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Posts posted by lannarebirth

  1. An ignorant, greedy, short sighted citizenry? Yeah, I think so.

    Actually the ignorant would be the working class that is to busy working & lack the power to influence congress anyway.

    The greedy is the ones that do have the power to influence congress.

    Short sighted? I tend to think that would be the greedy because of course if they have what they want they need not any further long view as they made theirs & the rest can eat cake.

    Given those things I think I agree with skipvice on this one. :)

    I know you sincerely believe that but I couldn't disagree with you more. Bankers and lobbyists are lieing cheating, self dealing scum. You have to be pretty ignorant, shortsighted and greedy not to readily see that. Got a nation of dime bag drugdealers selling to each other and now when they get pinched want to rollover on their connection. Maybe they shouldn't have involved themselves with such things.

    You lost me :D Of course I agree with your assessment of bankers & lobbyist.

    But I thought in your previous post you were saying it was the citizens to blame for letting congress do as they pleased.

    After we saw our instructions to our congress on the bailout reversed. I think everyone now knows whats what. I also think the 2010 vote will show the displeasure with the current crop. But in the end we are in a state of non-representation except for a handful.

    the bailout was a fait accompli on its very announcement. The abdication of citizenry responsibilities in a democracy for the prior few decades saw to that. Events are culminations of long standing practices. If your long standing practice is to look the other way just because you (I don't mean you) personally benefit from it, that means you own the consequences of that choice whenever they may surface. Hey, It's All Good!

  2. Oh Please, its congress who made and passed laws that messed up the economy, ask yourself who was in control of congress for the last decade ???

    An ignorant, greedy, short sighted citizenry? Yeah, I think so.

    Actually the ignorant would be the working class that is to busy working & lack the power to influence congress anyway.

    The greedy is the ones that do have the power to influence congress.

    Short sighted? I tend to think that would be the greedy because of course if they have what they want they need not any further long view as they made theirs & the rest can eat cake.

    Given those things I think I agree with skipvice on this one. :)

    I know you sincerely believe that but I couldn't disagree with you more. Bankers and lobbyists are lieing cheating, self dealing scum. You have to be pretty ignorant, shortsighted and greedy not to readily see that. Got a nation of dime bag drugdealers selling to each other and now when they get pinched want to rollover on their connection. Maybe they shouldn't have involved themselves with such things.

  3. Well, here we are again! Republicans f#kd up the economy and the Democrats are again stuck with cleaning up the mess

    Same strings different puppets. Folks who still believe there are two parties are under a spell.

    you are partially right Flying but the fact remains that republicans fàcked up much more than democrats. that applies especially to the eight years when the village genius and victorious warlord Jorge pequeño de Tejas was the puppet.

    Oh Please, its congress who made and passed laws that messed up the economy, ask yourself who was in control of congress for the last decade ???

    An ignorant, greedy, short sighted citizenry? Yeah, I think so.

  4. Anyhow, as regards the $USD. Updating my prior post I'm looking for 80 week cycle lows centering around the 25th of September. If it is the second 80 week cycle of the 4.5 year cycle I expect higher lows than were seen in March'08. If that occurs my expectation is that $USD Index moves to at least 95. This forecast is based on the presumption that March '08 marked the low of the 18 year cycle. Window is +/- 4 weeks. If lower lows are made than in March '08 I'll update, but that is not my expectation at this time. All FWIW and OCICBW blah blah.

    Plenty of resistance above. I'd like to see a weekly close above 79.5 to feel better about it.


  5. I am sorry. I smell homophobia here. Being gay is not all about sex. It is a gay hotel for tourists, not an orgy palace. They deserve a chance to compete in the market. I won't be staying there for my own reasons but I wish them luck as they try to make their venture succeed.

    What is so threatening and offensive about this, tell me:


    I don't see anything at all threatening or offensive in the website you posted. If you go back through the thread I didn't state any objections at all until you and Paagai gave a clearer description of what the intentions of the hotel were. Didn't Paagai say the website had been "toned down" from its original form?



    And get over this homophobia thing will you. I have drank in gay bars as they were nearest my home in SF. My wife's good friend operated a gay oriented hotel in Bangkok and I have stayed there numerous times. Our girls used to stay with their lesbian "aunties" during their school vacations. You're barking up the wrong tree here.

  6. Gay people are part of the world. Some people with kids, some of your kids may be gay. We don't come out of pods. If your kiddies ask about gay people, just tell them the truth, that there is diversity in the world.

    You want us to hide away in back alleys? We hear you. The answer is NO. I am sure even the Gay Nathee would agree with that.

    BTW, your fears/assumptions that his rather upscale hotel is going to be a sleaze bucket are most likely not true. They advertise, you can go in if you want. Yes, it will be obvious it is a gay oriented business. It's called the LAVENDER, can't avoid that. Again, so what? We exist.

    Also, yes it is in a visible part of town. Again, so what? You think there should be a class of people who are second class who don't deserve to have a big business in a visible part of town (but really you are so liberal, its really OK if y'all hide away in the dark corners)? Well you have a right to think that, but most of those in that class have a right to ignore you and test their business concept in the most brutal environment of all, the free market.

    You're working the wrong angle here Jingthing. That it's a gay establishmeny isn't the issue. That kids are aware of gays, khatoeys, etc isn't the issue. Most of the friends their mother has are gay. they've been around it since they were born. It's no big deal at all. No one cares.

    It's the sex tourist angle. Chiang Mai is not Pattaya. That stuff goes on here and it's tolerated by most everyone, but I think that's mainly because there are certain "zones" for that and it's seldom "in your face". There is more a university town atmosphere and cultural center here. It's not "sin city". Anyhow, I think the marketplace will see this enterprise out in short order. They should have thought it through a bit more.

  7. I'm gay, with six children. Parents don't say to their minor children, "that's where the whores get screwed."

    Where were we? Oh yes, the old SriTokyo hotel, where many gay men lived. I'll bet Lanna Lavender as proposed will not last 6 months.

    That's my guess too.

  8. Gay tourists like to have the CHOICE to stay in a gay hotel or a regular hotel. I have always stayed in regular hotels or residence rentals in CM but in other cities I have chosen gay hotels. It is simply a commercial choice. Other groups do this. In Pattaya there are hotels that are almost all Indian people. There are condos that are almost all Japanese people. We have a right to the choice, like everyone else. A common reason gay people do choose exclusively gay businesses is that we like to let our hair down without fear of offending anyone else (I hope it isn't a news flash for you, but many people hate us, who wants to have a holiday around such people?). Also some support small gay businesses for political reasons, helping out other gay people, the same way again that most demographics in the world also do. For example in the US some Christians will only spend money at businesses that identify themselves as being Christian. You may not like the tribal nature of many people, it may not be the most wonderful thing about human nature (it isn't!), but gays, being human ought to have exactly the same rights as all other groups in their free will CHOICES.

    I doubt anyone disagrees with that. At least among anyone I would care to know. My issue and it's my sole issue really, is that the way it's billed and it's location might make the town seem somewhat seedy.

    You don't have any children I imagine, but its not that much fun to tell your kids what all those girls sitting out in front of the karaoke places do for a living. With the profile this place has, are we going to have to do the same regarding the "boys" out front of the hotel which lies between the hospital and the shopping mall at one of the towns busiest intersections?

  9. Gays live ALL over the city of San Francisco, including the Sunset District comprising about 15 percent of the entire population. Yes, even in the world capital of gay culture, only 15 percent, what are you afraid of? The Castro is one small area, you can take it or leave it. The last post was just a bunch of vicious stereotypes typical of those who don't realize that gay people themselves are very diverse. Its annoying to have to still read that kind of crapola in this day and age.

    I didn't say anything anti-gay and I'm not. I was just lamenting the decline of the neighborhoods in my birthplace. It is not the city of my youth. It's a hedonistic, materialistic theme park now. Speaking of the Sunset, I miss Play Land.

  10. I lived in San Francisco for quite a few years and saw the good things that that having a lot of gays around did for the community. That is what I mean by charm.

    They are often highly educated and bring arts and good restaurants to the neighborhood. They improve homes and are usually good neighbors and almost never violent.

    What is it that bothers you about them?

    That's one way of looking at it. I'm from San Francisco and watched as neighborhood after neighborhood was destroyed buy these DINKY materialists. San Francisco was always charming. That they splashed fresh pastel paints on already beautiful Victorian homes was no great regentrification. Their taxable incomes did help the monetary base however.

    back to the neighborhoods. This is waht it looked like by the time I left, florist, hairsalon, skin care products, gym, pickup bar, juice bar, coffee shop. Repeat continuously. I drove through the Castro each day so YMMV.

  11. It is a well below normal year of rainfall thusfar. The last year I remember like this was about 6 years ago and indeed locals tell me there is some kind of 7 year cycle associated with the weather pattern. Maybe El Nino related? I planted 250 trees this year and I never imagined I'd have to be hand watering them this season, but I am. Sure wish it would rain.

    One bright spot. I have to dig a well next year so I'm thinkng about March should be an extremely low water table and if I drill then I should be OK for most any year.

    Maybe you mean 'below average'.

    Yes, that's exactly what I mean, normal.*

    If there is indeed a 7 year cycle then this year is normal if the last time it was like this was 'about 6 years ago'!! With all the talk about 'global warming' or 'climate change' it seems that every time there is a drier or wetter or hotter year than last year, it must be attributed to that. If the last floods where the worst for forty years, what caused the floods forty years ago when 'global warming' hadn't even been invented? Just a thought. :)

    I'm not attributing it to any of that. I was only lamenting that I have had to work much harder to keep trees watered than I "normally" * would in a normal * year.

    * normal

    noun 7.the average or mean: Production may fall below normal.

  12. BTW I just looked up a company in Thailand with a fleet with an average of 21 years. Now I dont know anything about this company and I believe it is highly regarded. But they have a fleet of 44 ships.

    And here is a statement from there accounts.

    On 1 January 2008, the Group changed the estimated residual value of its vessels by increasing the assumed steel price to USD 400 per tonne from USD 135 per tonne (residual value is calculated by multiplying steel weight of the vessel (Light Displacement Tonnage) with assumed steel price per tonne). This change in estimation was made in line with prevailing steel prices in the market which had significantly increased from previous estimation. However, there was no change made in estimated useful life of vessels. This change in estimation has resulted in increase of net income for the year ended 31 December 2008 by Baht 642.2 million (Baht 0.62 per share), in the Group's consolidated income statements and the net book value of its vessels increased by the same amount.

    I mean its all audited and stuff so its not as though they are doing anything wrong. But if you revalue your ships upwards and dont change their 'estimated useful life' shouldnt the depreciation charge rise. But it fell by Bt800m. Anyway its probably a great company but these are the sort of things that make me stay clear of them.

    If that was a "mark to market" adjustment I think they'll be writing it back down again soon. I can't find specific prices without a subscription but it would appear the breaking business is booming and steel prices are plunging with rising supplies:


  13. Untill we see the next phase of the crisis. and that won't take too long.

    Since when is Naam posting some kind of prediction, huh? :D

    No proved track record, nothing. Please inform us all why YOU think/feel/know the next phase of the "Crisis" is about to unfold.

    Unless you start to post some possible dates (within a two week margin, let's make it easy for you) when the next downturn will take place, backed up by something, I would say Naam is a S%#$@.

    Show the money Naam.


    Alex. Post a date and a reason for that date. Thanks.

    LRB, for the followers of this and some other threads I have given many reasons/hints and tips, pointers.

    If you are not aware, start with the "They say you should never" thread, then the next "When will the crisis end" stuff.

    You peeps seem to have a problem remembering and sifting out "The Messages".

    Not my problem.


    Ok, thanks Alex. That answers my question.

  14. Untill we see the next phase of the crisis. and that won't take too long.

    Since when is Naam posting some kind of prediction, huh? :D

    No proved track record, nothing. Please inform us all why YOU think/feel/know the next phase of the "Crisis" is about to unfold.

    Unless you start to post some possible dates (within a two week margin, let's make it easy for you) when the next downturn will take place, backed up by something, I would say Naam is a S%#$@.

    Show the money Naam.


    Alex. Post a date and a reason for that date. Thanks.

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