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Posts posted by lannarebirth

  1. I dont really see how one can be thought of as separate from the other. The Federal Deficit is the difference between what it takes in in taxes versus what it spends annually. The National Debt is the running total of all those years of borrowing to pay off the Federal Deficit.

    thanks for the clarification. i didn't know :) discussed was "repaying national debt" which is for many countries an impossible undertaking and therefore not even taken into consideration. by the way, deficit and national debt are two completeley different animals whether you believe it or not. the fact that deficit (if existing) is added to national debt by balancing it via IOUs (aka UST) is of no consequence :D

    nota bene: the deficit was never paid back. what happened was "deficit was not created".

    for further info read www.naams-macroecon-wisdom.org :D

    Yes, when talking about deficit spending one needs to think and speak in a whole 'nother language. About the time I gave up on politics and television I seem to recall a politician telling me that he had reduced the deficit when in fact it was only growing more slowly. I think they finally brainwashed a lot of people into thinking that way too.

  2. This doesn't explain it but here is news on it.

    Chiang Mai hit by smog for five consecutive days

    Chiang Mai - Chiang Mai has been hit by smog and has dangerous tiny dust particles higher than safety standard for five consecutive days, the provincial pollution control office said Sunday.

    The office's three air quality measuring stations found that the province had particle pollution, which is less than 10 micrometers in diameter (PM10) higher than the safety standard of 120 microgrammes per a cubic metre of air for five consecutive days.

    The station at the provincial hall Sunday recorded the lelvel of PM10 particle at 168.4 microgrammes per a cubic metre of air.

    The level of PM10 particle was recorded at 208.0 microgrammes at the Yupparaj Withayalai School in Muang district and at 130.4 at the Phuping Palace.


    -- The Nation 30 Sept 2009

    Source: The Nation

    Thanks, but how do those numbers correlate to the graph?


  3. Today I was joined in the elevator of our high rise condo by a local police officer. I double checked to make sure he wasn't just a rent-a-cop. He got out on one of the top floors, strode to one of those red boxes hung on the wall near the elevator and was removing a booklet (probably to sign) as the doors closed.

    We don't have one of those red boxes on my floor. Maybe the residents of that other floor chipped in to pay for one. We have pretty good security in the building and I've never felt the need for police to be in the hallways.

    I'm surprised that no one has yet pointed out in this thread that this practice seems like a form of bribery. Are you just paying the police to do what they're suppose to be doing?

    I'm not sure bribery is the right word. Extortion seems more applicable.

  4. Just a thought: I came up behind the most luscious Italian classic coupe this week, sans rear bumpers. Must have been an early VW Karmann Ghia.

    When did they move Germany to Italy? :) I really must keep up on the news -- a little embarassing to miss big stories like that one.

    But to answer the question, I'd like to get my hands on an early 70's Toyota Celica coupe. It may not seem terribly exciting to most people, but there's something about those cars that I've always liked.


    Check with Ta22 (Max)



  5. I can't see why they would unless they were to move to the West. Can't bring them any advantage here.

    I note that most replies in this thread indicate that the ladies changed their surname, and did so immediately.

    This doesn't surprise me as it was my experience also.

    So I differ from your conclusion that "Can't bring them any advantage here"..........the advantage?............... PRESTIGE..............imho

    Interesting conclusion. Mine kept hers for that very reason. I guess it depends.

  6. wow almost 9800! is everyone nuts? or just me????? i am on the sidelines, figure this is way oversold...how do these snakes keep selling their oil????

    whatever the answer I am with you :)

    especially on the same day the FDIC publicy announces it is running out of money .......its surreal

    to watch all this happening but hel_l would freeze over before I play this game :D

    Just like to clarify something here.

    I believe oversold to mean that the price is too low and overbought to mean that the price is too high.

    I would say that the Dow is overbought - not oversold.

    Anyone else? How do you interpret overbought and oversold?

    I use the 10 day TRIN:


    That's the 10 day ema of the TRIN:


    You can also use the one day values but I prefer the smoothed data.

    I daytrade the ES (S&P 500 futures) on about 50% of the days it trades. I'm just too tired the rest of the time. Most of my trades are based on finding a bit of order in randomness.

    I position trade S&P 500 Spyders and NASDAQ QQQQ and their leveraged equivalent ETF's. Sometimes I trade currency futures contracts to hedge $USD assets and sometimes I trade options on the $XAU. Most everything except the daytrades I only try to do at what I feel are extreme market levels and because I really don't enjoy trading very much.

  7. wow almost 9800! is everyone nuts? or just me????? i am on the sidelines, figure this is way oversold...how do these snakes keep selling their oil????

    whatever the answer I am with you :)

    especially on the same day the FDIC publicy announces it is running out of money .......its surreal

    to watch all this happening but hel_l would freeze over before I play this game :D

    Just like to clarify something here.

    I believe oversold to mean that the price is too low and overbought to mean that the price is too high.

    I would say that the Dow is overbought - not oversold.

    Anyone else? How do you interpret overbought and oversold?

    I use the 10 day TRIN:


    That's the 10 day ema of the TRIN:


    You can also use the one day values but I prefer the smoothed data.

  8. The smells of homophobia comment was directly in response to ANOTHER poster other than lannebirth (which is obvious if you read the thread), and I stand by it in relation to that poster. Calling the opening of a moderately sized tourism hotel an INVASION is extreme. If the hotel was for Japanese, or for Israelis, or for Arabs and you had someone call that an INVASION of Japanese, Jews, or Arabs, wouldn't it be fair to suspect some kind of deep seated prejudice coming from the writer of that? If not, fine, that is how I feel and I trust you agree I have the right to feel that way.

    He also followed up with a statement that he found said 'invasion' "offensive". Perhaps he does not fear gays, as the word homophobia suggests, but is instead prejudice. In other words he is ignorant - as are all those who are prejudice.

    Nice take California lawyer, how's things at the bottom of the ocean ? Yes, you are wrong, my active voice , if you will take the time to read, I know $500 an hour is the going rate, so not to waste your precious billing time, it is not a matter of prejudice plain and simple. It is a matter of advertising CM as the place in all of Asia for gays to "come to ". CM is a national treasure to the Thai people. To label this town as a gay center is outrageous!

    There's so much wrong with that reply that I'm ashamed to say it still made me laugh. Sorry Jesse.

  9. wow almost 9800! is everyone nuts? or just me????? i am on the sidelines, figure this is way oversold...how do these snakes keep selling their oil????

    Cash holders are looking at about a 2% annual return to rollover a 1 year CD this month. The S&P 500 is up 1.6% in the last 2 hours. It's not that hard to figure the motivations involved.

  10. Anyhow, as regards the $USD. Updating my prior post I'm looking for 80 week cycle lows centering around the 25th of September. If it is the second 80 week cycle of the 4.5 year cycle I expect higher lows than were seen in March'08. If that occurs my expectation is that $USD Index moves to at least 95. This forecast is based on the presumption that March '08 marked the low of the 18 year cycle. Window is +/- 4 weeks. If lower lows are made than in March '08 I'll update, but that is not my expectation at this time. All FWIW and OCICBW blah blah.

    Plenty of resistance above. I'd like to see a weekly close above 79.5 to feel better about it.


    DXY has support at 75.6, 74.5 and 74

    The low was 75.83, so 0.23 out of the first area of support highlighted.

    May prove significant, but ideally Id prefer a test of 75.6, or even the 74.5 if possible :)

    I was looking for 74 to get folks leaning hard the other way and because of the trendline, but I suppose it's too obvious. New lows possible too, of course, but that's not where my thinking is at presently.

  11. Fully in the green now on my SET50 futures trading despite no evidence yet of a reversal. No carryover of positions.

    All trading done on 5-min. Trend reversal only if SET = 685 and then SET = 630 are taken out. These are far away, hence the 5-min. trading. (note: SET data far more reliable for S&R TA than SET50 futures due to too short history in the latter)

    SET daily chart shows clearly why the trendline is so important - no indicators or S&R necessary right now as the only thing SET appears to be respecting is THIS UPTRENDLINE.


    Focus and expectation remain SHORT but I've not yet been proved right. :)

    Be grateful that there are so many gaps that need filling.

  12. If we are pinning our hopes on China to lead the way…….maybe things there

    will not unfold the way we expect :)

    China's Mr. Wu Keeps Talking

    AT 79, Wu Jinglian is considered China's most famous economist.

    In the 1980s and '90s, he was an adviser to China's leaders, including Deng Xiaoping.

    He helped push through some of this country's earliest market reforms, paving the way for

    China's spectacular rise and earning him the nickname "Market Wu."

    In books, speeches, interviews and television appearances, he warns that conservative

    hardliners in the Communist Party have gained influence in the government and are trying

    to dismantle the market reforms he helped formulate.

    Last year, China's state-controlled media slapped him with a new moniker: spy.

    Mr. Wu says the spy rumors were "dirty tricks" employed by his critics to discredit him.

    "I have two enemies," he said in a recent interview. "The crony capitalists and the Maoists.

    They will use any means to attack me."


    Let's see how China markets look in a week or so. It's go time.

  13. the bailout was a fait accompli on its very announcement. The abdication of citizenry responsibilities in a democracy for the prior few decades saw to that. Events are culminations of long standing practices. If your long standing practice is to look the other way just because you (I don't mean you) personally benefit from it, that means you own the consequences of that choice whenever they may surface. Hey, It's All Good!

    I am not American but I can't possibly see how you can say " the citizenry abdicated their responsibilities " :D

    In what greater way could the people possibly

    have got their message accross than by electing representatives ( in good faith ) that they genuinely

    believed were making decisions in the interests of the people ? And bear in mind the people were too

    busy to scratch their a*se to check up on this and were relying on the garbage fed to them

    by the MSM :)

    If I believed as you seem to, that a citizen's sole responsibility in a democracy is to cast their vote, then I might agree with you.

    Most people feed on the garbage that tastes best to them.

    If there is anything to be learnt from the past 2 years is that " democracy " in USA is a utopian concept. :D

    No matter who is voted in the real decisions are made by a handful of Wall street banksters.

    Please enlighten us as to how the citizen's can best get their viewpoint accross to these people :D

    What could be more obvious. You don't let them touch your money. When the followers lead, the leaders will follow, cuz that's where the money is.

  14. the bailout was a fait accompli on its very announcement. The abdication of citizenry responsibilities in a democracy for the prior few decades saw to that. Events are culminations of long standing practices. If your long standing practice is to look the other way just because you (I don't mean you) personally benefit from it, that means you own the consequences of that choice whenever they may surface. Hey, It's All Good!

    I am not American but I can't possibly see how you can say " the citizenry abdicated their responsibilities " :D

    In what greater way could the people possibly

    have got their message accross than by electing representatives ( in good faith ) that they genuinely

    believed were making decisions in the interests of the people ? And bear in mind the people were too

    busy to scratch their a*se to check up on this and were relying on the garbage fed to them

    by the MSM :)

    If I believed as you seem to, that a citizen's sole responsibility in a democracy is to cast their vote, then I might agree with you.

    Most people feed on the garbage that tastes best to them.

  15. It's a tricky one because we don't like taxes...

    For a developing country with a significant group of property owners / investors you'd want a tax, wouldn't you? - like a banded stamp duty (upto 4% in the UK for the buyer), but payable by the seller. Maybe between 0.5% and 1.5% depending upon the value of property; say:

    under 500,000 baht pays 0%.

    500k - 1m baht pays 0.5%

    1m - 3m baht pays 1%

    above 3m baht pays 1.5%

    These don't seem to be crazy rates that would heavily burden the sellers, but would still draw in billions for the government coffers to use wisely on developing the nation. :)

    I'm glad you're not the assessor. Taxes could be a fraction of that and still add substantially to government coffers. As for the issue of government applying the funds appropriately, that would be up to the citizens to oversee.

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