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Everything posted by Hanaguma

  1. L'il Kim gets grumpy when he is ignored, so he does the tyrant's version of throwing his toys out of the play pen. In his case, shooting his rockets. Gotta be some psychology there.... People in Japan are noticing the definite uptick in missile launches since Biden took over the presidency.
  2. Hopefully the new President in SK will be a bit more pragmatic and forward looking than his predecessor. The South unfortunately tends to obsess on past events to an unhealthy extent and it prevents them from focussing on the actual problem, which is of course North Korea.
  3. One result will be that Japan is going to go on a serious military spending spree. Up to now, Japan has only been spending about 1% of GDP on defence, but that is going to change. The weapons mix is also changing- VTOL carriers are being built on existing hulls, there is a contract to buy Tomahawk missiles, etc. Kim may have messed up big time here. Plus he will drive Japan and South Korea together in collective defence, in spite of their bitter differences.
  4. Sure, because Biden is such a keen observer of the Asian geopolitical scene...
  5. How about cancelling the ridiculously named Inflation Reduction Act? Also the American Rescue Plan. Also the insane student loan payback. Freeing up the energy industry.
  6. He also talked to faeries and was trying to find housing for them... talked to angels too. The police report is just the surface of the situation. This guy has been unhinged for more than a decade.
  7. This actually sounds reasonable to me. The guy was strung out and mentally unstable, to put it charitably. Quite a good fit in the world of Berkley activism. It will take some time to unravel it all, that's for sure. Anyone who claims that they KNOW what motivated him already is not worth taking seriously.
  8. By overspending and overborrowing, the Biden administration made everything worse. He has also made enemies of the energy industry. He is also draining the nation's strategic oil reserve for little reason. He came to office pledging to be a moderate voice and bring peace to a nation in turmoil. He has not done so.
  9. In other words, she has been treated much like any other politician of either party. And your point is... I am not condoning the cowardly attack on her husband by any means. But it is a stretch to try and connect it to Twitter.
  10. Indeed. And the momentum and energy are flowing exclusively one direction at the moment. The Democrats are unable to defend Biden's record, so they fall back on the usual mantra of Trump Abortion J6. But people see through it and need to ask themselves one simple question, "are you better off today than when Joe Biden took office?". Senate will wind up 51-48, with Georgia going to a runoff. Then 52-48. Oz wins, Vance wins, Johnson wins, Masters loses by a very small margin, Laxalt wins.
  11. Better to let people vent their collective spleen in public than to keep it bottled up. Musk knows what he is doing.
  12. To be precise, the bus is in the driveway of the house, so on the property if you care to look at the pictures in the article. TBH, I don't think this loser was aligned with anything but his own mental illness. He has been a nutter for more than 15 years, accused by his kids of molestation, the kind of guy who takes up whatever the latest cause/conspiracy/protest is. THAT is his motivation.
  13. New York Post do for you? "DePape had been living in a dilapidated yellow school bus on the street in front of Taub’s Berkeley home, said neighbors who described him as otherwise “homeless.” A Black Lives Matter sign and a flag combining pot-leaf symbols and the LGBTQ rainbow decorate the debris-strewn property. Out front, an unpainted wooden fence sports a hand-lettered sign: “News Reporters Go Away.” https://nypost.com/2022/10/29/paul-pelosi-jr-gives-update-on-fathers-condition/
  14. Favourite spices and spice mixes (Montreal Steak Spice Mix for example) Ghirardelli Dark Chocolate with Raspberries Chocolate Chip Granola Bars Onion Soup Powder (for making chip dip) Ranch Dressing Powder (for wing and veggie stick dip)
  15. If you insist on bringing partisan politics into the mix, Speaker Pelosi is just as hated by the extreme left as the right. Also, I am wondering how many MAGA folks live in houses with Gay Pride flags flying and Black Lives Matter signs in the window, as the suspect does.
  16. Very true, that. When they climate hysterics start to actually LIVE as though they believed their cant, I would begin to take them seriously. When they stop issuing dire warnings about the rise in the sea levels while simultanously buying expensive seaside villas, for example.
  17. No? Do you not sense a certain...lean...in a certain direction in their coverage? Unhesitating in accepting whatever the Fetterman campaign pumped out about his condition. It is obvious that he has been suffering a far greater injury than was reported, and should have left the campaign immediately to attend to his own health. And lately the nonsense about him simply suffering an auditory problem- it was clear to see that in the debate he could not formulate sentences or coherent thoughts. Nothing to do with auditory issues whatsoever. He is nearly half a year into his recovery and the results are not good- again a far cry from what was portrayed in the press. Whoever pushed him to continue his bid for the Senate is heartless and mean.
  18. Twitter has ALWAYS been a "hate megaphone". Only difference is that now the hate will come from two directions, not one.
  19. Checked Mr. Starbuck's account. Perhaps this is what the article meant by transphobic and misinformation: People who want porn in school libraries are groomers. Pedophiles should face the death penalty in court. Men are born with a penis and Women are born with vaginas. Only narcissists demand their own pronouns Men can't menstruate or get pregnant Women's spaces should be left for women only, not people with penises In any case, if you don't like Twitter, you are more than welcome to start your own social media platform.
  20. So what? The bottom 50% would still be mired in poverty and suffering to a far greater extent without the top 1% making progress in fields like agriculture and industry. Extreme poverty is at the lowest level in history.
  21. Then shouldn't the "stop having kids" crowd focus their efforts THERE? Or does it only apply to wealthy countries...
  22. Really? No prejudice here. It is simple truth. A man whose very first words are "Hi, good night everyone" is not well. He is suffering from significant cognitive distress. And needs time to recover. The simple fact that he refuses to release his health records is enough to make people wonder what he is hiding. And no, the note from his doctor (a major contributor to his campaign) is not sufficient. Even though Fetterman assured us that, "My doctor believes that I am fit to be serving, and that's what I believe is where I'm standing," Fetterman asked for accommodation to help his auditory difficulties. It was provided. He was able to practice with it before the debate. And STILL he was barely able to utter a coherent thought. What his performance DID show is that the media has been running cover for him for 6 months. His wife called his stroke "just a little hiccup" in May and he said "I am well on my way to a full recovery". He refused to drop out of the race to be the Democratic candidate. Even though there were other, legitimate candidates available. The media allowed him to hide for most of the summer and avoid any interviews or, God forbid, a debate with his opponent, until near the end of the campaign. And now they throw out "ableist" at anyone who points out the obvious.
  23. Taken to its logical end, the "stop having kids" crowd would have us commit slow social suicide. It is the logical end of such a policy- the slow end of humanity as a species in 80 years or so. Not to mention you can see the rather disastrous results of such thinking in places with seriously low birth rates, like Japan or Greece or South Korea. Tax shortfalls, shortages of care/health workers to see to the needs of seniors, dropping productivity, etc.
  24. One can only hope that the horrid performances by Democrats at the senate and gubernatorial level debates last week will sway enough voters. In particular, Mr. Fetterman was actually one where I felt sorry for him. After months of hearing that his recovery was progressing well, and reporters claiming to have wonderful and in depth conversations with him, the truth was exposed. All Democrats can hope for is that their tactic of delaying the debate until well after advanced voting started helps him limp over the finish line.
  25. All desperate attempts to tie this to the Bad Orange Man need to wait until some actual investigation is done. He does seem to have some, shall we charitably say, mental issues if the reports from people who know him are anything to go by. The only good news so far is that Mr. Pelosi is expected to make a full recovery.
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