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Everything posted by Hanaguma

  1. I would LOVE Gaza to be free. Free from Hamas, free from 7th century religious fanaticism, free for LGBT people to live as who they are, free for women to take their place in society as the equals of men, free from terrorist indoctrination of children...
  2. True. Not too many people are willing to call a spade a spade. But somewhere in the middle between "health care" and "genocide" can be a happy descriptive medium that tries to be accurate and non emotional. I would say that 'abortion' would cover that. But in truth what is happening is that the baby is being sacrificed.
  3. One thing is certain. Joe has certainly had a LOT of time to "monitor the situation". His daily schedule lately has been, shall we say, rather light. Wednesday. One campaign event for one hour in the late afternoon. Tuesday. One event at 300pm Monday. No events Last Friday. One 30 minute interview
  4. Yeah, I do too. It's a guilty pleasure. But it really shouldnt be necessary. This is a job for law enforcement. No need to make martyrs of the idiots. The real villains are the cowards who run the universities and let this fester in the first place.
  5. And, as noted, the police nowhere in sight. Whoever was wrong or right, this kind of violence should not be allowed on a university campus. Those participating should be identified, expelled (if students) and charged with crimes. It is shameful on the university administration to allow this. At least Columbia finally nutted up.
  6. As usual, the people using the euphemisms are the ones who are in the wrong. Abortion is not "health care". It is killing a baby before it is born. At least have the stones to use clear language to describe what you advocate.
  7. I dunno. I'd rather he get tough on Iran, and Hezbollah, and Hamas. Not due to domestic policy considerations, but simply because it is the right thing to do. The students aren't rioting because of Gaza or the plight of the poor oppressed Palestinian people. Most of them couldn't find Gaza on a map without consulting Alexa. Nah, they are piling on because on a superficial level, the conflict mirrors the racial bias that they have grown up on. Evil white colonizers surpressing poor innocent brown people. Typical shallow neo-Marxist BS that their professors shove down their willing throats at every opportunity.
  8. Your guess would be wrong. There are myriad cases of Jewish students and faculty being denied entry to campus buildings, to their offices, and so on. Being assaulted and threatened with bodily harm. Have there been any cases where the police stepped in during simple, peaceful protests? Or were there other elements at play, such as blocking access to the campus, setting up illegal encampments, damaging/destroying property, and so on.
  9. No, he hasn't. The Court decided to let the states decide for themselves, and they are. You might want to look at the polls that include JFK JR as a third choice. Apocalyptic for Biden.
  10. Ah, that tired old shibboleth. "Jobs Americans won't do". That manages to be insulting to both Americans and the illegal immigrants at the same time. Americans are lazy, and illegals are only good for crap jobs that are beneath 'real' Americans. Congrats with that. But of course it is not true. There are millions of Americans working in agriculture, including in Florida. You are correct that unscrupulous employers exploit the illegals and take advantage of their vulnerability. This should and could be fixed by Congress so that hiring such labor results in a hefty fine and/or imprisonment.
  11. I tihnk this kind of thing gets left up to the discretion of the immigration officer you happen to meet. You are flying in, not coming by land, which has a more formalized '2 entries visa exempt per year" policy. I would suggest perhaps at least once or twice visiting a DIFFERENT SE Asian country in between your Thai adventures. Malaysia is beautiful, Cambodia is fascinating, etc. If the guy in the brown uniform sees stamps from a variety of places, the chance that he will refuse you entry to Thailand will be lower. BUT if all he sees are Thai entry stamps, it might provoke his suspicion.
  12. ...and here we go! "b-b-but Trump...." makes an appearance. Lose your TDS, friend.
  13. Actually, that's not true. Best research says that about 40% of ag workers in Florida are 'non citizen immigrants', but that includes both legal and illegal in one group.
  14. ...or they would have stayed in their jobs if the morons in Washington hadn't shut the country down. Once the whole COVID paranoia ended, people would have gone back to work naturally. The overstimulus of the economy with too much free money is what led to the inflation crisis that is so hard to tackle now. In any case, the people aren't feeling it. Biden's approval on the economy is rather low.
  15. You can tell they are a bunch of losers when they specify 'no coffee'. How about just close the entire campus. Block all roads in and out. Put a barrier around their 'camp' and let them stew in their own juice for a few days. No supplies allowed in. No vegan snacks. And worst of all, no attention. Just let them sit until they get over their tantrum. Then arrest them as they leave.
  16. How many of those "created" jobs were actually just people going back to work after being laid off due to COVID? Reminds me of the bogus "jobs created and saved" number used by others.
  17. Good question. "Free speech" is NOT the issue at universities. Students can demonstrate, wave signs, and protest to their hearts' content. They can NOT block buildings, block roads, prevent the normal operations of the university (classes etc) from happening. They most certainly cannot commit break and enter, burglary, vandalism, property destruction. This is what caused the Columbia president to finally take action.
  18. All completely wrong and irrelevant. This particular confilct has "the jooos", and a convenient Marxist settler/colonial narrative built in for those of low intelligence to exploit. Kind of a 'twofer' for the bigoted and uninformed. They can be anti-Jewish while claiming to be for 'justice' for the oppressed. This narrative doesn't fit as nicely into other conflicts, even though the other conflicts are far more terrible in human terms.
  19. Yeah. Gaza, but without the hotels and cafes and beach. Sure. No. The idea is to remove what the smooth brained kids want so desperately, which is attention. It is a standard parenting technique when dealing with bratty kids. Isolate and ignore. It also has the bonus that they can't disrupt the campus for the rest of the people who may want to (gasp) get an education.
  20. I dunno, in a contest of credibility in which the contestants are the IDF and Hamas, I kinda lean IDF. Hamas has a well practised and clever propaganda machine, and they have the added benefit that a credulous media usually swallows what they say. The IDF is always questioned- and rightly so. If only the same level of scrutiny was used more evenly...
  21. I seem to remember the news saying that they were in imminent danger of starving since about the second day of the conflict.
  22. Exactly. Which is why the question of whether the Bad Orange Man actually did 'the deed' with these two is irrelevant. As to whether the jury will decide whether or not he is a liar, that ship has sailed. He is. Welcome to New York.
  23. Possibly. Although what evidence is there actually? The whole Stormy Affair was in what, 2006? Could just become a 'he said, she said'. Same for McDougal. Personally, I'm sure he actually did the deed. He's the kind of guy who thinks with the little head for sure. But in the end it really isn't important to the case. Consensual sex between adults and all that. He wasn't paying them off to cover up a crime, just to cover up the possible embarrassment.
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