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Posts posted by lannarebirth

  1. I went Friday afternoon and had F&C to take away, they had just opened and informed us it would take 10 mins or so, we had a cold beer each while we waited and I had a chat to Ryan the owner while the meal was being cooked, Nice guy. I took the food home and it was great, nothing but praise for it. Will be using it on a pretty regular basis..... :):D

    now having retiredto Chiangmai. I have tried various places for fish and chips and it wasnt until I came across Cheerful charlies .That I tasted the best fish and chips in Chiangmai along with mushy peas and malt vinegar also bread and butter which I could make my own chip buttie.Thanks Charlie it was a pleasure to have found your place

    From farly3 ( Retired Chef)

    I had to look that up. Chip butty, never heard of it. Sounds absolutely horrendous, especially uttered from the mouth of a chef.


  2. I to have heard that the big boys at the ASX can see your stop loss/ conditional order on the screen (everyones). I guess it wouldn't be hard to see if indeed they had privellaged access to such software. Us punters would never have such access, could you imagine the chaos if you wanted to short?? or a cheaper entry? lets see now 2,million shares stopped at .99c, think i will sell one share and watch the stack collapse...

    I dont believe there is such software, hence my great interest to find it. :)

    When you hear of the 'big boys' seeing your stop its because someone at your brokerage has told them(obviously this is at least frowned upon, if not against the law in some places, but prevalent in all places), or its an obvious area e.g around a 'big number', support/resistance etc.

    No one has software to determine what order is what to my knowledge. As mooted previously 'stop loss' orders arent on the cash market, your broker works them.

    Perhaps thats one less avenue of 'manipulation' explained. :D

    The specialist or marketmaker will know but in automated bourses no one would know. That's the way it's supposed to work anyway.

  3. I dont mean to be pedantic, but is the Falafel not Middle Eastern?


    My thoughts exactly and I wouldn`t classify falafel as Western food.

    By the way, what is falafel? sounds like it means camel dung in arabic.

    They have falafels, hamburgers, french fries, fruit shakes, and quite a few other things that I can't remember now. What word would you like to use to some up this menu? I am so sorry for the great confusion with such a misleading adjective.

    BTW; has anybody tried a 30b hamburger there yet? I keep meaning to but never get around to it.

    Burger and fries 50 Baht. Burgers are Pork Chicken or Shrimp. Smallish but tasty. If you're famished buy two.

  4. What I don't understand is, all these people complaining abut this ATM fee; why don't they use a Thai bank account instead? You live here presumably?

    I'm with you on this one as well. If you live here, I really can't understand why people aren't using their Thai bank accounts, seem pretty obvious to me. I guess it just gives them an opportunity to moan.

    Is it so difficult for those putting forward this view to understand that most expats do not derive their primary income from Thailand and face the problem of getting foreign currency into Thai baht? Before the ATM fees were introduced, savvy people were using ATM cards such as Nationwide (UK) or Capital One (USA) to transfer their home currencies into baht with no fees and a good exchange rate. This was done even by those, such as myself, who also have a Thai bank account. That door has been closed and options such as wire transfers are more expensive (a sum that mounts up for people transferring every month). Hence the lively discussion about the rights and wrongs of the new ATM fees. But you knew that already didn't you? .... Or did you doze off?

    I wire from my brokerage account. Intl wire fees are $0 so long as I don't make more than one per 30 days. If more than one wire in 30 days, subsequent transfers are $10. I suppose you could do the same or maybe make less frequent but larger transfers? Up to you of course.

  5. That seems excessive. I think our bill is about the same for a 3 bedroom house, though we only really cool the bedrooms. My guess is that your landlord has jacked up the per unit cost of electricity and has each apartment submetered.

  6. You know I've been travelling overseas all my life and one thing I always here from non Americans is "I know many Americans I like but I just can't stand or support america the country". I always tell them they have it backwards. In the most democratic nation on Earth, what the government does is a DIRECT reflection of the ignorance, greed and hatred of the populace.

    "...most democratic nation on Earth..."

    On what grounds? By what reasoning?

    I believe that America once moved the most towards democracy; now see them moving towards plutocracy, the greatest the world has ever seen.

    Ever been in their schools? Never see such a state of societal indoctrination, social engineering and subjective slavery. The land of free enslaved themselves; then the home of brave filled themselves with fear.

    Yes, that's the point I've been making here for months and years. I think we only differ in our view inthat I think they chose this outcome through perceived selfish interest and that it could not have been imposed if that condition were not extant.

    Yes, we're close in thought. But, why do you think they "chose this outcome"? In my mind, selfish interests (as opposed to reasonable self-interest) has a lot to do with subjective enslavement. With such mental enslavement people start from an emotional conclusion and see what they want to see: i.e. the furor now raging relative to US healthcare insurance. Seeing "death panels" and "pulling the plug on Grandma" is not a choice made; it's determined by emotional selfishness, a blindness, that what one "sees" is believed true because they believe it and selfishly cling to it.

    I didn't write that correctly. I meant to say they made the choices that created this outcome.

    I don't watch the media but I can imagine what the debate might look like. Like all debates in America it will be devisive rather than an effort to build consensus. Democracy as practiced there is all about division. pit the young against the old, the poor against the rich, the gay against the straight, the religious against the ?, this race against that, that gender against the other. It's pretty ugly and I never saw how it could ever lead to good outcomes. The people just don't see themselves as all being in the same boat together. Some think they can win while others lose. Now it's expanding to a global scale. I just never could fathom it, so I gave up trying.

  7. I heard about a little falafel stand set up on Rachaprakhini in front of the Julie Guesthouse Soi. Last night I checked it out. I got there kind of late, near 9pm I think and they were already well packed up. I asked if I was too late but the guy said that it depends what I want. He made my falafel and fries and was a really friendly guy from Florida. The falafel was good and only 45b and the fries 25b. Pretty good meal for 70b! I also saw that they have hamburgers for 30b. I will be back soon to try them out. The fries are the skinny shoestring ones but were ok. They have a surprisingly large menu for the size of the little shop. Apparently the guy feels that western food doesn't need to be as expensive as it is compared to Thai food. Oh ya, its called Cafe Tropico and its South of Same Same Guesthouse and across the road.

    Thanks for the tip. I tried it today. Nice fresh tasty food at very reasonable prices. Frindly too. :)

  8. You know I've been travelling overseas all my life and one thing I always here from non Americans is "I know many Americans I like but I just can't stand or support america the country". I always tell them they have it backwards. In the most democratic nation on Earth, what the government does is a DIRECT reflection of the ignorance, greed and hatred of the populace.

    "...most democratic nation on Earth..."

    On what grounds? By what reasoning?

    I believe that America once moved the most towards democracy; now see them moving towards plutocracy, the greatest the world has ever seen.

    Ever been in their schools? Never see such a state of societal indoctrination, social engineering and subjective slavery. The land of free enslaved themselves; then the home of brave filled themselves with fear.

    Yes, that's the point I've been making here for months and years. I think we only differ in our view inthat I think they chose this outcome through perceived selfish interest and that it could not have been imposed if that condition were not extant.

  9. Do people really take Michael Moore seriously? He would like to think of himself as a probing investigative journalist, but in fact he's just another cog in the mainstream media facade. Although he's a big fat man, his stories are actually pretty lightweight with numerous gaps in the information he presents and too often factually wrong. He sensationalizes all he touches and never lets the true facts interfere with the development of a story. I think the worst piece of crap he's ever done was the one about 9/11 -- let's avoid the real issues and focus on a bunch of superficial crap. The man's a phony!

    Saying that, capitalism IN ITS PRESENT FORM does have problems, but that's mostly due to the fact that governments are controlled by big business. If Moore actually goes into this with some real depth, then maybe he's got a film worth watching, but it would be the first time ever that he actually dug deep and took a chance of upsetting anybody of importance and power.

    Both governments and corporations in democratic countries are controlled by the choices the public makes. If he made a movie about how stupid, selfish and greedy most people are, and that the source of most of their problems is themselves, how many tickets do you think he would sell?

    Part of the problem is people themselves, not most. And, it's not a given that democracy dominates or that people have public choices (US party politics is case in point). The general movement away from democracy towards worldwide plutocracy indicates otherwise. However, believing the problems of capitalism are mostly due to the fact governments are controlled by big business is somewhat one-sided. Ever bigger governments as well as ever bigger businesses have a common denominator: controls of capitalists, desiring to get ever bigger. The control of government is indirectly through its debt and legislation partial to the general interest of values based on capital. The control of business is as shareholders and through management that can lobby legislators for the particular interests of capitalists. Capitalists, businesses, governments primarily revolves around plutocracy, not democracy, as far as I can see. Indeed, to reverse the movement from plutocracy towards democracy appears as part of a radical reformation of capitalism, which pertains to my previous post.

    Since American citizens retirement abilities have become more and more tied to the price performance of corporate stocks, you might deduce that either wittingly or unwittingly the population accedes to the policies that create the best environment for price increases. I don't say the populace planned this outcome, but they have surely been co-opted. War with Iraq was seen as a "buying opportunity". How could killing people you don't know on the other side of the planet be bad if it can enhance your leisure in your retirement years?

  10. Both governments and corporations in democratic countries are controlled by the choices the public makes.

    Thru its elected officials? Yeah that is what I thought too.

    Then I woke up.

    It's the truth. I probably should have included "over a span of years".

    You'd have had health care in America 15 years ago at a cheaper price if the government hadn't let itself be lobbied by special interests ((which the public controls BTW). Bushes tax cuts never made any sense but you still got'em because people don't like paying taxes for the things they use. Not when you can borrow the money. Well those decisions are being reflected today.

    You know I've been travelling overseas all my life and one thing I always here from non Americans is "I know many Americans I like but I just can't stand or support america the country". I always tell them they have it backwards. In the most democratic nation on Earth, what the government does is a DIRECT reflection of the ignorance, greed and hatred of the populace.

  11. Do people really take Michael Moore seriously? He would like to think of himself as a probing investigative journalist, but in fact he's just another cog in the mainstream media facade. Although he's a big fat man, his stories are actually pretty lightweight with numerous gaps in the information he presents and too often factually wrong. He sensationalizes all he touches and never lets the true facts interfere with the development of a story. I think the worst piece of crap he's ever done was the one about 9/11 -- let's avoid the real issues and focus on a bunch of superficial crap. The man's a phony!

    Saying that, capitalism IN ITS PRESENT FORM does have problems, but that's mostly due to the fact that governments are controlled by big business. If Moore actually goes into this with some real depth, then maybe he's got a film worth watching, but it would be the first time ever that he actually dug deep and took a chance of upsetting anybody of importance and power.

    Both governments and corporations in democratic countries are controlled by the choices the public makes. If he made a movie about how stupid, selfish and greedy most people are, and that the source of most of their problems is themselves, how many tickets do you think he would sell?

  12. yada, yada, yada... why the big hoo-hah? everybody knows about the Bilderbergs' conspiracy to illuminate... ahmmm... i mean kill 25% of the world's population by the engineered H1N1 virus and another 25% by forced vaccinations with a killer vaccine. the remaining 50% will be enslaved and will spend the remainder of their natural life in labour camps. and there is nothing we can do about it!


    50% are probably enslaved already. If not physically then mentally , but many volunteered for the position.

  13. Why would anyone ever buy a short handled shovel? I suppose because they're buying it for someone else to use or to put in the trunk of their car for an emergency?

    Anyway, no good shovels made in Thailand. You can find decent shovels imported from Japan, but those are only half length handles. I took it to the welding shop and had it extended. Better still is to have someone from the states bring you one. True Value sounds interesting and I'll check it out if ever I get to Pattaya again.

    Does True Value have a website, anyone know?

    edit: I see they do:


    A little short on pricing details however:


  14. Gold, Precious Metals Real or False Breakout?

    I think all those obsessed with looking in the rear view mirror instead of paying attention to the road ahead are missing a few things.

    And the answer is, not a living soul knows, and there are probably about 6 Billion people on Earth that don't care either.

    even if they knew and care, most of the 6 billion people do not have the means to counteract whatever they might expect on the road ahead.

    And even if they have the means they make the wrong choices, or the right choice, then the wrong choice. Everything is in play.

  15. An unenforceable contract usually arises where one or more of the 6 precepts for a binding contract under civil law hasn't been met at the time of the signing or verbal agreement of the contract.

    These are: 1. Consent - both parties have given consent to the contract without coercion or being in a disadvantaged position

    2. Capacity - both parties are capable of entering into a contract i.e of sound mind, of legal age etc

    3. Consideration- something of value must be involved i.e. money or goods

    4. Legal - contract must not mean that any law would be broken for example

    5. Form - some contracts ( property for example) must be in writing and are not enforceable if they arent

    6. Offer and Acceptance - must have been an offer made and an acceptance given

    Hope this helps.

    Aren't those the conditions which make a contract voidable? That's not the same thing as unenforceable, is it?

  16. Here's a good a place as any.

    I normally like Mish ( Mike Shedlock) but this smacks of ...."after the horse has bolted".

    "The trends seem to show people are getting increasingly fed up with unions even as Obama himself is clearly leaning the other way. Certainly the defined benefit pension plans of public workers are nothing short of outrageous as well as one of the primary reasons many states and municipalities are in deep fiscal trouble. Waning support of unions is a good thing."


    He's not sitting on the fence......which I like.

    Public pensions seems to be the "hard on" subject of late. Both sides of the pond.


    Except for government workers, "Labor" is a spent force in America:


  17. there was a miner slow sell off friday whilst waiting for the jobs numbers USA. The reason the sell off was slow is that buyers stepped up . Bought all my stock back that I sold ,around 50% and cheaper , you could just see the confidence Friday, nothing seems to shock the market anymore. Thought the Dow might be flat but nope, up 100. Many totally closed positions and went short Friday OUCH!

    Zorro can you help me understand something ?

    I have been reading many blog sites such as Mish's, zero hedge, Jesse's café etc. I know you

    don't pay attention to these sites but many other people evidently are. Then last week a company on another web

    site (TrimTabs ) warned that the number of insider sellers compared to buyers is now 30 x greater which is

    why TrimTabs are forecasting the end of the rally sooner than later.

    Not only are almost all the articles very negative – 90% of the comments following are the same.

    they have gone beyond describing it as just the manipulation of the stock market and now some are

    likening it to " fraud ".

    Read them for yourself. My question is if there are so many people who evidently now have a very

    cynical view of the lack of integrity in the stock market- who is actually left to participate ?

    Is it is just a few very big players and you ? :)

    The point you're missing midas, is that people don't really care that it's a scam. They just want their stocks to go back up. The Buddha got that one right.

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