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Everything posted by Hanaguma

  1. So, as many have asked, what is YOUR alternative? Ukraine cannot win back their territory without direct military intervention (troops and air power) from NATO. Do you support this? In war, sometimes the bad guy wins. The best WE can do is minimize the effect.
  2. Simon makes sense. Of course nobody wants to see a bully profit from their aggression. But the cost of returning to status quo ante is more than the game is worth. Is Ukraine worth a potential World War 3 between NATO and Russia? That is the bottom line. Because the Ukranians won't be able to expell the Russians from their territory otherwise. They will only gradually lose more and more territory and more and more lives. Ukraine isnt a NATO member, or EU member, was never actually a free and democratic country. I don't think it is worth the expenditure of blood and treasure to make them whole. So they lose some land, gain some security guarantees, and move forward.
  3. It is amazing how many people so deeply sympathize with the Palestinian people and their suffering, yet choose to stay in countries surrounded by kuffar and Jews. Logic dictates that they should take their medical talents and go support their 'people' directly, instead of being keyboard warriors.
  4. Europe can deal with European problems if they choose. Their combined GDP is ten times that of Russia. They have just been slack and lazy and depending on Uncle Sugar to look after them. Well, those days are over. Meanwhile, the Asia/Pacific region is where the real action is, and the centre of power for the next century. Europe is over.
  5. They can't complain at all. AFAIK she is the first woman AND first Person of Colour to hold the post. All hail identity politics! Any criticism of her can be met with strident cries of "Racist!" and "Misogynist!".
  6. Always on the warpath about something. Term limits are desperately needed.
  7. Not true. Latest studies suggest that less than half of Israeli Jews are European or Russian descent. A similar number are North African/Asian.
  8. The Jordanians are understandably wary of the Palestinians, given their past attempts to murder the Jordanian king. It is apparent that NOBODY likes or wants to aid the Palestinians. I say the easiest answer is to give Gaza back to Egypt. Hell, they ran the place in 1948 when Israel fought their war of independence. Let THEM deal with it.
  9. And good luck to them if they choose to get involved.
  10. There has been a death cult in the Palestinian territories for decades. You can see pictures of "martyrs" (dead terrorists) hanging in shops and restaurants everywhere. The books used in schools glorify death and demonize Israel. As the great Mark Steyn wrote; On the West Bank, almost all the humdrum transactions of daily life take place in a culture that glorifies depravity: you walk down a street named after a suicide bomber to drop your child in a school that celebrates suicide-bombing and then pick up some groceries in a corner store whose walls are plastered with portraits of suicide bombers.
  11. Exactly. If the Arab countries don't like the Trump Plan, they can pony up the money and rebuild Gaza themselves. And host the Gazans while construction is happening. The vast majority of people living in Gaza are refugees, aren't they? They can be refugees somewhere else.
  12. I just completed this quiz. My Score 50/100 My Time 102 seconds  
  13. Agreed, which is why I used the word "general". In North America perhaps the greater problem is that even young ladies 'let themselves go' rather quickly. Any photos of a uni campus in the US will show a sad proportion of the students are already getting chunky. By contrast, I teach at an all-female university, and there is perhaps one girl per class who is anything approaching overweight.
  14. It is a general truism that Asian ladies age gracefullly and do not become hippos. My wife just turned 55 and can still fit into her high school uniform (don't ask me how I know that....) North America there are some, 5% maybe, who are still attractive in their 50s. But the odds are against it.
  15. I just completed this quiz. My Score 80/100 My Time 148 seconds  
  16. I just completed this quiz. My Score 80/100 My Time 112 seconds  
  17. I just completed this quiz. My Score 90/100 My Time 107 seconds  
  18. Polievre? Of course, he is my choice for next PM. And he is making sense. Has been for years. You need to do a bit more reading if you think he in any way supports what Trudeau has been doing to our country. And no, Trump's typical rants are not grounds for hatred. They are just Trump being Trump. Learn to separate the noise from the message. Most smart economists recognize that fact. Our media is the same- have to separate the noise from the message. The noise is "oh noes, here comes the Bad Orange Man to take over our country!!" and the message is "vote Liberal".
  19. Not necessarily. You just roll her in flour and aim for the wet spot. Just pray that you don't wind up in an armpit by mistake...
  20. In spite of Trudeau, not because of Trudeau. He cancelled the Northern Gateway pipeline, regulated Energy East into the ground, etc. Getting our oil to market via our own country has been a concern long before Trump won his FIRST election. And Trudeau sabotaged it. It is nothing new. I have a feeling that you don't consume much Canadian media. I do. And the level of paranoia and pearl clutching is staggering. Much like the US, the major networks lean left. Unlike the US, we also have a government run network that is even more blatantly biased and is in fear that their funding will be cut if the Liberals are out of government.
  21. THAT'S your answer? "They always bitch and moan..."? Trudeau is the guy who promised to phase out the oil industry. Requires them to reach zero emissions and also increased tax on carbon. He lamented that he couldn't shut down our oil sands "tomorrow". He cares more about his image with his Davos friends than about the prosperity of the Canadian people.
  22. You need to read beyond the headlines, my friend. The article notes the following; Relations between Canada’s energy sector and the federal government have been rocky in recent years, with the industry accusing the government of imposing a de facto production cap by setting what companies say are unrealistic and unachievable climate targets. and The CAOEC also called Friday for the federal government to abandon specific policies the oil and gas sector believes will put Canada’s energy sector at a disadvantage to its U.S. competition under a Trump administration.
  23. The problem is both. They are not new issues, nothing to do with Trump. The current government has simply been ignoring them. Plus the lack of refinery capacity to turn crude oil into useful products. And the federal government's hostility towards fossil fuels.
  24. The current government has been anti-oil since they arrived. Kind of suspicious timing that they suddenly are so much in favour of it now. It is no surprise that Canadians want more options regarding exports, that is only common sense. The fearmongering is all the hand-wringing about Trump invading, making Canada the 51st state, all that nonsense. The common refrain of the left in Canada is "oh no, the Conservatives will bring in American style (insert issue here)". Hence the Liberals now trying to distract people the same way.
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