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Posts posted by lannarebirth

  1. A lot of posts here that are breaking the following forum rule:

    29) Do not modify someone else's post in your quoted reply, either with font or color changes, added emoticons, or altered wording.

    This includes bolding (font change) another members text.

    Since you say that 'a lot of posts' are doing that, then it suggests that it is common practice and generally accepted.

    I've been doing that for ages!! If I'm replying to a specific point in a long article, then I find that 'bolding' or changing it to blue makes my reply easier to understand. Generally, readers will have read the original article and I am highlighting the part that I want to comment on.

    Are you saying I shouldn't be doing that? Has anyone complained?

    I do that too. I think it helps to clarify what you're responding to while maintaining proper context.

  2. With my lack of charting skill & your obvious talent for it....

    I would be interested to hear what the charts imply to you.

    Just your interpretation or guess at where you think it is headed in the

    near term. Not for investment advice but just out of interest.

    If your inclined

    The triangle breakout has a measured move to 1140-1150 I have no idea if it will get there. The last triangle breakout from 600ish did achieve its measured move, consolidated there and moved higher still.

    Things would be looking a little better for the goldbugs if it had closed a little higher yesterday. No decisive close (though marginally higher) from previous weekly closing highs. It seems they're trying to draw both longs and shorts in here. That is often bullish, though sometimes not.

    My bias is, because I'm expecting $USD lows in the next few weeks (which may turn out to be all wrong) is that Gold will spike to new highs and come back and test the breakout.. Just a guess.


    That's still my view and I'm guessing it's done soon.

  3. If Sept. 23 was 80 week cycle low, the first 2.5 week cycle low is due between now and Friday. If the lows of 2 weeks ago get broken by much after the next week has passed, $USD is "probably" toast.

    Is that toast I smell?


    My methodology, which I acknowledge may be incorrect, has a $USD botton centering on the last week of September+/- 4 weeks. The $USD made a low on the 23rd which I'm tentatively calling the 80 week cycle low, but a lower low today or next week could be the 80 week low instead. If it goes lower after that period it is no longer in my bottoming window (which may be wrong) so I would have no particular expectation of a trend reversal.

    I smell something coming from the Fed. Don't know if it will be $ positive or $ negative.

  4. If Sept. 23 was 80 week cycle low, the first 2.5 week cycle low is due between now and Friday. If the lows of 2 weeks ago get broken by much after the next week has passed, $USD is "probably" toast.

    Is that toast I smell?


    My methodology, which I acknowledge may be incorrect, has a $USD botton centering on the last week of September +/- 4 weeks. The $USD made a low on the 23rd which I'm tentatively calling the 80 week cycle low, but a lower low today or next week could be the 80 week low instead. If it goes lower after that period it is no longer in my bottoming window (which may be wrong) so I would have no particular expectation of a trend reversal.


  5. perhaps instead of saying "voted out" i should have said "she did not win" i refer to the present election not the previous situation.

    i believe her performance as mayor influenced thai voters, the smear campaign was a bit more mai bphen rai and had no major effect.

    the landslide in 2007 has nothing to do with how voters perceived her this time round.

    just my opinion from my own observations of thai voteing. as i say we differ in our opinions.

    I'm not arguing these points since you seem to know. I do not, so could you please provide the source of your information - specifically what about her performance as mayor caused the Thai voters to elect someone else, and, how you know that the widespread distribution of a surreptitiously recorded video had no major effect upon the recent outcome?

    I think the video DID have a major effect on the outcome of the election, but I don't think it was surreptitiously recorded, was it?

  6. Price corrections don't really seem to happen in Thailand. People just sit on property until someone comes along who is prepared to pay a price which gives a profit to the owner. The absence of a healthy level of prospective purchasers at the current pricing level seems to be of no concern whatsoever to sellers in Thailand.

    So long as you don't want to make any money out of Chiang mai land by re-selling anytime soon then the price is just fine. Of course it is overpriced.

    You may very well be right, but one thing I would point out is, people were saying the same thing a few years ago when prices were cheaper than they are now.

    Here are my obsevations. Prices don't come down, ever.

    The exception to my last statement was when banks were unloading properties en masse after the late 90's economic implosion. The only other exceptions I have seen have been situational, where a specific seller desperately needed the money, NOW.

  7. Hi wehugheog,

    How long have you been with TT&T?

    I'm not sure why no reply but I'll clarify why I'm asking. We've been discussing the poor internet sevice here in Chiang Mai on this forum for years now. Most everyone started with pretty good speeds and speed deteriorated over time, usually significantly. We've had the "Indy" versus "Premier" debate and most who had Indy switched to Premier. Many have switched back as Premier was no better. So, I'm trying to establish if you're getting the normal "new guy" speed or if you are getting a different service than everyone else.

    I have TT&T Premier and TOT Cyber Gold. Lately the TT&T service has been the best of the two, but that isn't always the case. It's rare that they're both crap (crappier than usual that is) at the same time, but that happens too sometimes. Thanks for your reply.

  8. Still waiting ......

    Gold at $1,046 - just a hair from the top boundary of the same pitchfork shown in Gold thread - no changes to the pitchfork, just updated prices.

    I'm not trading Gold but this would be a good take profit point for gold traders as the fork has been working well for some time now.

    Can we also get a major reversal here = reversal in $ too ????


    If Sept. 23 was 80 week cycle low, the first 2.5 week cycle low is due between now and Friday. If the lows of 2 weeks ago get broken by much after the next week has passed, $USD is "probably" toast.

  9. Anyway, congratulations to the goldbugs, the traders and true believers alike. New all time highs. :)

    Pretty nice move :D We will see where it goes this year.

    Didn't Dr. Naam say he was a buyer when it broke $1030? :D

    no he did not. what he said is that he'll buy when gold reaches €850/ounce (=presently $1,250). dollar prices are irrelevant for Naam.

    Naam also challenges LRB's "all time high" statement. inflation adjusted the peak price in jan 1980 represents an all time high and there is a long way to go to beat that high. using a (very) conservative USD inflation rate of 4%, gold has to trade at $ 2,650 to beat that high.

    I prefer a constant dollar approach to valuing things myself, but that is not the usual custom. Nobody is taking about "Dow 800" these days.


  10. I say; good luck to them.

    If all someone has to do is sit somewhere on the street looking down on they're luck and idiots give them money, I can see nothing wrong with that.

    The so-called beggar makes a living and the idiot feels good believing he/she has done a good deed. So everyone's happy all round.

    Thanks for your support, but I should have pointed out I'm pretty discerning and a good judge of circumstances. I can be fooled though. Hasn't harmed me yet.

    One thing I don't do though is buy garlands from the vendors at traffic lights. Much poorer quality than anywhere else I've been in Thailand. My wife wants to steal (rescue?) one of the young girls and take care of her and put her through school . Not sure about that one.

  11. there was a blind man who used to play his harmonica whilst shuffling down the street aided by a walking stick and lead by his wife in the night bazaar quite often, and ive seen him play in the sunday markets as well.

    One night watching the TV, ITV, when it was ITV back then, did a sting on beggars and he was one of them. The TV crew filmed outside his house and showed the guy walking from his house walking without his stick and with no problem seeing. After police were called, the guy fessed up that he had been doing it for a while.

    Some of those blind (I guess) singers in the wet markets have fantastic voices. Yeah, my wife shakes her head when I throw something in the can, but what do I care.

  12. A coupe of clips from the "Financial Crisis"

    Maersk Line seeks UK and Danish job cuts

    Box giant abandons hope of early economic upturn and initiates voluntary jobs cull for 280 officers


    Not sure if this one is relevant but the cow and riot police picture kills me:

    European Farmers’ Anger Spills Into the Streets of Brussels


  13. where is every one? gee a couple of good nights and the bears back in the cave. Midas you dont stop just because you getting it wrong again, thought you were a stayer or you just pop in when the dow red? :)

    Aren't you the only one on this thread that owns stocks? Maybe some others trade them, i don't know. What is it you're looking for, someone to chat with?

    that's ridicules Im looking for consistency, not weak hands that only post to suit there entry exit points. Im the only one here so far that has the balls to call long positions. apparently every one else is a trader ? think about that ... not one single person has declared a long position, very poor form , unless of course Im surrounded by super day traders. I doubt that very much :D

    I make about 500 trades per year +/-, three since the last time we chatted, none of which are stocks. I do belong to a private board where I discuss these things. Why would you expect people would do that here on a Thailand forum?

    Personally, I have no great insight into the global economy ar even global markets. I'm pretty good at pulling money out of them though, using methods I've worked with for a very long time. I understand you're doing well, and I think that's fantastic. Congratulations.

  14. I know some beggars are probably able to work and may have more than they appear to have, but if I'm moved by their circumstances, for whatever reason, I still give something. My wife and kids say I'm a bit of a sucker but I don't care.

    I DID have a lady beggar in Xiamen once, who followed me around after I'd given her something and became more aggressive on each encounter. That was odd and if more were like that I'd probably change my habits, but she was a rare one.

  15. At what gold price do they tank the DOW?


    I'm not sure they would, it's the ratio that''s significant, for those who follow those things. I think(vague recollection) during the Great Depression the DJI fell 90% versus Gold. You can do the math on what that might mean now. Personally I don't think it could happen again, but you never know. Don't have a chart that goes back that far but this is kind of interesting:


    As an aside, I see a lot of people here refer to the Dow or INDU. It's really not a market worth watching IMO. If one does watch, understand it is a price weighted index and you should really see what all 30 stocks are doing on a given day. I've seen the Dow end positive with 5 stocks in the green and 25 in the red. Dow breadth is good thing to follow for market turns if you're not too picky a timer.

  16. The funny thing that is rarely talked about....

    Not since Rep Paul Kanjorski let it slip is this.....

    On Thursday (Sept 18 [2008]), at 11am the Federal Reserve noticed a tremendous draw-down of money market accounts in the U.S., to the tune of $550 billion was being drawn out in the matter of an hour or two. The Treasury opened up its window to help and pumped a $105 billion in the system and quickly realized that they could not stem the tide. We were having an electronic run on the banks. They decided to close the operation, close down the money accounts and announce a guarantee of $250,000 per account so there wouldn't be further panic out there.

    What was the true cause of it? What is to stop it from occurring again?

    The original clip of him where he states the above about 2:20 minutes into the clip.

    Then listen to the last 10 seconds. That somebody who threw us into the Atlantic Ocean without a life raft....Ok who?

    still looking at thee vents around then,, BUT it SURE is interesting to look at the gold price charts from Jan 08 thru till today,,, goldprice.org

    from 850- peroz mid sept down to 750peroz around 18th then back to 950peroz moid Oct then crashing to 720peroz mid Nov and since thnits hit $1000peroz and mostly stayed there.

    Gee i wonder if anyone was making any money ? Now we know where all the stolen billions went - Ah Ha But seriously take alook :)

    Look what Gold did on the day AIG got payed last year. Moonshot, then back down.

  17. where is every one? gee a couple of good nights and the bears back in the cave. Midas you dont stop just because you getting it wrong again, thought you were a stayer or you just pop in when the dow red? :)

    Aren't you the only one on this thread that owns stocks? Maybe some others trade them, i don't know. What is it you're looking for, someone to chat with?

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