I cannot help but wonder how exact could they be when these things are so dependent on other influences.

    I mean by everything I see the US has shot their full clip. When the next big one comes due & it surely will.... I wonder what they have left to shoot at it?

    I look at policy and actions as separate matters than what charts say. It is not difficult for me to separate the two in my mind.

    As someone who once gave a shit about the direction his government was headed I'd have publicly executed hundreds of the bastards who have brought this global finacial calamity down upon eveyones head. As someone who doesn't have the power to live that dream I just play the cards I'm dealt till I'm too disgusted with myself for buying into the whole mess.

  3. If it does well the next two years that will be an indication it is in a bubble. What it needs to do is tag its LT uptrend line (green). It can do that by making a sharp correction or trading in a range for the next couple of years. It did not test its last breakout or indeed the one at $450, but all things in due time.

    What does the charts of the USD Index tell you?

    It tells me that it has traded through 3 out of 4 levels of ST resistance. It has stronger resistance at the 78ish level.

    edit: I wouldn't take anything that happens this month and early next month to be strongly trend indicative. Huge moves this year and folks need to lock in some gains or roll out.

  4. Gold bubble. I love it. A decade long continuous trend backed by solid fundamentals and people still keep saying bubble. I guess that is because bubbles are all people in the financial services industry understand. Honest economic realities have been absent from the US economy for over a decade.

    Saw a good interview on CNBC today with Jim Rogers

    He said the same when asked if he thought it was a gold bubble he laughed.

    Said he gave a speech in Prague last week to a room full of big dollar hedge fund guys.

    He said he asked for a show of hands as to how many had invested in gold.

    At least 75% had not as yet invested in gold.

    He said how can it be a bubble when the big boys have not even started in yet.

    He maintains same as you stated it is just solid & it will continue to do very well in the next two years also.

    If it does well the next two years that will be an indication it is in a bubble. What it needs to do is tag its LT uptrend line (green). It can do that by making a sharp correction or trading in a range for the next couple of years. It did not test its last breakout or indeed the one at $450, but all things in due time.


  5. Some on here, usually Americans , are quick to say the British pound is in such decline while not facing up to the decline of the US Dollar. as the US government debt spirals and will continue to so with the present administration spending(health care wars and other Pork barrel junk)and the FEderal reserve printing money and the Chinese government the only overseas government that buys US bonds to save the Dollar because it needs to sell so many goods to the USA(for the moment), dont be so confident. There are many economists , some of them American , who say the dollar is in long term decline and when OPEC countries decide not to sell their oil in US$ then it will be the beginning of the end.

    Old saying about looking in the mirror before youmake judgement on others.

    It's all pretty ugly isn't it?



  6. You see my broker has spot gold as XAU, but im guessing you mean HUI? Gold stocks? :) Ive left gold well alone, ive never thought about it before but looked into buying some bars for xmas gifts. What a joke! A mars bar sized lump of gold is 1kg/$40,000.

    Ive been short(UK things) a while, reversed index short y'day 1pip off the low, so if it breaks down I'll flip again for a few pips loss. For now I have SPX support at 88(obviously) and 82/82.5 if 88 fails. I also have DXY res at 76.45/.55.

    Be an interesting session or two if both went :D

    The $XAU is the Philadelphia Gold and Silver Index:


    Weighted only to major miners. $HUI includes many more junior miners.

  7. good one lana :) I dont know whats more stressful making it or trying to save it, but then again its a luxury you cant afford. Must be easy sitting there stress free eating mama noodles. :D

    Life is not without its stresses but I think I've probably got fewer than most, for which I'm thankful. You know a truly rich man would be one that had to eat Mama noodles but absolutely loved doing so.

    Anyway I guess you're off your "V" rebound huh? Cause you sure wouldn't want to lose your position if you still felt the same way, just ask Mr. Partridge. That's Livermore 101.

    :D I thought of old Turkey this very day. I wouldnt worry about Zorro, hes been given more than enough rope, and hes obliged as far as Im concerned. How are you doing? Have anything interesting on at the mo?

    $XAU puts and ES short, but I'm probably going to have to reload both again. Good strenth in TF and NQ. And watching the $USD. Looks like 78 is pretty important. Will get 2nd positive close above flattened 50 sma today. From yesterday:


    Weekly has the big MACD crossover:


    We'll see.

  8. Just the thought of a fish taco makes me want to puke.

    There was a poll done some time ago on what food people missed most from their home when they moved elsewhere. For San Diegans, the answer was was not even a close race. The most missed food is--drum roll, please-- fish tacos!

    I am not a big fish lover, but fish tacos rock. The best I have had are from a stand in Ensenada, but I love them all.

    The simpler the better. Flour OR Corn tortilla , mahi mahi, cilantro and sasa cruda. I'll have 2 3 please. You can vary the salsa with some fruit based salsas too. :)

  9. good one lana :) I dont know whats more stressful making it or trying to save it, but then again its a luxury you cant afford. Must be easy sitting there stress free eating mama noodles. :D

    Life is not without its stresses but I think I've probably got fewer than most, for which I'm thankful. You know a truly rich man would be one that had to eat Mama noodles but absolutely loved doing so.

    Anyway I guess you're off your "V" rebound huh? Cause you sure wouldn't want to lose your position if you still felt the same way, just ask Mr. Partridge. That's Livermore 101.

  10. Hmmmm well for me to post a sell is rare to say the least :D but today spooked me more than any other day so far. the sell off on pennies all happened in the last 60 mins of trading. sell off on no obvious news is alarming for me especially large drop on small volume . I know that sounds odd but by the time you see large volume sells on pennies its all over :D futures touched -70 , something brewing and glad I followed the sheep today for a change. Of course i could be totally wrong but that would be a first too :cheesy:

    Some of your holdings were marked down on light volume, so you sold too? I know what Jesse Livermore would say :D

    As an aside, I note Ive only seen mention of trading in Australian penny shares, and the ASX is almost 5% lower than it was 2 months ago.

    Perhaps the jibes towards folks suggsting you act with caution over the last couple of months were inappropriate?

    Infact given the inherant high transaction costs of penny shares, it seems odd that you would 'double up, take profits, get in , get out' etc so frequently, seemingly whenever the US markets move up or down? But hey, whatever works :D

    I have been told to be cautious for the last 12 months LOL but thanks I needed to hear it just one more time :D

    my shares are bought and sold at $20 penny or blue , not sure what you mean? thats very cheap. yes my method works very well :D

    I think the reason people are worried about you is that you say you have 15% stop losses and you seem to get stopped out everytime the market makes a .5% dip. :D:)

  11. Search BP for: 'Official forgot to relist protecttheking site'

    Yes, I doubt they would buy it back, just start all over again with the great big Thai PR machine, pointing everyone at the new domain, all the same, in the web world this little blunder has just gifted someone an enormous windfall. After a year of getting everyone to visit protecttheking.net , this domain is extremely valuable, it would be months, years before the thousands of people stopped accidentally visiting this site, even if a small percentage click on the ads on the site, the new owner makes a fortune, all for a $10 registration fee. Lots of people make money like this snapping up expired domains. The guy who now owns it should have ads in Thai for mobile phones or similar on this site, it also has a huge value for Google's PageRank, so he can sell outbound links on it.

    Of course, if this very important site had been entrusted to someone who knows what they are doing, none of this would be happening.

    Do people ever really click on internet ads?

  12. whats the cost of irrigation bits in LOS?

    great idea as im the person who usually does the watering of the garden in our household, ball park figure will do. Maybe a trip to Global, if they have anything left.

    Prety cheap, but not great quality. PVC pipe is cheap here, but fittings are about the same as the west and there's a much much lesser selection. No bushings, reducers, etc. You may find yourself cobbling together 5 pieces, half a meter long to replace the proper fitting you can't find.

  13. Hi lannarebirth!

    Have you tried "Super Products Co Ltd"?

    Their address : 1785,87,89 Phaholyothin 31 Khwang Chatuchak Khet Chatuchak Bangkok 10900

    Their phone: 02 9303088 or 02 9396362-5

    Their fax: 02 9396366

    Their web site: : http://www.superproducts.co.th

    Their email address: [email protected]

    Thanks for that Krungbin. I'll check out their website and maybe sop by when in Bangkok. Looks like a good suplier for bigger projects I may do later. Now, I'm mainly looking for a place where I can pop in and get the odd fitting as the need arises.

    There's another Ag shop near the Khao Soi place on the ramp to Chotana Rd and there's Montri Hadware. More often than not I find myself cobbling to gether half a dozen PVC fittings to replace a single fitting that would be easily available in the west.

    Thanks for taking the time.

  14. I usually recommend one live 500 km or more from family. If they're really nice folks maybe 300km.

    You lived 500Kms from your family in your own country ? :D

    Or do you give this wonderful advice only for people married to Thais ?

    Your Thai wife lives 500Kms from her family. and she's happy ?

    In the situation your long suffering wife would be in, I'd advise her to be 500 Kms away from a control freak like you.

    No, not 500 in my case, but 1,500-2,000 km. Always a pleasure to visit. My wife's nearest relative is her sister who lives 700km away. Her other siblings live outside the country and her mother lives with us as she needs ongoing medical care.

    Contril freak? Would that it were true :)

  15. As the title suggests I'm looking for agricultural irrigation parts. Black PVC hose couplings, check valves, spitters and the like. I used to use Global House but since the fire they have scaled back on that department. I once used the lady who has the Ag shop across from Wat Jed Yod, but she has a limited supply and always tries to cheat me when I go there. Anyone have an idea of a place that would serve my needs? TIA

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